Taken in part from an article about Eric Metaxas
Documentary Slated on EpochTV in February
"That’s the argument he makes in “Letter to the American Church,” a new documentary based on his same-titled book. The documentary, which will air exclusively on EpochTV on Feb. 8, explores the consequences of what happens when Christians fail to take a stand against tyranny.
“I think that, just like in Germany, there’s very little time,” Mr. Metaxas warned. “Like, I would say in two years, in a year, it might be over.
"If people don’t step up now and get involved … in the election, get involved in standing against these evils, we will lose.”
According to Mr. Metaxas, one of the threads connecting the churches of pre-war Germany and the modern-day United States is a similar perception of what constitutes faith.
In Germany, he said, Martin Luther’s reformation of the church gave rise to the perception of faith as something that is believed, not performed. And that notion, he said, sparked the concern of German theologian and Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer amid the rise of the Nazi regime.
German Church Ignored Warning About Nazis
“Bonhoeffer in the 1930s sees this in Germany, he says, ‘Look what’s happened since Luther. We have so bastardized this view of faith that it’s become this attenuated intellectual faith. It’s no real faith because it’s not lived out.’”
The German church ultimately ignored Bonhoeffer’s pleas to resist the Nazis, opting to stay out of Hitler’s way as he committed countless atrocities. Bonhoeffer was later executed by the Nazis.
The story, Mr. Metaxas said, presents a cautionary tale for American Christians as to what they could be held responsible for if they fail to act now in the face of tyranny.
“It’s just so ironic to me that we’re living in a time now where you have many Christians saying exactly what the German Christians were saying.
"And that’s what’s so chilling to me because my mother grew up in Nazi Germany, and I wrote the Bonhoeffer book, and I have seen this very clearly,” he said.
“I want to wake people up and say, unless Christians repent of their inaction and their silence, unless they get in the battle, God will hold you as guilty.”
Mr. Metaxas acknowledged that, as was the case for the German church, shifts in attitude and policy have influenced how American Christians apply their faith to the political arena.
For example, the Johnson Amendment, he noted, has long threatened the tax-exempt status of churches that dare to get political in their messaging.
Misreading the 'Wall of Separation'
Meanwhile, the doctrine of separation of church and state has led many to believe they must keep their faith separate from all things political. But that idea, he said, is based on a misunderstanding of the concept.
“The reason in America the founders created the wall of separation—in Jefferson’s famous letter—between church and state was specifically to protect the churches from the state,” he noted.
He also emphasized that the desire of many Christians to avoid being political would put them at odds with their Christian values.
“Would you dare to keep your mouth shut on the issue of slavery? Would you dare to keep your mouth shut if Jews are being dragged off in boxcars to Treblinka and Auschwitz? … What kind of a hypocrite are you?” he wondered.
“That’s been part of the American culture in the church, the American Christian culture, and it is sinful. It is wrong.”
Citing the Book of James’ assertion that “faith without works is dead,” Mr. Metaxas said Christians have a biblical responsibility to live out their faith “in every sphere.”
If they aren’t doing so, he added, it raises the question of whether their faith is genuine.
“If you’re not living it out, doesn’t that prove you don’t really believe it? … A lot of people have this idea, like, ‘I can believe it, but not do anything about it.’ No, that’s wrong. You have to live it out,” he said."
@josephw saidSounds like another batch of baloney Christian dectrine developing. Christians are required to profess faith and keep the commandments, none of which were to... step up now and get involved … in the election, get involved in standing against these evils ..
Taken in part from an article about Eric Metaxas
Documentary Slated on EpochTV in February
"That’s the argument he makes in “Letter to the American Church,” a new documentary based on his same-titled book. The documentary, which will air exclusively on EpochTV on Feb. 8, explores the consequences of what happens when Christians fail to take a stand against tyranny.
...[text shortened]... can believe it, but not do anything about it.’ No, that’s wrong. You have to live it out,” he said."
Christians are not part of this world and its events. A good Christian will tell people about Christ and by his lifestyle they will see what a Christian life is about, and its not about going to church or fighting with the evil in the world.
