Do you think that if Jesus was right there next to you that he would want his name to be capitalized when referred to in the second person? (ie. "He" did this and that, or "he" did this and that?)
What do you think JC would answer?
Could I get one word answers to kick this off? (Yes, no, maybe, etc.)
Originally posted by karoly aczelYes!
Do you think that if Jesus was right there next to you that he would want his name to be capitalized when referred to in the second person? (ie. "He" did this and that, or "he" did this and that?)
What do you think JC would answer?
Could I get one word answers to kick this off? (Yes, no, maybe, etc.)
Originally posted by karoly aczelirrelevent
Do you think that if Jesus was right there next to you that he would want his name to be capitalized when referred to in the second person? (ie. "He" did this and that, or "he" did this and that?)
What do you think JC would answer?
Could I get one word answers to kick this off? (Yes, no, maybe, etc.)
Originally posted by karoly aczelIt would be an unironic "whatever."
Do you think that if Jesus was right there next to you that he would want his name to be capitalized when referred to in the second person? (ie. "He" did this and that, or "he" did this and that?)
What do you think JC would answer?
Could I get one word answers to kick this off? (Yes, no, maybe, etc.)
Originally posted by RJHindsSo he would insist on being called "he" with a capital "H" if he was right next to you if you decided to maybe write a little insert into your diary (or whatever)?
Dont you think he would be more humble than that and attempt to be as a common person and not made out to be special.
remember it is the christians that made him out to be special, he didn't seem like the egotistical type, rather the opposite.
After all he mixed with "low lifes and criminals". I think he would be more interested in coming down to the commoners level and just being "one of the guys" .
This way he could get his excellent messages across without seeming pretentious and coming across as an egotistical dick.
(JC: "Oh yeah, by the way, when you make a note of this visit, make sure you capitalize any references to me". Does that sound like the Jesus you know?
Do you see what I'm trying to get at?)
Originally posted by ua41(sometimes replying to you is like replying to myself-an absolute pleasure, my fine internet pal 🙂 )
My answer- Irrelevant
Jesus' answer- "Huh?"
No capital letters in Hebrew language.
...of course, the New testament was written in Greek...
"Huh?" - classic!!!
So, ua41 ,(or anyone else), why do you think that most christians, (especially most that post here), cant understand the holistic nature of spirituality?
(We're all in the same boat)
I don't think Jesus would be putting himself on a pedestal, that's not what humble people do. So why do christians persist on separating themselves from god/jesus?
Why do they not understand that god and I are one?(or god and themselves) Why do they not understand the power of their own minds, that gives them the power to make a choice?
My constant beef with christians is why they dont get THEY are the one's separating themselves from god?
(I'm not saying that if you decide to "integrate" yourself with "God" that you will united with "Him" overnight. I'm saying that if you decide to take a holistic approach to christianity that things will NOT change immediately, but that as you take on this (to me) logical PREMISE, your life will gradually change as a result of using your powers of decision making and that will put in you in the right "ballpark"
to be able to approach the goal of your "soul" . The Beloved wants to be united with it's Lover. It is the way of evolution, proper evolution ("spiritual evolution" ). It is inevitable, no matter how many extra births one must take in a physical body, that the "sperm" (which is like our "soul" ), will eventually find it's way into the "Egg" of spiritual potentiality. It is the inevitable "direction" of all souls, whether they be animals, plants or humans. )
"God" is like a parent with It's arms wide open waiting for us to "unite" with "Him". Waiting for us to embrace "Him" .
We are the one's with the power to (re)unite ouselves with the "matrix of our own creation". Jesus,Buddha, Osho, the Zen masters,etc. can only take you so far. We must take the final step(s) to rid ourselves of our divisive egos and end this madness that will persist until we understand this premise.
Why, oh WHY do they persist on separaritng themselves from "God", and therefor constantly end up in a spearated "ballpark" that , while seeming pleasent and secure, is actually just another aspect of Maya, which is a constant cycle of good/bad, happy/sad, birth /death?
Hmmmm.... makes me sad. So much potential, and yet still, christians constantly put themselves below "God", when god just wants them to rid themselves of such dualities.
Sad because a human life is special , EVERY SINGLE ONE, as we all have the god-seed waiting to be unleashed , YET IT REMAINS JUST A POTENTIAL UNTIL WE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.... SAD, REALLY.
Originally posted by karoly aczel"What do you think JC would answer?"
Do you think that if Jesus was right there next to you that he would want his name to be capitalized when referred to in the second person? (ie. "He" did this and that, or "he" did this and that?)
What do you think JC would answer?
Could I get one word answers to kick this off? (Yes, no, maybe, etc.)
"Get thou behind me Satan". 😉