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religious terrorists

religious terrorists



I wrote this originally as a reply in debates, but consider it better to be placed here:

So thepreceding discussion went something like:
A: Islam is especially suited to breed terrorists
B: islam is a religion of peace

In fact Islam is (as nearly all religions) of the opinion, that only they have the truth, and Christians go to Hell for sure (as do Jews and heathens).

And yes most followers of religions do not intend to kill followers of other relisgions, but those who do normally think that their deity is considering them to be heroes.

So even a religion like Buddhism, which is considered at about the maximum of peacefulness in their teaching has adherents who think it is okay to kill other people.

What do people here think about religious zealots who kill in the bname of their religion in relation to the teachings?

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@Ponderable said
I wrote this originally as a reply in debates, but consider it better to be placed here:

So thepreceding discussion went something like:
A: Islam is especially suited to breed terrorists
B: islam is a religion of peace

In fact Islam is (as nearly all religions) of the opinion, that only they have the truth, and Christians go to Hell for sure (as do Jews and heathe ...[text shortened]... think about religious zealots who kill in the bname of their religion in relation to the teachings?
What do people here think about religious zealots who kill in the name of their religion in relation to the teachings?

They are not "religious zealots" they are mentally ill people who belong in a secure institution.


@Ponderable said
I wrote this originally as a reply in debates, but consider it better to be placed here:

So thepreceding discussion went something like:
A: Islam is especially suited to breed terrorists
B: islam is a religion of peace

In fact Islam is (as nearly all religions) of the opinion, that only they have the truth, and Christians go to Hell for sure (as do Jews and heathe ...[text shortened]... think about religious zealots who kill in the bname of their religion in relation to the teachings?
The only religion that requires followers to kill infidels [unbelievers] is Islam. Therefore Islam is not a religon of peace. It is all about war and conquest.


@Ponderable said
I wrote this originally as a reply in debates, but consider it better to be placed here:

So thepreceding discussion went something like:
A: Islam is especially suited to breed terrorists
B: islam is a religion of peace

In fact Islam is (as nearly all religions) of the opinion, that only they have the truth, and Christians go to Hell for sure (as do Jews and heathe ...[text shortened]... think about religious zealots who kill in the bname of their religion in relation to the teachings?
Read, “Why does God allow evil”, by Clay Jones. He referaces another book I have not read, I may get the title wrong,
“Common man” I will dig a little and confirm the title with the authors name.

One of the running themes is it is the common man who ends up working the gas chambers, and has a hand in every atrocity. This should concern us more our own cultural shifts that justify hate, turning any segment of society into less than, an objects of hate.

Think back to COVID, not taking the shot was a crime in the hearts of some. I know of someone who was giving the state of Illinois names of people she needed to be turned in. The state called her back looking for more names, she was proud.

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@Ponderable said
I wrote this originally as a reply in debates, but consider it better to be placed here:

So thepreceding discussion went something like:
A: Islam is especially suited to breed terrorists
B: islam is a religion of peace

In fact Islam is (as nearly all religions) of the opinion, that only they have the truth, and Christians go to Hell for sure (as do Jews and heathe ...[text shortened]... think about religious zealots who kill in the bname of their religion in relation to the teachings?
It is alleged that someone asked Mohammed whether he, Mohammed, would go to heaven. Mohammed is alleged to have said that he did not know whether he would go to heaven, but that he was sure one class of people would: Warriors who died fighting against infidels in the name of Islam. Now, just where this occurs in the literature of Islam, I do not pretend to know, nor do I have the slightest interest in finding out. Just google it. I'm willing to be corrected if this is apocryphal.

If true, this is obviously a recipe for recruiting and organising mass murderers and serial killers.


Muslims view themselves as being at war with the rest of the world:

In classical Islamic law, there are three major divisions of the world which are dar al-Islam (lit. 'territory of Islam' ), denoting regions where Islamic law prevails, dar al-sulh (lit. territory of treaty) denoting non-Islamic lands which are at peace or have an armistice with a Muslim government, and dar al-harb (lit. territory of war), denoting lands that share a border with dar al-Islam and have not concluded an armistice.
end quote



This is not what a religion of peace would look like to any sane person. I am willing to believe that there are individual Muslims who do not feel that Islam is either at war with the rest of the world, or was at war but made a cease-fire agreement, but that is not what their religion actually teaches.

So, what do I think about a religion which tells people they will go to heaven if they strap bombs to their chests and blow up people at a disco, or fly an airplane into a building, or stab little girls dancing to Taylor Swift ? Under-evolved.


@Rajk999 said
The only religion that requires followers to kill infidels [unbelievers] is Islam. Therefore Islam is not a religon of peace. It is all about war and conquest.


