extract from the text:
How the (catholic) church is faring in the world’s biggest Catholic country
THOUGH Pope Benedict’s tenure has not had much effect on Catholicism in Brazil so far, it has entrenched an old conflict. The previous pope’s reign saw a “decapitation of the progressive parts of the church in Latin America and particularly in Brazil,” says Antonio Pierucci of São Paulo University. This war against the progressives was promoted by Benedict when he was still Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Its price has been a loss of political influence for the church hierarchy, whereas the liberation theologians whom the bosses shunned continue to have the ear of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s Workers’ Party. Pope John Paul’s charisma partly compensated for this loss of influence. Pope Benedict does not have that to fall back on.
Even so, there is little evidence that problems at the top are affecting Catholic worship in Brazil. The census provides data on religious belief stretching back to 1872. The share of Brazilians who described themselves as Catholic fell from 99.7% in the first census to 73.9% in 2000. Almost two-thirds of this reduction happened in the 1980s and 1990s, when Catholics were apparently drawn away to new Pentecostal churches.
The Catholicism being practised might, however, be considered by the Vatican to be of the wrong kind. One challenge to orthodoxy comes from charismatic priests who use pop-star tactics, and are taking on the upstart Pentecostals at their own game.
A second challenge comes from the popular Catholicism that tends to flourish best in those parts of rural Brazil where the church has little presence. In much of the north-east, Padre Cícero, a 19th-century priest who performed the odd miracle and seems to have been excommunicated as a result, has long been sanctified. In many places, children who die or people who suffer unpleasant deaths can be granted a kind of sainthood and asked to intervene on behalf of the living. The pope faces a struggle to steer this bunch in the direction of the orthodoxy he reveres.
Originally posted by generalissimoGeneralissimo, I can't be bothered to check it myself. So how about a declaration from you?
In posting this 'extract', have you removed any words or sentences or paragraphs in a deliberate attempt to alter the balance or substance of this article?
You have been caught doing this before on the Debates Forum. For example:
Thread 112246
Have you done it on this occasion?
Please state clearly whether or not you have doctored this 'extract' in any way in an attempt to deceive fellow posters.
Originally posted by FMFOK, we got it. Enough; disrupting every thread the General posts in is childish.
Generalissimo, I can't be bothered to check it myself. So how about a declaration from you?
In posting this 'extract', have you removed any words or sentences or paragraphs in a deliberate attempt to alter the balance or substance of this article?
You have been caught doing this before on the Debates Forum. For example:
Thread 112246
H ...[text shortened]... or not you have doctored this 'extract' in any way in an attempt to deceive fellow posters.
Originally posted by FMFWe got it. You're now being a jerk about this and inhibiting the discussion of the topics in the threads (which is the purpose of these forums). Enough already.
On the contrary, posting material honestly and responsibly is a thing of the adult world. And Generalissimo still doesn't get it.
You're not going to get any kind of apology or whatever from him and disrupting every thread he posts in is detrimental to these Forums. So knock it the FO.
EDIT: Of course, you're successfully doing so here; does it make you feel better that there will be no discussion of the "church in Brazil" in a thread of that title because of your little game?
Originally posted by no1marauder🙄
We got it. You're now being a jerk about this and inhibiting the discussion of the topics in the threads (which is the purpose of these forums). Enough already.
You're not going to get any kind of apology or whatever from him and disrupting every thread he posts in is detrimental to these Forums. So knock it the FO.
Alert the moderator then.
Originally posted by FMFI explained why your childish antics are detrimental to the Forums. Surely you know this, so why do you persist in such ridiculous behavior?
Then why don't you calm down.
As to your edit, SFW? Do you think that your continual harping over such a minor incident will accomplish anything to match the disruption of the Forums you are causing? If people don't trust the cites, they should read the articles; normally when you cut and paste you do link to the article anyway.
Originally posted by no1marauderBecause I have just posted quite politely 4 or 5 times in a row, while you are losing your temper and becoming pretty abusive. That's why.
I explained why your childish antics are detrimental to the Forums. Surely you know this, so why do you persist in such ridiculous behavior?
Originally posted by generalissimoDo you agree that John Paul II decapitated the progressive parts of the church in Brazil? In what sense?
extract from the text:
How the (catholic) church is faring in the world’s biggest Catholic country
THOUGH Pope Benedict’s tenure has not had much effect on Catholicism in Brazil so far, it has entrenched an old conflict. The previous pope’s reign saw a “decapitat ...[text shortened]... ing. The pope faces a struggle to steer this bunch in the direction of the orthodoxy he reveres.
Originally posted by no1marauderI agree that it's becoming spam-like, but this spat isn't helping the discussion either...
I explained why your childish antics are detrimental to the Forums. Surely you know this, so why do you persist in such ridiculous behavior?
As to your edit, SFW? Do you think that your continual harping over such a minor incident will accomplish anything to match the disruption of the Forums you are causing? If people don't trust the ci ...[text shortened]... ey should read the articles; normally when you cut and paste you do link to the article anyway.
FMF: Why don't you call out generalissimo in a dedicated thread? You can expose him there and not clutter the rest of the forum. I would guess that it would even receive more attention there than squeezed between other arguments.
Originally posted by no1marauder🙄 Oh good grief!
You've never seen me lose my temper. Consider yourself lucky.
Originally posted by no1marauder
Address the points raised rather than trying to personalize the matter.
The points I have raised is that there remains a question mark over the OP and the poster's integrity. Nothing personal.