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07 Feb 17
01 Mar 17

Originally posted by FMF
Looking at the OP, what do points 8, 9 and 10, for example have to do with "Satan" and "Satanism" and being "Satanic"? A link of any kind would be interesting. Can you think of any connection or commonality at all?
You're repeating yourself. I said that there was little to no connection. Are we done?


28 Oct 05
01 Mar 17
1 edit

Originally posted by MarshallPrice
In all honesty, I'm curious as to what people think about the rules and sins in my OP in contrast with what people commonly believe to be Satanism (Devil Worship).
But doesn't your OP render the meaning of "Satanism" completely meaningless? It bundles together people who believe in and worship "Satan" with people who don't. You can't even make any connection - so far, at least - between the word "Satan" and most of the content of your OP.

It's as if you are redefining the word "pedophile" to mean BOTH people who sexually abuse children, AND people who simply love children, and then saying how - given THAT broad new definition of "pedophile" - '...oh I think the stereotype of pedophiles is unfair...'


28 Oct 05
01 Mar 17

Originally posted by MarshallPrice
You're repeating yourself. I said that there was little to no connection. Are we done?
So there are parts of your OP that have no connection to "Satan" or "the character of Satan" and there are parts that DO have a connection, is that it? Why don't isolate the parts that you think have a connection to "Satan" or "the character of Satan" if you want to discuss them?


28 Oct 05
01 Mar 17

Originally posted by MarshallPrice
Do you really not know what Satanism is? Or do you just think it's a cult of killers, rapists, and other assorted scum?
I can condemn "killers, rapists, and other assorted scum" without factoring in what superstitions cause them to do such things do. I can condemn "killers, rapists, and other assorted scum" who don't believe in "Satan" or who didn't read Anton LaVey's book too. Can't we all do that?


28 Oct 05
01 Mar 17

FMF: [If your close friend] doesn't believe in the existence of "Satan" what does it matter if he chooses to identify himself as a "Satanist"? Does it just mean he likes some book with "Satanic" in the title that some guy wrote in the 60s?

Originally posted by MarshallPrice
If you want to break it down as far as possible, then I'll admit that that's what it boils down to.
At the risk of repeating myself, with the way you have chosen to frame this discussion, haven't you rendered the meaning of "Satanism" completely meaningless?

Child of the Novelty

San Antonio, Texas

08 Mar 04
01 Mar 17
1 edit

Originally posted by MarshallPrice
In all honesty, I'm curious as to what people think about the rules and sins in my OP in contrast with what people commonly believe to be Satanism (Devil Worship).
I have owned The Satanic Bible by LaVey since 1976. Still keep it at my computer desk along with the Dao De Ching. I find it interesting. Like you, I have had several friends who were Satanists. One even let me peruse his Magus. Satanism is not about worshiping any entity but instead it is more concerned with the accumulation of personal power. Strong will dominating weak will. It can be very negative.


28 Aug 16
01 Mar 17

A very interesting OP for sure. I say that not because any of the information is new (to me at least) but mainly because of the response of at least one poster here. In an almost machine gun like fashion, responses are fired off consecutively often within seconds of each other with what seems like very little time to even take a breath, a 'hijacking' of a different sort... it appears you may have kicked a beehive.

One thing I would say with regards to the OP is satanism and devil worship are on and the same. Our impression of those that 'devil worship' are folks that do the evil things like murder, child sacrifice, animal rites, etc. Whereas satanism may be looked upon as more tame and individualistic and about a person, a religion or faith of sorts. Both views, and they are cultural views for the most part are rooted in the same.

Read Genesis 3, but I have highlighted a couple of passages here that are the root

The Word...

Genesis 3:1-5 King James Version (KJV)

3 Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Here the serpent, satan, the devil is preying on Eve and telling her she can be like god if she eats the fruit, only it is a lie. Eve fell for the same deception that satan tried when he started his revolt. They both wanted to be like god, not possible.

The Word also says that satan is a liar and the father of lies and there is no truth in him.

John 8:44 King James Version (KJV)

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

To involve yourself, dabble, etc.with satanism means to follow a liar and to self-deceive oneself, for power that you will never have?

