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India and the Vedas.

India and the Vedas.


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The Kali Yuga began 5000 years ago and ever since India has been on the decline spiritually and materially (washing machines and flat screen TV,s are not advancement)

If you want to understand spirituality and the Vedas do not approach an Indian.

Indians have thrown away their Vedic culture centuries ago and their decline began because of this.

The present day Indian culture does not represent Vedic culture.

In fact there is probably more meat eating and more religions in India than anywhere else.

As Kali Yuga advances we will see degradation increase and the problems of India and the world increase.

Indians have this hodge podge understanding of their own Vedic culture and hardly anyone in India follows.

People live on the street even in Australia and America and this is because of the Godless society we live in.

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Originally posted by Dasa
The Kali Yuga began 5000 years ago and ever since India has been on the decline spiritually and materially (washing machines and flat screen TV,s are not advancement)

If you want to understand spirituality and the Vedas do not approach an Indian.

Indians have thrown away their Vedic culture centuries ago and their decline began because of this.

The p ...[text shortened]... the street even in Australia and America and this is because of the Godless society we live in.
In case you have not noticed its only in the last 10-15 years or so that India is becoming more developed and graadually now taking care of their own people. There is now a very large educated and prosperous middle class.

The sooner India can shed the shackes of their backward religion and culture the better off the people will be.

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Originally posted by Dasa
The Kali Yuga began 5000 years ago and ever since India has been on the decline spiritually and materially (washing machines and flat screen TV,s are not advancement)

If you want to understand spirituality and the Vedas do not approach an Indian.

Indians have thrown away their Vedic culture centuries ago and their decline began because of this.

The p ...[text shortened]... the street even in Australia and America and this is because of the Godless society we live in.

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Originally posted by Dasa
The Kali Yuga began 5000 years ago and ever since India has been on the decline spiritually and materially (washing machines and flat screen TV,s are not advancement)

If you want to understand spirituality and the Vedas do not approach an Indian.

Indians have thrown away their Vedic culture centuries ago and their decline began because of this.

The p ...[text shortened]... the street even in Australia and America and this is because of the Godless society we live in.
Don't you have an apostrophe key on your computer?

edit - not that there should be an apostrophe in TVs anyway, but I'm guessing that's what you were getting at when you inserted the comma

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Originally posted by Rajk999
In case you have not noticed its only in the last 10-15 years or so that India is becoming more developed and graadually now taking care of their own people. There is now a very large educated and prosperous middle class.

The sooner India can shed the shackes of their backward religion and culture the better off the people will be.
The increase of academic/technical education in India has qualified them to compete in the capitalistic market place of the world- and an Indian will think he is very successful if he owns a modern washing machine.

India has the greatest culture in the world but it has all but disappeared.

All the problems of India as observed - is not because of Vedic culture but because of giving up Vedic culture.

What is backward about a culture with the most sophisticated language in the world (Sanskrit) and the Vedas which are the source of all knowledge.

What is backward about a culture that has taught the world how to count with numbers. (see Einstein quote)

You are not judging the Vedic culture - but you are judging the failed pseudo Vedic culture.

Hinduism is not Vedic culture.

The word Hindu will not be found in the Vedas.

The word Hindu is a current concoction - and seems to have stuck with everyone.

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Originally posted by Dasa
The increase of academic/technical education in India has qualified them to compete in the capitalistic market place of the world- and an Indian will think he is very successful if he owns a modern washing machine.

India has the greatest culture in the world but it has all but disappeared.

All the problems of India as observed - is not because of Vedic cu ...[text shortened]... in the Vedas.

The word Hindu is a current concoction - and seems to have stuck with everyone.
Well they're going to call you something so why not "hindu"? What do you care what labels the world puts on you, no matter how degrading, after all our faith and experience is all we have. Our connections to the unseen are also not seen, and when we talk like a commander of something,as you often do, it does lessen the impact of an essentially feminine,receptive religon.

Seems some of the posters dont think India to be great as it is still.
But as you and I know, India has been a great exponent of eastern mysticism and philosophy, a non-violent attitude and diversity-embracing paradigms.
They have had many examples of authentic god-like stories, often coming from ones who were not accosiated with the society they lived in. How else could buddha have come and shown us the middle way? Being born in Mongolian China? Or colonial U.S.? I think not.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Well they're going to call you something so why not "hindu"? What do you care what labels the world puts on you, no matter how degrading, after all our faith and experience is all we have. Our connections to the unseen are also not seen, and when we talk like a commander of something,as you often do, it does lessen the impact of an essentially feminine, ...[text shortened]... me and shown us the middle way? Being born in Mongolian China? Or colonial U.S.? I think not.
If anyone must know......I am a Vaisnava which is a person who lives and accepts the Vedanta Sutra.

The ism is then called Vaisnavism.

Thus I belong to the - (Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya.) you can look that up if you want to know more.

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Originally posted by Dasa
If anyone must know......I am a Vaisnava which is a person who lives and accepts the Vedanta Sutra.

The ism is then called Vaisnavism.

Thus I belong to the - (Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya.) you can look that up if you want to know more.
Yes but look at the title of the thread and then your comments on India and Hinduism. You do both a disservice and instead of being INclusive and calling your self a hindu you are being more exclusive by calling yourself Vaisna.

At the end of the day you're not going to get people into Hinduism or anything remotely Indian with such an elitist air to your posts.
Just sayin'

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Originally posted by Dasa
You see, that right there, is confusing.

What if a devotee was to come along and find how you have also put them down?

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Yes but look at the title of the thread and then your comments on India and Hinduism. You do both a disservice and instead of being INclusive and calling your self a hindu you are being more exclusive by calling yourself Vaisna.

At the end of the day you're not going to get people into Hinduism or anything remotely Indian with such an elitist air to your posts.
Just sayin'
Get people into Hinduism? Thats not what he is trying to do !

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Originally posted by Rajk999
Get people into Hinduism? Thats not what he is trying to do !
Yes he is. He just calls it the Vedas. Call it what you want, I want to generalize more about Hinduism and India to show it's better points,Dasa seems to want to get more and more specific.

(I seem to recall you as putting down India, calling it dirty and poor-a very unbalanced appraisal,imo, but not an out and out lie by any means.)

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Yes he is. He just calls it the Vedas. Call it what you want, I want to generalize more about Hinduism and India to show it's better points,Dasa seems to want to get more and more specific.

(I seem to recall you as putting down India, calling it dirty and poor-a very unbalanced appraisal,imo, but not an out and out lie by any means.)
I gave what I thought were both good and bad points about India.
Giving one side either good or bad is deceitful in my opinion.
The whole truth .. a very important concept.

Why exactly would you care to give one side and "show its better points?"

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Originally posted by Rajk999
I gave what I thought were both good and bad points about India.
Giving one side either good or bad is deceitful in my opinion.
The whole truth .. a very important concept.

Why exactly would you care to give one side and "show its better points?"
Well the Vedas ,and the vedic tradition in general I find to be a better point.
I have also pointed out other things, such as non-violence and a "diversity embracing" society and religons in general. I believe this more accepting attitude has led to less blood shed.

Another better point would be that,(as I've pointed out before), buddha came out of hindu India and made one of the Hindu avatars. Do you think someone could've come along in historical christianity and achieved the same status?

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