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Virchow Principle

Virchow Principle



"All life comes from other life forms"

Who agrees with this scientific principle?


Originally posted by whodey
"All life comes from other life forms"

Who agrees with this scientific principle?
So where did God come from?


Originally posted by Proper Knob
So where did God come from?
Come from?

That would imply that time came before God. However, if God created time.....well.....then problem solved.


Originally posted by whodey
"All life comes from other life forms"

Who agrees with this scientific principle?
Nobody. Its either logically impossible or the past is infinite. Take your pick.


Originally posted by twhitehead
Nobody. Its either logically impossible or the past is infinite. Take your pick.
Time is merely a dimension of the material universe.

Is there an existence beyond the material universe? I think there is, but there is no point of reference for those whose only existence has been in the material universe to understand it.


Originally posted by whodey
"All life comes from other life forms"

Who agrees with this scientific principle?
"Life feeds on life"

So maybe you could say it sort of evens out. Or that there is a potential for this to occur 🙂


Originally posted by whodey
"All life comes from other life forms"

Who agrees with this scientific principle?
How is it a scientific principle?

"If and only if all life comes from other life forms, then the following will be reliably and repeatably observed..."

That might make it a scientific principle if the observation is not something like "A book I and many hold to be absolutely true, says so."

"Or "I can't imagine any alternative being true."

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
So where did God come from?
who cares!

God/Jesus came through the Virgin Mary at the time. But after giving birth she had other children with Joseph

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Originally posted by whodey
Come from?

That would imply that time came before God. However, if God created time.....well.....then problem solved.
Actually, in the context of the OP, wouldn’t it imply that either “life” in some form came before God, or that God is not a living being?

EDIT: Or that God is somehow the exception to all logical statements? In which case, there would be nothing logical that one could say about God?


Originally posted by vistesd
Actually, in the context of the OP, wouldn’t it imply that either “life” in some form came before God, or that God is not a living being?

EDIT: Or that God is somehow the exception to all logical statements? In which case, there would be nothing logical that one could say about God?
Unlike the life we have here with bodies, God is a Spirit completely different lifeform.

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Originally posted by whodey
"All life comes from other life forms"

Who agrees with this scientific principle?
Virchow was referring to biological cell life. 😏

The German doctor Rudolf Virchow proposed that all cells result from the division of previously existing cells, and this idea became a key piece of modern cell theory. Virchow also founded the discipline of cellular pathology based on the idea that diseases do not affect an entire organism but are instead localized to certain groups of cells. This made it easier to diagnose and treat diseases



Originally posted by whodey
Time is merely a dimension of the material universe.
Yes. It remains the case that either time is infinite in the past, or the Virchow Principle as stated is illogical.

Is there an existence beyond the material universe? I think there is, but there is no point of reference for those whose only existence has been in the material universe to understand it.
It remains irrelevant. 'Life' is a concept strictly confined to this universe and 'from' is a concept strictly confined to time which as you say is a dimension of this universe.
If you wish to use other definitions of those words in your Virchow Principle then please state those definitions before asking whether anyone agrees with it.


Originally posted by whodey
"All life comes from other life forms"

Who agrees with this scientific principle?
Of course as a general principle not to be taken in the extreme the statement is accurate. It is similar to the statement 'what goes up, must come down'. Not entirely true, but good enough for most situations.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
Unlike the life we have here with bodies, God is a Spirit completely different lifeform.
Yeah, I was responding to whodey's response to ProperKnob--but I realize that might be derailing the thread, so I'll desist.


Originally posted by whodey
Come from?

That would imply that time came before God. However, if God created time.....well.....then problem solved.
There is nothing being implied and there is no mention of 'time' from me.

If life on this planet comes from other life forms, then what life form does God come from? Unless of course you're claiming God is not a life form? Where does the cosmological-buck stop?

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