Is Atheism Dead ?

Is Atheism Dead ?


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The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
16 Oct 21

@suzianne said
I'd say to make it more difficult to get off this planet and go pollute the rest of the universe.
It’s as good a rationale as any, if I was a creator I would definitely not want us escaping from the lab in case the other creators found out.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
16 Oct 21
4 edits


Are you still deluding yourself that the universe has been calibrated to suit life rather than life emerged and calibrated itself according to the rules dictated by an unconscious universe.

No indeed. I am following the inference to what I think it the best explanation that the Creator with plan, with purpose, with intention, with wisdom, with knowledge exquisitely established the laws by which His central masterpiece of humans designed to be in His likeness and image could exist.

Furthermore think God, the Designer KNEW that some of His creatures would follow a proud, unthankful, rebellious, path chasing after a temporary lie that there is no God. So He purposely calibrated it so as to blow their their minds (those who had sense enough to read the writing on the wall so to speak).

Furthermore, I think He timed the whole matter knowing how these creature of His would encrease in knowledge. So He caused them to arrive in His universe at just right window time in which their own powers of discovery would notice how precisely they were situated to view the whole tremendous environment.

Like I said before, God is way, way ahead of us. I believe His forethought as to how human history would developed was totally and completely known to Him before we were created even.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
16 Oct 21
1 edit

Have you ever wondered why we can only exist within a very narrow temperature range and why we can only exist in an atmosphere with a very narrow range of oxygen levels. It’s almost as if we’ve evolved to inhabit a very small niche aspect of a universe that for the most part is desolate and void of all life.

If you want to propose some thoughts on that, go right ahead. Let me hear what you would propose.

Apparently, a multitude of factors coalesced together for the arrival of life and humanity. It is amazing not only that they came together sequentially if there was some evolutionary process. It is just as amazing that they occurred AT ALL.

So whether these factors coalesced over a very long period of time or not, that they (seemingly unrelated) were orchestrated together AT ALL is amazing.

What do think the designer was thinking of when it created the vast majority of its creation?

My Bible tells me that death is the last enemy to be vanquished by Christ. And eternity will tell what use God has / had for the vastness around us.

Think of a baby in a baby crib whose mother has placed some little plastic toys, shapes, bells, and things for the baby's attention as she is growing in cognition.

Like a little baby in a crib can barely discern the purpose of the little plastic toys the living parents have dangled over him, helping him to learn, recognize, be fascinated with the world, so in our infant stage of salvation we may now grasp the significance of the larger area. We can just begin to appreciate the few (few million) things provided for us for our development.

God's promise of eternal life I feel must be backed up with an infinite amount of love and wisdom to fill eternity with wonderful and exciting adventures of cooperation with the Eternal King of the ages.

Concerning Christ's kingdom the prophecy of Isaiah says "To the increase of His government and to His peace there is no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To establish it and uphold it in justice and righteousness from now to eternity. The zeal of Jehovah of hosts will accomplish this." (Isaiah 9:7)

I believe the whole big tremendous thing of the universe was created for Christ and His kingdom of God. Eternity will tell, for those who are saved, what purpose He had for it all.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
16 Oct 21


Two typo corrections:

Like a little baby in a crib can barely discern the purpose of the little plastic toys the [loving] parents have dangled over him, helping him to learn, recognize, be fascinated with the world, so in our infant stage of salvation we may [not] now grasp the significance of the larger area.

If you want change

Vote for it!

16 Feb 08
17 Oct 21
2 edits

@sonship said
I believe the whole big tremendous thing of the universe was created for Christ and His kingdom of God. Eternity will tell, for those who are saved, what purpose He had for it all.
Does that include the “those on other worlds” whom you claim exist?

If so … how can they have faith in a Jesus who lived on a different planet to theirs?

If not …then your claim here which I’m replying to, is false.

Latvian Trickster

Krell lab

19 Feb 09
17 Oct 21

@divegeester said
Does that include the “those on other worlds” whom you claim exist?

If so … how can they have faith in a Jesus who lived on a different planet to theirs?

If not …then your claim here which I’m replying to, is false.
You can’t be serious about this?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
18 Oct 21
2 edits


You didn't get an answer from him yet ?
Maybe because Divegeester knows he isn't seriously telling the untwisted truth about what I wrote years ago, which I definitely clarified to him what I meant.

Let me tell you. He seriously twists other people's words to misrepresent them.
When subsequently clearly clarified exactly what and what not is being said, he still
does the same.

I have no idea whatsoever if there is life on any other planets.

Suffice it to say what he twisted was something to the effect that IF there is any other creations of God in the future eternal age, His judgments on the rebels will probably be witnessed by them.

The ground I have to believe that comes from a number of places in Scripture like - Isaiah 66:24; Dan. 12:2; Jude 6; Eph. 3:10

If you want change

Vote for it!

16 Feb 08
19 Oct 21
2 edits

@sonship said

You didn't get an answer from him yet ?
Maybe because Divegeester knows he isn't seriously telling the untwisted truth about what I wrote years ago, which I definitely clarified to him what I meant.
Thread 161363

Page 1
11th post
Your 5th paragraph
22nd Oct 2014

"But the lost will glorify Him with their endless woe. They will be hung out in chains of punishment as an example to deter other worlds."

