@lemondrop saidNo one is worthy of mercy, mercy is granted to the unworthy not the worthy.
you'd think at least one would be worthy of His mercy
@lemondrop saidIn this life none are recorded, yet we are all made whole where it matters.
forget the semantics
every other ailment under the sun has been relieved by God
but not the poor amputee
@lemondrop saidIt seems to me that KellyJay's superstitious belief system is one of profound misanthropy in harness with unself-diagnosed narcissism.
it matters in this life too
are you that cold and unfeeling?
@lemondrop saidSeeing or even knowing of a verifiable growing of a severed limb by any god would indeed be miraculous. Don't worry, it has only been 3000 years and I am sure he is just waiting for the "right" moment.
you'd think at least one would be worthy of His mercy
05 Aug 19
@lemondrop saidThis is nothing. Check the General forum for a "real Christian" justifying the shooting in El Paso.
it matters in this life too
are you that cold and unfeeling?
@lemondrop saidYou are more loving and caring because you think God should do things the you think not the He does?
it matters in this life too
are you that cold and unfeeling?
@lemondrop saidYou will not be happy no matter what is shown to you. I do believe there is something in the Austin Tx area about a girl with brain cancer you could read about. I would give link but not home at the moment, if you look you may find it, or when I get home I post it.
could we have just one scientifically verifiable miracle?
@kellyjay saidSorry, but there has never been a verified "miracle". Also. never been any proof of the supernatural. Coincidentally there has never been any proof that god exists. Since all these things have never happened, you probably think they have (just a wild guess).
You will not be happy no matter what is shown to you. I do believe there is something in the Austin Tx area about a girl with brain cancer you could read about. I would give link but not home at the moment, if you look you may find it, or when I get home I post it.
05 Aug 19
@lemondrop saidThere is a tradition among Catholics that actually claim that an amputee was restored his leg in 1640 -- and it was deemed as authentic:
forget the semantics
every other ailment under the sun has been relieved by God
but not the poor amputee
News of the miracle spread like wildfire in the surrounding towns, and both government and ecclesiastical officials came to their house to see his healed leg for themselves. Three weeks later, Pellicer and his parents made a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of the Pillar to give thanks, and many people there who had known him with his stub leg were amazed to see him with both legs.
The story became such a sensation that the local archbishop conducted an extensive investigation of the miracle. When they dug up the box that he been buried with his amputated leg in the hospitals’ cemetery, it was apparently undisturbed – but empty. Regarding eye-witness testimony, there were obviously thousands of people who had clearly seen his stub leg before the miracle. So investigators asked two dozen of the most respected witnesses to testify in the court proceedings, including doctors who had treated him. No doubters of the miracle could be found.
A year later, the archbishop finally issued a judgement: the miracle was authentic.
The full story: