11 Dec 22
According to Christian doctrine it is homosexuality. However the bible seems to suggest that there were more serious issues with these cities, hence God took extreme steps to remove them. Also in the teachings of Jesus Christ, there is no mention of homosexuality, which is clearly a sin but not as serious as some others which he went to great lengths to explain.
It would appear that sins of a sexual nature are not at the top of Gods list of offenses that would determine a mans fate on judgment day.
Anyone care to comment?
11 Dec 22
@rajk999 saidThe wages of sin is death.
According to Christian doctrine it is homosexuality. However the bible seems to suggest that there were more serious issues with these cities, hence God took extreme steps to remove them. Also in the teachings of Jesus Christ, there is no mention of homosexuality, which is clearly a sin but not as serious as some others which he went to great lengths to explain.
It would ...[text shortened]... f Gods list of offenses that would determine a mans fate on judgment day.
Anyone care to comment?
11 Dec 22
@rajk999 saidIt was done due to sin, the wages of sin is death. There are no acceptable sins, there is no turning some sins as not so bad, in a halfa$$ attempt to make them normal in day to day modern life as if God has changed His mind about them.
If you do not care to discuss a topic there is always the option of saying nothing ... a viable option for people like you that quite often write without thinking.
@kellyjay saidWould you endorse a policy of executing homosexuals if the government in your country enacted it?
It was done due to sin, the wages of sin is death. There are no acceptable sins, there is no turning some sins as not so bad, in a halfa$$ attempt to make them normal in day to day modern life as if God has changed His mind about them.
11 Dec 22
@rajk999 saidThe sin wasn't being gay, it was gay rape.
According to Christian doctrine it is homosexuality. However the bible seems to suggest that there were more serious issues with these cities, hence God took extreme steps to remove them. Also in the teachings of Jesus Christ, there is no mention of homosexuality, which is clearly a sin but not as serious as some others which he went to great lengths to explain.
It would ...[text shortened]... f Gods list of offenses that would determine a mans fate on judgment day.
Anyone care to comment?
Someone in the story even offered up his daughters to be raped instead of the guests, who may have been angels? I forget.
I cannot imagine that being gay is a sin, because sexual preference is from birth, in my opinion. Besides, Jesus never commented on the subject. There have been many teen suicides from desping themselves, due to their sexual desires, and that's a real shame.
12 Dec 22
@kellyjay saidYou are completely and deliberately missing the point. If the statement 'the wages of sin is death', was applicable here then why did God not destroy all cities of the world, because surely all have sinned and according to you all sins stand on equal footing.
It was done due to sin, the wages of sin is death. There are no acceptable sins, there is no turning some sins as not so bad, in a halfa$$ attempt to make them normal in day to day modern life as if God has changed His mind about them.
The fact is not all sins are equal. Some are consider grievous, some are minor, and some are unforgivable.