@josephw saidOh dear. What has Trump said now? I know he has condemned his opponents as "communists" and "vermin", the exact way the Jews in Germany were condemned in the 1930s, he's boasted in front of crowds about having had Hitler-type ideas - despite not having read Mein Kampf - and talks of foreigners "poisoning the blood" of America. And I know he has been promising to set up huge detention camps for civilians which will be filled without any judicial process probably with the help of the military. Oh dear, What has Trump said now to trigger you, josephw?
“Would you dare to keep your mouth shut on the issue of slavery? Would you dare to keep your mouth shut if Jews are being dragged off in boxcars to Treblinka and Auschwitz? … What kind of a hypocrite are you?” he wondered.
Tyranny and the tyrant are said to, often times, arise from a democracy, with or without the aid of religion.
The USA is believed to be the most powerful and wealthiest democracy (republic) on the face of the earth. If the pattern holds, the odds are the USA will give rise to the greatest, most powerful tyranny and tyrant the world has ever seen?
@pettytalk saidYeah, FIRST the Johnson Amendment removing the tax-exempt status of charitable, non-political organizations - like churches - that disqualify themselves from tax-exempt status, NEXT Christians being dragged off in boxcars to the C21st manifestation of Treblinka and Auschwitz. Yeah, right.
Tyranny and the tyrant are said to, often times, arise from a democracy, with or without the aid of religion.
The USA is believed to be the most powerful and wealthiest democracy (republic) on the face of the earth. If the pattern holds, the odds are the USA will give rise to the greatest, most powerful tyranny and tyrant the world has ever seen?
And the Book of James’ assertion that “faith without works is dead,” clearly implies that if a corporate entity - like a church active in partisan political activity - is NOT given tax-exempt status., then it looks like the Christians are going to be THE NEW JEWS and there's going to be a new HOLOCAUST in America: the Book of James forgot to mention it. Yeah right.
@josephw saidHow many of us would have made a public stand against slavery if we had lived in a time when everyone around us thought it was acceptable? I wonder.
Taken in part from an article about Eric Metaxas
Documentary Slated on EpochTV in February
"That’s the argument he makes in “Letter to the American Church,” a new documentary based on his same-titled book. The documentary, which will air exclusively on EpochTV on Feb. 8, explores the consequences of what happens when Christians fail to take a stand against tyranny.
...[text shortened]... can believe it, but not do anything about it.’ No, that’s wrong. You have to live it out,” he said."
@bigdogg saidYes, this is true. This is what bothers me about the religious right's seeming love affair with Trump. They are embracing that which is wrong.
How many of us would have made a public stand against slavery if we had lived in a time when everyone around us thought it was acceptable? I wonder.
I'm gonna guess that Joseph is pissed off that Colorado has removed him (correctly, according to the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution) from the Republican primary ballot.
Oh dear, what nonsense. So, he wants Onward Christian Soldiers marching off to war, fighting the good fight against evil etc. A grotesque image. What I really don’t get is why he seems to think that religions have a monopoly of human virtues, that only the religiously pious can eradicate evil. Perhaps someone can enlighten this humanist agnostic.
@josephw saidIt isn't faith if it is not lived out, it is only a fairy tale to smooth one's conscience thinking they have a get-out-of-hell-free card at no cost to them, if one's life isn't changed nothing real has happened.
Taken in part from an article about Eric Metaxas
Documentary Slated on EpochTV in February
"That’s the argument he makes in “Letter to the American Church,” a new documentary based on his same-titled book. The documentary, which will air exclusively on EpochTV on Feb. 8, explores the consequences of what happens when Christians fail to take a stand against tyranny.
...[text shortened]... can believe it, but not do anything about it.’ No, that’s wrong. You have to live it out,” he said."
@kellyjay saidIs this why politically active "church" financial entities should be tax-exempt?
It isn't faith if it is not lived out, it is only a fairy tale to smooth one's conscience thinking they have a get-out-of-hell-free card at no cost to them, if one's life isn't changed nothing real has happened.