Among many other disgusting concepts of the abrahamic religions is 'original sin'. Nothing more and nothing less than introducing a permanent boogie man, an internal boogie man the believer can never be rid of, thus sewing him or her to some of the most disgusting religions ever spawned by men. And spawned by men they are, no god needed, just made up with viscous concepts like original sin to whack the believers over the head.
A real god would never say, I am a loving god, I created you in my own image, except with a few flaws so I can have trillions of sycophants forever shouting my glory after you die, my minions in heaven, because I have such a weak ego I need trillions of humans around me to boost my flagging ego.
So many billions of people completely duped, taken in by religious snake oil salesmen, people having not a clue as to what real spirituality is all about.
I don't know either, but I do know real spirituality would not include being blessed for killing people of rival religions.
You duped ones attribute that to 'freedom of thought' or some other rationalization but I call a spade a spade. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, poops like a duck, in all likelyhood it's a duck.
Just man made religions with the basic agenda to control people and build up a huge political power system, which they have done exceedingly well. Size of religions, the number of cohorts and the like, is no proof of godliness. It just shows how these man made religions grow into political powerhouses with the ability to force its members to fight in foreign religious wars. And you all believe, are brainwashed very well into believing, a god says to murder those nasty people of that other religion which you all know is a false religion and only MY religion, the religion of the true LORD, is the real one and therefore you can kill those infidels at will.
What a bowl of crap. The biggest bowl of utter viscous crap EVER inflicted on an unsuspecting public.
Originally posted by sonhouseopinionated much?
Among many other disgusting concepts of the abrahamic religions is 'original sin'. Nothing more and nothing less than introducing a permanent boogie man, an internal boogie man the believer can never be rid of, thus sewing him or her to some of the most disgusting religions ever spawned by men. And spawned by men they are, no god needed, just made up with v ...[text shortened]... of crap. The biggest bowl of utter viscous crap EVER inflicted on an unsuspecting public.
Originally posted by sonhouseand what reason do they give for man sinning........freewill!!!!! like that answers anything.
Among many other disgusting concepts of the abrahamic religions is 'original sin'. Nothing more and nothing less than introducing a permanent boogie man, an internal boogie man the believer can never be rid of, thus sewing him or her to some of the most disgusting religions ever spawned by men. And spawned by men they are, no god needed, just made up with v ...[text shortened]... of crap. The biggest bowl of utter viscous crap EVER inflicted on an unsuspecting public.
Originally posted by sonhouseIf we take the bible stories at face value, then I would agree with you. But if we take them metaphorically, then depending on how we do so the concept of original sin may have some merit.
Among many other disgusting concepts of the abrahamic religions is 'original sin'. Nothing more and nothing less than introducing a permanent boogie man, an internal boogie man the believer can never be rid of, thus sewing him or her to some of the most disgusting religions ever spawned by men. And spawned by men they are, no god needed, just made up with v ...[text shortened]... of crap. The biggest bowl of utter viscous crap EVER inflicted on an unsuspecting public.
For example, if we interpret mankind's 'original sin' as being technological thought and implementation (the tree of knowledge), then the concept has some validity. Mankind's usage of technology, and his thinking in technological terms, has set him apart and alienated him from nature. This is what the expulsion from Eden represents. The fact that all human offspring are born and raised in a technological world, the fact that they are acculturated to it, means they are all tainted with mankind's original sin.
But if we don't interpret the story that way, then the concept of original sin is just a monstrous perversion.
Originally posted by rwingettHave you been accepted to the Luddite priesthood yet?
If we take the bible stories at face value, then I would agree with you. But if we take them metaphorically, then depending on how we do so the concept of original sin may have some merit.
For example, if we interpret mankind's 'original sin' as being technological thought and implementation (the tree of knowledge), then the concept has some validity. M ...[text shortened]... rpret the story that way, then the concept of original sin is just a monstrous perversion.
Originally posted by SwissGambitStill working on it. It remains to be seen whether the vicious circle of: ...increased technology -> greater resource consumption -> potential scarcity -> increased technology... can be broken or not. If so, then that's what the priesthood would center around. If not, then a priesthood would be irrelevant.
Have you been accepted to the Luddite priesthood yet?
Originally posted by rwingettThat begs the question of just what exactly is sinful technology. Was it sinful to invent flaked rock weapons and knives 100,000 years ago? If not, then thousands of generations of humankind went by with no original sin. So original sin in your context only started with dudes like Newton, Edison, Ford, and so forth, right? In that case, who is the bigger sinner, the Edisons who invent stuff or the millions of users whacking our planet with poison?
If we take the bible stories at face value, then I would agree with you. But if we take them metaphorically, then depending on how we do so the concept of original sin may have some merit.
For example, if we interpret mankind's 'original sin' as being technological thought and implementation (the tree of knowledge), then the concept has some validity. M ...[text shortened]... rpret the story that way, then the concept of original sin is just a monstrous perversion.
Originally posted by sonhouseAmong many other disgusting concepts of the abrahamic religions is 'original sin'.