Ultimately we are to judge a tree by it's fruit. Is it good or bad?

You can have a 'satanic rule' that states 'do not harm little children', but that is like saying the mandate of planned parenthood is to provide healthcare to women because it performs mammograms when we all know it is about abortion. Which btw at it's root is no different than what I have stated above. IMO


28 Oct 05
01 Mar 17

Originally posted by leunammi
Our impression of those that 'devil worship' are folks that do the evil things like murder, child sacrifice, animal rites, etc. Whereas satanism may be looked upon as more tame and individualistic and about a person, a religion or faith of sorts.
You believe that people who engage in "'devil worship' [and] do the evil things like murder, child sacrifice, animal rites, etc." and people who don't do anything of the sort "are one in the same"? Can you explain that?


28 Aug 16
01 Mar 17

Originally posted by FMF
You believe that people who engage in "'devil worship' [and] do the evil things like murder, child sacrifice, animal rites, etc." and people who don't do anything of the sort "are one in the same"? Can you explain that?
I think I already explained this, please go back and reread my post.


28 Oct 05
01 Mar 17

Originally posted by leunammi
I think I already explained this, please go back and reread my post.
So you have a mortal compass that has you equating the morality of "murder, child sacrifice, animal rites" as part of "worship" of a supernatural being, the embodiiment of the purest and most depraved "evil" possible (that you and they actually believe exists) ~ on one hand ~ and you equate all that with the morality of the things listed on page 1 of this thread, on the other hand. If that is the intellectually topsy turvey state affairs that your moral compass has landed you in, then, no, I don't think you have explained yourself adequately at all.


28 Aug 16
01 Mar 17

Originally posted by FMF
So you have a mortal compass that has you equating the morality of "murder, child sacrifice, animal rites" as part of "worship" of a supernatural being, the embodiiment of the purest and most depraved "evil" possible (that you and they actually believe exists) ~ on one hand ~ and you equate all that with the morality of the things listed on page 1 of this thread ...[text shortened]... ompass has landed you in, then, no, I don't think you have explained yourself adequately at all.
One thing I would say with regards to the OP is satanism and devil worship are one and the same. Our impression of those that 'devil worship' are folks that do the evil things like murder, child sacrifice, animal rites, etc. Whereas satanism may be looked upon as more tame and individualistic and about a person, a religion or faith of sorts. Both views, and they are cultural views for the most part are rooted in the same.

The ultimate aim of anything associated with satanism, devil worship, etc. is about self and/or to be like gods and have power, that is the root. Do you understand my point now?


28 Oct 05
01 Mar 17

Originally posted by leunammi
The ultimate aim of anything associated with satanism, devil worship, etc. is about self and/or to be like gods and have power, that is the root. Do you understand my point now?
I asked you about your moral compass. It appears to be completely broken. You are deeming the murder of children ~ being deliberately sacrificed ~ in worship of "Satan" to be the moral equivalent of somebody not believing in the existence pf "Satan" and vowing to do no harm to children. Your moral compass does not enable you to differentiate. But I take it that you don't want to talk about that.

16 Feb 08
01 Mar 17

Originally posted by MarshallPrice
Does that say more about the thread or more about the forum itself?
Neither, it's just an opinion of one member of this community.

16 Feb 08
01 Mar 17

Originally posted by caissad4
I have owned The Satanic Bible by LaVey since 1976. Still keep it at my computer desk along with the Dao De Ching.
Does you keeping it "at your computer desk" signify a special place it occupies in your life and your need to refer to it on an hour by hour basis, or just that you spend too much time at your computer desk?


28 Aug 16
01 Mar 17

Originally posted by FMF
I asked you about your moral compass. It appears to be completely broken. You are deeming the murder of children ~ being deliberately sacrificed ~ in worship of "Satan" to be the moral equivalent of somebody not believing in the existence pf "Satan" and vowing to do no harm to children. Your moral compass does not enable you to differentiate. But I take it that you don't want to talk about that.
If I believed that you did care or were interested in what people actually believe instead of the way you behave
in a troll like manner
, I may be inclined to respond to your questions a third time with the same answer. Sorry just being honest, its from what I observe.

I will say this, the key word is 'root'.