What is a Christian?

What is a Christian?


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31 May 12
08 Apr 20


I don't think it is very profitable continuing in this vein, my relaying what Christianity is in its own terms and other posters dismissing that as merely my personal opinion. So I would like to change tack here by asking you a question.

How do you think knowledge of Jesus's life and teaching have been propagated over the last 2,000 years?

Please don't answer "the Bible." That answer doesn't work for two reasons. First, there was no Bible at the time of Jesus; the canon was not established until 300 years after his death. Second, most people for most of the last 2,000 years were illiterate, so even after the canon was established most people would not have been able to read it for most of the last 2,000 years. So, how did the message propagate? That's my question to you at this point. Then we'll see how to continue the thread.

16 Feb 08
08 Apr 20

@moonbus said
I don't think it is very profitable continuing in this vein, my relaying what Christianity is in its own terms and other posters dismissing that as merely my personal opinion.
It was your own opinion, see the exchange below.

It’s not very intellectually honest for you to wait a couple of days and then loosely assert that you were “relaying what Christianity is in its own terms.” Honesty is the first part of forum etiquette.

@Moonbus said:
If you think new denominations are closer to Christianity than older ones, then I really do not know what you think Christianity is. It certainly isn't anything related to Jesus or his apostles.

@divegeester replied:
Well that’s just your opinion, which of course you are welcome to.


28 Oct 05
08 Apr 20
1 edit

@moonbus said

I don't think it is very profitable continuing in this vein, my relaying what Christianity is in its own terms and other posters dismissing that as merely my personal opinion.
I don't much care whose claims to be "a Christian" you personally accept. If people whose beliefs fall short of including the five core beliefs in the OP claim to be Christians, so be it, it's a matter for them; and if you accept their claims, that's matter for you and/or a matter between you and them..


28 Oct 05
08 Apr 20

@moonbus said

How do you think knowledge of Jesus's life and teaching have been propagated over the last 2,000 years?
I don't think "knowledge of Jesus's life and teaching" is enough to define "a Christian". I personally think, at a minimum, the five core claims I listed need to be held.


28 Oct 05
08 Apr 20

@moonbus said
So, how did the message propagate? That's my question to you at this point. Then we'll see how to continue the thread.
If you want to define "a Christian" in terms of how the message they believe in was propagated, then that is your prerogative.


28 Oct 05
08 Apr 20
1 edit

@moonbus said

How do you think knowledge of Jesus's life and teaching have been propagated over the last 2,000 years? Please don't answer "the Bible." ... So, how did the message propagate? That's my question to you at this point. Then we'll see how to continue the thread.
You can talk about how the message was propagated etc. all you want. Be my guest.

Like much of the rest of what you have posted, people can look it up on Wikipedia or wherever and regurgitate it here. I am not interested.

Meanwhile, if you want to add to my list of five core beliefs [maybe there are seven, eight or ten, it's up to you] or take away from them [maybe there are only four or two, leave out however many you want], then you are free to do so, and, in so doing, you might come up with a definition that you personally believe is better than mine.


31 May 12
08 Apr 20

@fmf said
You can talk about how the message was propagated etc. all you want. Be my guest.

Like much of the rest of what you have posted, people can look it up on Wikipedia or wherever and regurgitate it here. I am not interested.

Meanwhile, if you want to add to my list of five core beliefs [maybe there are seven, eight or ten, it's up to you] or take away from them [maybe there ...[text shortened]... d, in so doing, you might come up with a definition that you personally believe is better than mine.
How do you think Christianity was propagated over the last 2,000 years?

Did Jesus say to his disciples 'go forth and get people to make lists of beliefs with a blank space at the bottom where every Tom, Dick, and Harry can add optional extras? They can cross out bits, too, if they want.'

Is that how you think Christianity propagated itself for 2,000 years?


28 Oct 05
08 Apr 20

@moonbus said
How do you think Christianity was propagated over the last 2,000 years?

Did Jesus say to his disciples 'go forth and get people to make lists of beliefs with a blank space at the bottom where every Tom, Dick, and Harry can add optional extras? They can cross out bits, too, if they want.'

Is that how you think Christianity propagated itself for 2,000 years?
I'm not interested in your question but feel free to apply your own answer to it to the way you answer the OP.


28 Oct 05
08 Apr 20

@moonbus said
Did Jesus say to his disciples 'go forth and get people to make lists of beliefs with a blank space at the bottom where every Tom, Dick, and Harry can add optional extras? They can cross out bits, too, if they want.'
I don't see any answer to the OP here.


28 Oct 05
08 Apr 20

@moonbus said
How do you think Christianity was propagated over the last 2,000 years?
If you don't know, look it up on wikipedia.

Are you not able to identify any core beliefs you attribute to those you perceive as being Christians, or do you just accept that anyone who self-identifies as a Christian is a Christian regardless of their core, defining beliefs?


28 Oct 05
08 Apr 20

@moonbus said
Did Jesus say to his disciples 'go forth and get people to make lists of beliefs with a blank space at the bottom where every Tom, Dick, and Harry can add optional extras? They can cross out bits, too, if they want.
I don't think anyone I personally perceive as a Christian can cross anything off my list and still be one, no.

As for things like eternal torture and the virgin birth, it doesn't matter to me ~ in terms of defining a Christian ~ if such things do or don't number among their core beliefs.


31 May 12
09 Apr 20

@fmf said
I'm not interested in your question but feel free to apply your own answer to it to the way you answer the OP.
The two questions are intimately related, how Christianity propagated itself for 2,000 years, and what is a Christian. The answer to the first one determines the answer to the second one.


28 Oct 05
09 Apr 20

@moonbus said
The two questions are intimately related, how Christianity propagated itself for 2,000 years, and what is a Christian. The answer to the first one determines the answer to the second one.
I told you, look it up on the internet. And use what you find to address the thread's topic if you want to.

What is your answer to the OP? What is your definition of "a Christian"? What minimum core beliefs do you think are held by people who can ~ in your view ~ legitimately call themselves Christians.

As for my view, I have been upfront and crystal clear.


28 Oct 05
09 Apr 20
1 edit

@moonbus said
Christianity is not a cafeteria where anybody can pick and choose the bits he likes and ignore the rest and still call himself a Christian with a capital "C."
The more you dance around with your lack of a clearly stated view and your stalling counter-question, the more I think it is you who has the...

'Christianity is a cafeteria where anybody can pick and choose the bits he likes and ignore the rest' take on what define's "a Christian".

Just come out and state your view, like I have.


28 Oct 05
09 Apr 20

@moonbus said
The two questions are intimately related, how Christianity propagated itself for 2,000 years, and what is a Christian. The answer to the first one determines the answer to the second one.
@moonbus said
The answer to the first one determines the answer to the second one.

What is your answer to 'the second one'?