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Spirituality Scorecard

Spirituality Scorecard


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I'm easily confused and would like to see a Spirituality Scorecard identifying the alligances/beliefs of the various posters.

These are the questions I'd pose, but, feel free to elaborate:
1. Do you believe in the existence of a supreme being (a God, The God, Giant All Seeing All Knowing Space Pumpkins)?
2. What religion do you profess to adhere to (please be specific)?
3. If you believe in God why (what brought you to your belief)?
4. If you don't believe in God what would convince you otherwise?

My answers are:
1. Undecided. Questioning the existence of God.
2. Pink Polka Dotted Existentialist Taoist Christian Plonkertarians. Not impressed by any organized religion and considers them inherently flawed.
3. Still working on that belief thing.
4. Tangible proof. Qualitative and quantitative evidence to support the existence of God (or, the suitable application of an enormous quantity of booze, drugs and loose women).

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
I'm easily confused and would like to see a Spirituality Scorecard identifying the alligances/beliefs of the various posters.

These are the questions I'd pose, but, feel free to elaborate:
1. Do you believe in the existence of a supreme being?
2. What religion do you profess to adhere to?
3. If you believe in God why?
4. If you don't believ ...[text shortened]... f God (or, the suitable application of an enormous quantity of booze, drugs and loose women).
1. No
2. None
3. Not applicable
4. Tangible proof

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
I'm easily confused and would like to see a Spirituality Scorecard identifying the alligances/beliefs of the various posters.

These are the questions I'd pose, but, feel free to elaborate:
1. Do you believe in the existence of a supreme being?
2. What religion do you profess to adhere to?
3. If you believe in God why?
4. If you don't believ ...[text shortened]... f God (or, the suitable application of an enormous quantity of booze, drugs and loose women).
1. Do you believe in the existence of a supreme being?

Depends on what you mean by supreme being. I believe in a supreme pizza.

2. What religion do you profess to adhere to?

I adhere to a faith. And alot of other things unmentionable. And gravity.

3. If you believe in God why?

I'd be a fool not to. Besides, I'd be bored otherwise.

4. If you don't believe in God what would convince you otherwise?

If I didn't believe in God I could be easily persuaded to with a supreme pizza.

How's that? I'm funnier in person.

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
I'm easily confused and would like to see a Spirituality Scorecard identifying the alligances/beliefs of the various posters.

These are the questions I'd pose, but, feel free to elaborate:
1. Do you believe in the existence of a supreme being?
2. What religion do you profess to adhere to?
3. If you believe in God why?
4. If you don't believ ...[text shortened]...
4. Tangible proof. Qualitative and quantitative evidence to support the existence of God.
1. Joe Pesci.
2. Plokertarians sounds good to me. Consider this my application to join.
3. He threatened to beat my head in with a baseball bat if I didn't.
4. Someone would have to 'off' Pesci.

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
I'm easily confused and would like to see a Spirituality Scorecard identifying the alligances/beliefs of the various posters.

These are the questions I'd pose, but, feel free to elaborate:
1. Do you believe in the existence of a supreme being?
2. What religion do you profess to adhere to?
3. If you believe in God why?
4. If you don't believ ...[text shortened]... f God (or, the suitable application of an enormous quantity of booze, drugs and loose women).
In light of the first responses, perhaps I should ammend my post to request that y'all not be completely humorless and monotone in your answers.


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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
In light of the first responses, perhaps I should ammend my post to request that y'all not be completely humorless and monotone in your answers.

I had a good laugh. Let me see what I can do.

See above amendment.

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Originally posted by josephw
I had a good laugh. Let me see what I can do.

See above amendment.
Well, at least you have a better sense of humor than Swiss Gambit. Jesus, that guy could make drying paint seem enthralling.

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
Well, at least you have a better sense of humor than Swiss Gambit. Jesus, that guy could make drying paint seem enthralling.
I thought he was funnier than me. I mean, look at #2. That's funny.

I'm glad to know that you at least think I have a sense of humor.
It's encouraging.

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
I'm easily confused and would like to see a Spirituality Scorecard identifying the alligances/beliefs of the various posters.

These are the questions I'd pose, but, feel free to elaborate:
1. Do you believe in the existence of a supreme being (a God, The God, Giant All Seeing All Knowing Space Pumpkins)?
2. What religion do you profess to adher ...[text shortened]... f God (or, the suitable application of an enormous quantity of booze, drugs and loose women).
1> With all my heart I believe in Diana Ross! What those other words on your list mean I have no idea tho I fully support your right to assign any arbitrary meaning you like to them as long as you stop in the name of love before persecuting others.
2> buddhist - tho I attached no particular significance to that - shoes are not feet, sponge cake is not the encyclopedia, try to eat the encyclopedia
3> my baptist upbringing taught me responsibility (when baptists believed such things) and a massive quantity of curse words as well as how to drink coffee and smoke cigarettes - I still like it hot and black on the kitchen table - I am too old to smoke
4> that depends on what it is - could just be reflections of you and me!

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
I'm easily confused and would like to see a Spirituality Scorecard identifying the alligances/beliefs of the various posters.

These are the questions I'd pose, but, feel free to elaborate:
1. Do you believe in the existence of a supreme being (a God, The God, Giant All Seeing All Knowing Space Pumpkins)?
2. What religion do you profess to adher f God (or, the suitable application of an enormous quantity of booze, drugs and loose women).
Ooh! fun!

1,Yeah,why not? Stuff seems to be organized enough-despite all these humans complaining.
2.My own. Has no name and is most synonmous with hinduism...but ..I ...cant .. be .. tooo. sure.
3.personal experience
4.He,He! Classic!!!

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
[b]I'm easily confused and would like to see a Spirituality Scorecard identifying the alligances/beliefs of the various posters.

These are the questions I'd pose, but, feel free to elaborate:
1. Do you believe in the existence of a supreme being (a God, The God, Giant All Seeing All Knowing Space Pumpkins)?
2. What religion do you profess to adher ...[text shortened]... brought you to your belief)?
4. If you don't believe in God what would convince you otherwise?
1. Yes, much to the chagrin of people like yourself.
2. Whatever religion Christ claimed to be. I think they called themselves the fab 12.
3. If I told you I would have to save you.
4. Why is it that the people of faith only get to answer 3 questions? 😠

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
1. Undecided. Questioning the existence of God.
You know the difference between an atheist and an agnostic? The agnostic has no gonades. 😀

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1. yes
2. fly fishing
3. faith
4. evidence

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I'm still looking for a Doctor Scribbles response.

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
I'm easily confused and would like to see a Spirituality Scorecard identifying the alligances/beliefs of the various posters.

These are the questions I'd pose, but, feel free to elaborate:
1. Do you believe in the existence of a supreme being (a God, The God, Giant All Seeing All Knowing Space Pumpkins)?
2. What religion do you profess to adher ...[text shortened]... f God (or, the suitable application of an enormous quantity of booze, drugs and loose women).
1. Do you believe in the existence of a supreme being (a God, The God, Giant All Seeing All Knowing Space Pumpkins)?
2. What religion do you profess to adhere to (please be specific)?
3. If you believe in God why (what brought you to your belief)?
4. If you don't believe in God what would convince you otherwise?

1. yes.
2. catholic (most of the time)
3. personal experience (really), and everything around me confirms that our universe does have a creator.
4.doesn't apply.

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