The thing that bothers me most is that people actually belief that a dot this big --->> . exploded and from that, all of what is now today exists. And then from this explosion it just happened to rain for millions of years until a soup formed. And then millions of years later this evolved into bla bla bla.
Where is the documents, the evidence recorded for this? How the heck can you know you where something before? This is why evolution has many laughable theories which is good for when standing next a BBQ.
28 Aug 11
Originally posted by JS357What a load of junk - I cant believe I spend time reading stuff like this but at the end it just shows how many fools there are in the world.
We soon depart Spirituality and get to entropy and the Drake equation which are science.
The only other life that exists that people will never find on their own is Heaven. Other than that there is nothing and if there was, and if they were better as most people ALWAYS say, wouldn't they have made contact with us?
This is one horror story you don't tell your kids.