@KingDavid403 said
No comment? Just a link?
I dont click on those.
Make your point if you got one.


@Rajk999 said
No comment? Just a link?
I dont click on those.
Make your point if you got one.
I think the point is that christian churches (here ctaholics and especially the inquisition) found it not only okay, but necessary to kill people who did not adhere to their creed.

This would open the door to the question: what is true christianity? In fact that is of no use for the victims who were burned alive.


@Ponderable said
I think the point is that christian churches (here ctaholics and especially the inquisition) found it not only okay, but necessary to kill people who did not adhere to their creed.

This would open the door to the question: what is true christianity? In fact that is of no use for the victims who were burned alive.
Im quite aware of his point. I just wanted him to say it, because it is a nonsense point.

There is nothing in the bible that tells anyone to kill infidels or those who do not believe in God. There are such statements in the Quran and in very crystal clear language too. This is the reason why in the case of Islam these so-called moderates have no case when trying to stop the extremists.

Also the bible contains two distinct and separate religions, which are Judaism and Christianity. Those who practice Judaism do not go around killing unbelievers. There is nothing from Christ about killing anyone.

The early Catholic church was corrupt, and were not following the bible. Catholics follow the Pope, who is man and a seriously flawed one at that. So Mr King David has not point, hence his link without a comment.


In fact people understanding themselves as "christians" did murder in the name of "christianity".

I agree that it is not what I understand from biblical writing.

I also agree that the Quran and the hadithe do urge to kill infidels.

And I observe that even Bhuddists where the "pure teaching" would require utmost peacefulness do terrorist attacks.


@Ponderable said
In fact people understanding themselves as "christians" did murder in the name of "christianity".

I agree that it is not what I understand from biblical writing.

I also agree that the Quran and the hadithe do urge to kill infidels.

And I observe that even Bhuddists where the "pure teaching" would require utmost peacefulness do terrorist attacks.
Wrong about the Christians. Christians know that the Catholics are the killers in the Inquisition. Catholics and Protestants are chalk and cheese. People can murder in whatever name they want. The big question is "Is it condoned by the Holy Books".
Yes for Islam.
No for all other religions.

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@Rajk999 said
Im quite aware of his point. I just wanted him to say it, because it is a nonsense point.

There is nothing in the bible that tells anyone to kill infidels or those who do not believe in God. There are such statements in the Quran and in very crystal clear language too. This is the reason why in the case of Islam these so-called moderates have no case when trying to sto ...[text shortened]... d a seriously flawed one at that. So Mr King David has not point, hence his link without a comment.
The early Catholic church was corrupt, and were not following the bible. Catholics follow the Pope, who is man and a seriously flawed one at that. So Mr King David has not point, hence his link without a comment.

First-off, It was not just the Catholic church; the Protestant church was murdering people in the name of Christ not long after breaking off from the Catholic-Church.
They murdered 100s of thousands who did not believe that baby baptism was the only baptism to have. If you believed that you needed to be baptized in the name of the Lord beyond baby-baptism, they would hunt you down and murder you, They murdered whole towns at a time. They usually drowned them in the nearest lake or river. They burned many at the stake following their Christian services; lovely. The Catholic church was doing the same things at this time. This list goes on and on as this is just one point in history; there are many others. 'King Zwingli' 'King Henry the 8th' 'Bloody Mary" Bloody Mary's Son' 'Calvin' etc. The Jews aren't innocent of anything either.


@KingDavid403 said
The early Catholic church was corrupt, and were not following the bible. Catholics follow the Pope, who is man and a seriously flawed one at that. So Mr King David has not point, hence his link without a comment.

First-off, It was not just the Catholic church; the Protestant church was murdering people in the name of Christ not long after breaking off from th ...[text shortened]... he 8th' 'Bloody Mary" Bloody Mary's Son' 'Calvin' etc. The Jews aren't innocent of anything either.
Irrelevant. The fact remains, despite your attempts at diversion, that the only religion that encourages followers to kill unbelievers is Islam. There is no such instruction in Christianity neither in Judaism.

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@Rajk999 said
Irrelevant. The fact remains, despite your attempts at diversion, that the only religion that encourages followers to kill unbelievers is Islam. There is no such instruction in Christianity neither in Judaism.
the only religion that encourages followers to kill unbelievers is Islam.
A 100% complete lie. I often hear you and others calling for the death of Islam and those whom worship God in that religion; All in the name of Christianity and Judaism. I have proven to you that Christians and Jews have murdered others that did not worship as they did; and for no other reason; end of story.

Furthermore, I am a Christian in the USA. I am not a supporter of Hamas or Islamic terrorists, period.

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