Among many other disgusting concepts of the abrahamic religions is 'original sin'. Nothing more and nothing less than introducing a permanent boogie man, an internal boogie man the believer can never be rid of, thus sewing him or her to some of the most disgusting religions ever spawned by men. And spawned by men they are, no god needed, just made up with v of crap. The biggest bowl of utter viscous crap EVER inflicted on an unsuspecting public.
Do you have any reason to believe that the concept of 'original sin' applies to any of the abrahamic religions besides Christianity?
According to the following, it doesn't apply to Judaism:
The same for Islam:
And the Baha'i Faith:
For that matter, so far as I know, Jesus did not teach this concept when He walked the Earth either.
From what I've seen, rather than 'abrahamic religions' in general, this should be directed towards followers of the doctrine of Paul and Saint Augustine.
Originally posted by sonhouseIt's all part of the same package. From the first flaked rock to the atom bomb, each innovation leads seamlessly into the next. If it is worse now, it's only because we can see both the connections that brought us here and the inevitable outcome, which, apparently, we lack the will to alter.
That begs the question of just what exactly is sinful technology. Was it sinful to invent flaked rock weapons and knives 100,000 years ago? If not, then thousands of generations of humankind went by with no original sin. So original sin in your context only started with dudes like Newton, Edison, Ford, and so forth, right? In that case, who is the bigger sinner, the Edisons who invent stuff or the millions of users whacking our planet with poison?
Originally posted by sonhouseThe creator God created man, male and female without flaw. It was the God of devil-lution that caused the flaw in man.
Among many other disgusting concepts of the abrahamic religions is 'original sin'. Nothing more and nothing less than introducing a permanent boogie man, an internal boogie man the believer can never be rid of, thus sewing him or her to some of the most disgusting religions ever spawned by men. And spawned by men they are, no god needed, just made up with v ...[text shortened]... of crap. The biggest bowl of utter viscous crap EVER inflicted on an unsuspecting public.
You say, "I do know real spirituality would not include being blessed for killing people of rival religions." That is talking about Islam again, not Christianity.
The Christian God is the one that came up with the idea of 'freedom of though' don't you know.
You end by talking about "the beast" political powerhouses of the book of Daniel and Revelation. Sounds like you are learning something from...
The Instructor
Originally posted by RJHindsIts amazing how you can read XYZ and see with your limited brain ABC. I said nothing like what you typed.
The creator God created man, male and female without flaw. It was the God of devil-lution that caused the flaw in man.
You say, "I do know real spirituality would not include being blessed for killing people of rival religions." That is talking about Islam again, not Christianity.
The Christian God is the one that came up with the idea of 'freedom of ...[text shortened]... Daniel and Revelation. Sounds like you are learning something from...
The Instructor
Originally posted by sonhouseI know, that is why I was correcting you with my instruction. But did you not say the following:
Its amazing how you can read XYZ and see with your limited brain ABC. I said nothing like what you typed.
"I do know real spirituality would not include being blessed for killing people of rival religions." What religion rewards its followers for murdering Christians and Jews?
The Instructor
Originally posted by RJHindsDevil-lution now is it? We have that in the UK. It involves Scotland and Wales being more autonomous. I shall tell my devout god bothering Scottish friend that he is in league with Satan for supporting devolution. I suppose Scottish independence would be even worse!
The creator God created man, male and female without flaw. It was the God of devil-lution that caused the flaw in man.
You say, "I do know real spirituality would not include being blessed for killing people of rival religions." That is talking about Islam again, not Christianity.
The Christian God is the one that came up with the idea of 'freedom of ...[text shortened]... Daniel and Revelation. Sounds like you are learning something from...
The Instructor
Originally posted by RJHindsLets see, what about the inquisitions? What about the granting of indulgences? What about that little conflict called the Crusades? What about the killing in our century or last of the killing of abortion doctors based on religion, and that religion was christianity. What about the killing of entire civilizations in South America, the forced conversions to Christianity in many parts of the world INCLUDING the USA, Australia and England? Did you conveniently have amnesia about those events?
I know, that is why I was correcting you with my instruction. But did you not say the following:
"I do know real spirituality would not include being blessed for killing people of rival religions." What religion rewards its followers for murdering Christians and Jews?
The Instructor
In your fantasy world, Christianity is the religion of love and only does good. That is a load of bullcrap and you very well know it. You have to see the BS millionaire preachers on tv asking for your credit card donations so they can live in mansions. That is SO christian.
The concept of original sin was formulated for precisely the reason to capture weak minds and keep them in line. Apparently not even Islam has that vile concept nor Judaism. So it is on the mantle of the sects of christianity this terrible burden lies.
Originally posted by sonhouseburden? where does Christ advocate killing anyone? please provide the reference.
Lets see, what about the inquisitions? What about the granting of indulgences? What about that little conflict called the Crusades? What about the killing in our century or last of the killing of abortion doctors based on religion, and that religion was christianity. What about the killing of entire civilizations in South America, the forced conversions to ...[text shortened]... cept nor Judaism. So it is on the mantle of the sects of christianity this terrible burden lies.