@soothfast saidThe statement does not exclude theists.
Curious, since there are an awful lot of miserable theists in the world.
@divegeester said
I had third row centre stage seats at Jeff Lynne’s ELO in Glasgow last night; that made me pretty happy.
How long did your happiness last?
@dj2becker saidHappiness is just pleasure generated from gratification of ones needs.
Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.
-C.S. Lewis
Jesus told His disciples that in the world they WILL have tribulation. But He has overcome the world.
Jesus warned His disciples that some would be persecuted and killed. But they, through Him, should endure to the end. The apostles said that through tribulation believers must enter into the kingdom of God.
We can see as an example the trials the apostle Paul went through in his ministry.
Many, many exhortations are in the Gospels and epistles about patient and endurance through suffering.
And there is no promise that followers of Christ will have a bed of roses to be happy in for the rest of their lives.
But there is a JOY deep within as they grow in grace. And through troubles they can overcome through the indwelling grace of Christ. We know that full salvation cannot fail. In suffering we can have joy and enjoyment of the strong Spirit of Christ empowering us.
The atheist on the other hand will have never ending misery being eternally separated from God if they refuse Christ.
You don't believe it? You do what you have to do.
And to you who are being afflicted, rest with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with the angels of His power, in flaming fire.
Rendering vengeance to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
They will pay the penalty of eternal destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His strength.
When He comes to be glorified in His saints and to be marveled at in all those who have believed (because our testimony to you was believed) in that day." (Second Thess. 1:5-10)
If any of you do not believe this, you go on and do whatever you think you should do.
Salvation is extended by Christ. the misery of the unforgiven rejectors will be forever and ever, if I understand the Scriptures rightly.
And I think I do. How can one "pay the penalty of eternal destruction" if one does not exist?