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Just coincidences?

Just coincidences?


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In all of your valued opinions, I would like your opinions on these matters:

Earthquakes on the day after Christmas and the day after Easter. 9.0 and 8.7 respectively. One generating a tsunami, and another that should have generated a tsunami, did not.

Terri Schaivo being put on a feeding tube and then having it taken away. The Pope being put on a feeding tube and dying a few days after Terri.

Are those coincidences in your points of view?

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Originally posted by Darfius
In all of your valued opinions, I would like your opinions on these matters:

Earthquakes on the day after Christmas and the day after Easter. 9.0 and 8.7 respectively. One generating a tsunami, and another that should have generated a tsunami, did not.

Terri Schaivo being put on a feeding tube and then having it taken away. The Pope being put on a f ...[text shortened]... eding tube and dying a few days after Terri.

Are those coincidences in your points of view?
You forget Bobby Fischer becoming a free Icelandic citizen the day my step-son left for Paris, and the Catholic Church having no leader the day he brought me back a rosary.

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
You forget Bobby Fischer becoming a free Icelandic citizen the day my step-son left for Paris, and the Catholic Church having no leader the day he brought me back a rosary.
Also, the Pope died on the only day in my life I put salsa on my eggs. I think the salsa was old and sour because I immediately needed to take a crap right after I ate them. The second I came out of the bathroom the TV had announced his death. Coincidence? I think not.

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Originally posted by Darfius
In all of your valued opinions, I would like your opinions on these matters:

Earthquakes on the day after Christmas and the day after Easter. 9.0 and 8.7 respectively. One generating a tsunami, and another that should have generated a tsunami, did not.

Terri Schaivo being put on a feeding tube and then having it taken away. The Pope being put on a f ...[text shortened]... eding tube and dying a few days after Terri.

Are those coincidences in your points of view?
I don't believe any act to be coincidental Darfius. I also do not believe God would give a sign big enough to allow everyone to see Him.

But yes, I do consider it rather eary.

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Originally posted by Darfius
In all of your valued opinions, I would like your opinions on these matters:

Earthquakes on the day after Christmas and the day after Easter. 9.0 and 8.7 respectively. One generating a tsunami, and another that should have generated a tsunami, did not.

Terri Schaivo being put on a feeding tube and then having it taken away. The Pope being put on a f ...[text shortened]... eding tube and dying a few days after Terri.

Are those coincidences in your points of view?
Yes. There's nothing linking them together if that's what you're asking? Anyone can probably pick any day of the year, go back and research events that occured on that day, be very selective in the events you choose to include in the list, then find a common thread among them that hints at some obscure, unprovable conclusion.

As for my opinion on the matters you listed - they mean nothing.

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Originally posted by Darfius
In all of your valued opinions, I would like your opinions on these matters:

Earthquakes on the day after Christmas and the day after Easter. 9.0 and 8.7 respectively. One generating a tsunami, and another that should have generated a tsunami, did not.

Terri Schaivo being put on a feeding tube and then having it taken away. The Pope being put on a f ...[text shortened]... eding tube and dying a few days after Terri.

Are those coincidences in your points of view?
God had nothing to do with either event.

Both earthquakes are result from the natural collapse of the world resulting from the fall.

Both lives were lost due to disbelief in God's healing power and sovereignty over our mortal flesh.

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Originally posted by Darfius
In all of your valued opinions, I would like your opinions on these matters:

Earthquakes on the day after Christmas and the day after Easter. 9.0 and 8.7 respectively. One generating a tsunami, and another that should have generated a tsunami, did not.

Terri Schaivo being put on a feeding tube and then having it taken away. The Pope being put on a f ...[text shortened]... eding tube and dying a few days after Terri.

Are those coincidences in your points of view?

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Originally posted by wib
Yes. There's nothing linking them together if that's what you're asking? Anyone can probably pick any day of the year, go back and research events that occured on that day, be very selective in the events you choose to include in the list, then find a common thread among them that hints at some obscure, unprovable conclusion.

As for my opinion on the matters you listed - they mean nothing.

An even more surprising coincidence is how each new piece of evidence further confirms the basic logic of natural selection as articulated by Chucky in 1859. Almost makes ya wanna think that G-d's behind this whole evolution thingy!

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
An even more surprising coincidence is how each new piece of evidence further confirms the basic logic of natural selection as articulated by Chucky in 1859. Almost makes ya wanna think that G-d's behind this whole evolution thingy!
Please open a new thread and prove this assertion. Or addess it in Thousand's thread. I'd be interested to see it.

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Originally posted by Una

Both lives were lost due to disbelief in God's healing power and sovereignty over our mortal flesh.


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Originally posted by Darfius
Please open a new thread and prove this assertion. Or addess it in Thousand's thread. I'd be interested to see it.
By your own account, the Bible predicted macroevolution. What else do you need?

There is no proof, for that would require an appeal to scientific data, 37 distinct elements of which you have disputed and or ignored in the past three days.

It has been noted that you start endless threads, which you then abandon after they become inundated with real science, crowding out the pseudoscience you advocate.

You will see it clearly when you have eyes to see. Ain't that what Jesus said?

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Originally posted by Una
God had nothing to do with either event.

Both earthquakes are result from the natural collapse of the world resulting from the fall.

Both lives were lost due to disbelief in God's healing power and sovereignty over our mortal flesh.

I am curious to hear more about your faith Una. It seems an unusual branch of Christianity.


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By your own account, the Bible predicted macroevolution. What else do you need?

I'm curious, are you outright lying or did you misconstrue what I said? I said the Bible predicted microevolution.

There is no proof, for that would require an appeal to scientific data, 37 distinct elements of which you have disputed and or ignored in the past three days.

I have no idea what you mean. Because I reject macroevolution I reject science altogether? Calm down, I still believe in gravity.

It has been noted that you start endless threads, which you then abandon after they become inundated with real science, crowding out the pseudoscience you advocate.

Give me an example, aside from Ragnarok, whom I will address in due time.

You will see it clearly when you have eyes to see. Ain't that what Jesus said?

He said "Let him that hath ears hear. Let him that hath eyes see." Meaning those who plug up thier ears or close their eyes to that which makes them unvomfortable will never learn the truth.

For instance, those who say the Cambrian explosion doesn't disprove Darwin. Or who cling to the desperate hope that one fossil explains where birds came from. Or who believe the answer as to where humans came from will be answered one day. And who conveniantly ignore the answers in the Bible.

Those guys.

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Originally posted by Darfius
I'm curious, are you outright lying or did you misconstrue what I said? I said the Bible predicted m[b]icroevolution.[/b]

Sorry. I mistyped.

For instance, those who say the Cambrian explosion doesn't disprove Darwin.


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Originally posted by Darfius
...Earthquakes on the day after Christmas and the day after Easter. 9.0 and 8.7 respectively ...
A quarter million people died in the destruction caused by an earthquake in China on July 28, 1976. What holiday came the day before that?

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