If you want change

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16 Feb 08
19 Oct 21

@sonship said
Let me tell you. He seriously twists other people's words to misrepresent them.
Thread 161363

Page 1
11th post
Your 5th paragraph
22nd Oct 2014

"But the lost will glorify Him with their endless woe. They will be hung out in chains of punishment as an example to deter other worlds."

If you want change

Vote for it!

16 Feb 08
19 Oct 21

@sonship said
I have no idea whatsoever if there is life on any other planets.
Thread 161363

Page 1
11th post
Your 5th paragraph
22nd Oct 2014

"But the lost will glorify Him with their endless woe. They will be hung out in chains of punishment as an example to deter other worlds."

If you want change

Vote for it!

16 Feb 08
19 Oct 21

@velns said
You can’t be serious about this?
Since 2014, when he made this infamous post, sonship has on several occasions tried to claim that he didn’t say it; asserting instead that I am “twisting his words” and lying about him.

Well there it is in his own writing.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
19 Oct 21

@sonship said

Have you ever wondered why we can only exist within a very narrow temperature range and why we can only exist in an atmosphere with a very narrow range of oxygen levels. It’s almost as if we’ve evolved to inhabit a very small niche aspect of a universe that for the most part is desolate and void of all life.

If you want to propose some thoughts on th ...[text shortened]... nd His kingdom of God. Eternity will tell, for those who are saved, what purpose He had for it all.
I just did, it’s not rocket science you just observe the self evident truth of reality.
Your really not well if you think the answer that best fits the facts is a supernatural being that is homophobic and doesn’t like the idea of people eating shellfish. You’d also think that a god would be above jealousy and the need to massage it’s own ego. Sounds more like a demon.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
19 Oct 21
5 edits

As you read this sentence readers, try to find where I [sonship] INSIST that I KNOW for certainty that today there exists extraterrestrial life on other planets.

Page 1
11th post
Your 5th paragraph
22nd Oct 2014

"But the lost will glorify Him with their endless woe. They will be hung out in chains of punishment as an example to deter other worlds."

"To deter other worlds" refers to any other worlds that hypothetically could be the result of God saying He will create all things new (Rev. 21:1,5)

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and the sea was no more. . . . And He who sits on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said, Write, for these words are faithful and true."

We do not know what God will create. If it does include "other worlds" I believe they will know of the rebellion and judgment that took place. And the confinement and punishment of His enemies which they will see as a warning spectacle of the failed revolt against God.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
19 Oct 21
5 edits

Just before Dive posted this I wrote:

I have no idea whatsoever if there is life on any other planets.

Suffice it to say what he twisted was something to the effect that IF there is any other creations of God in the future eternal age, His judgments on the rebels will probably be witnessed by them.

The ground I have to believe that comes from a number of places in Scripture like - Isaiah 66:24; Dan. 12:2; Jude 6; Eph. 3:10

Now examine the sentence - [bolded as Dive prefers]

"But the lost will glorify Him with their endless woe. They will be hung out in chains of punishment as an example to deter other worlds."

1.) Does the sentence say that I know for certain that there is life on other planets ?

No. It says -

"But the lost will glorify Him with their endless woe. They will be hung out in chains of punishment as an example to deter other worlds."

2.) "[O]ther worlds" could conceivably mean other planets. But it does not have to mean other planets.

3.) "[O]ther worlds" refers to ANY other POTENTIAL created worlds [or ages] that may exist as a result of God creating new things. By saying "other worlds" I express that IF there be other worlds certainly the witness of those defeated by God and confined under His punishment will be known to them.

4.) Someone like Dive may insist the sentence proves I believe in life on other planets. They might join Divegeester - "You said other worlds. So you must know there are other planets with beings living there seeing this spectacle of the punished."

But the sentence falls short of me claiming I know this.

The part about being hung in chains is a reference to what was written in Jude 6 somewhat freely applied. The part about deterring any potential other worlds is based on Isa. 66: 24; Dan. 12:2; Certainly God's victory and wisdom is to be displayed positively and negatively to the "the ages to come" in Eph. 3:10

It was informally quoted from Robert Govette's book "Eternal Suffering of the Wicked and Hades" . At the time I posted the sentence I did not indicate that. Afterwards I did.

My belief is that plenty of people may post a single sentence they read and not always cite the source.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
19 Oct 21
2 edits

@kevcvs57 said
I just did, it’s not rocket science you just observe the self evident truth of reality.
Your really not well if you think the answer that best fits the facts is a supernatural being that is homophobic and doesn’t like the idea of people eating shellfish. You’d also think that a god would be above jealousy and the need to massage it’s own ego. Sounds more like a demon.
2014 was seven years ago. Seven years of posting many, many things.
And I wrote on many subjects before that.
Before you jump to conclusions you should look at the multitude of other subjects I write about.

And concerning Dive's sensational isolated quote, it would do well for you to examine the entire thread's discussion. It good to see what others said to LEAD UP to a certain post.

Isolating one sentence can be less then fully representative of what precipitated and furnished the background for strong utterances sometimes.

You know it is easy to spray paint on the side of a building like a vandel. To clean it up takes a lot more time. Certain posters know this.

Quickly they can fire off cheap graffiti like "wisdom" to slander others.

When the time is taken to clean up the mess, they can whine about too many words, too much reading, too much cutting and pasting. It is very easy to throw slop. And then it is convenient to say too much time and space if being given to clean up the slop they so easily hurled.

Shellfish comments and other stuff you said maybe I'll speak to latter.