Originally posted by KellyJayJust curious as to what do you mean? Was there a game that looked fixed to you? Or a pitcher giving up a pitch and hit into the stands for the sake of stats?
Well toss the regular seasons records out the window the pay offs begin.
My Yankees did not make it in. And it is a shame. The fans blame Joe but I agree with some writers. I think he has done miracles with a team that has very little talent and whose best players are all hurt. The young players from the farm team finally starting playing great. I hope they just get rid of almost everyone, and bring up the farm players. Jeter and some of the best players during his reign came from the farm system. But the brothers who own the team are going to make sure they don't ever win a championship again. For what my two cents is worth.
I hope the Cubs win it all.
Originally posted by radioactive69Of course they count. But it's like Rugby, or what you call football, and our basketball. Some countries are just better at some sports. It's just a fact. Our country cant win the world cup for football, or what we call soccer. We cant come close in Rugby. But play us in baseball, providing we use our best players when they are not playing during the heart of the season, or play us in basketball and we will crush anyone. We use to lose in basketball when we used college players. And only lost once or twice since using professionals. But there are just sports nobody can touch us at, just like some sports we cant come close to other countries in.
World series.........Hardly.
Only the good old USA would claim that their local tournament is a world series.
What about the rest of the world (other than the USA). Don't they count?
And it's not a USA thing. Just a fact we are just better in some sports. And not as good in others. I think that can be said for any country. And that comment he made was based on two teams. The name is irrelevant. It just makes it sound better, and gives it a better draw in terms of an audience.
Cubs are going to win it all anyway. And there is no team in the world that can beat them. Not now anyway.
No different in boxing. It is global and anyone can fight if they are good enough. Historically, the US has always had the best fighters alive. And that is purely money driven, so you know if there is anyone from any country that is better then any current champion the they would be fighting for a belt.
Just look at the weight classes over the last one hundred years.
It's just a name we give to the series. Nothing more, nothing less. World Series is just a name to make it more exciting. Plus we are the best in most years. Why you would pick an argument over a name, and insult a country over it is beyond me. But your entitled to think what you like. 🙂
GO CUBS!!!!!!!!! 🙂
14 Oct 16
Originally posted by VESPINYour kidding yourself.
Of course they count. But it's like Rugby, or what you call football, and our basketball. Some countries are just better at some sports. It's just a fact. Our country cant win the world cup for football, or what we call soccer. We cant come close in Rugby. But play us in baseball, providing we use our best players when they are not playing during the heart ...[text shortened]... untry over it is beyond me. But your entitled to think what you like. 🙂
GO CUBS!!!!!!!!! 🙂
The Cubans would and have many many times crushed your lot in baseball. You blokes would be lucky to even be in the top 5 behind Cuba, Japan. South Korea, The Netherlands, Chinese Taipei and...........oh.........of course............Australia.
World series..........Bwahahahaha............most of the Asian clubs would completely annihilate The Cubs. Our local club over here would give them a run for their money.
I'm going to get our local cricket comp called the World Series of cricket. Open to local teams only though of course. The winners can then call themselves the World Champions.
Originally posted by radioactive69Remember all the times you called me stupid? Well, I just proved it. I meant to say GO CUBS!!! I am so sleep deprived I cant think straight. But yes, I am going for the Cubs. Only because the Cubs really have a great baseball tradition, like the Yankees do. Even if they are bad, the Cubs and the Yankees are still considered huge teams in this sport.
I thought you were going for The Cubs ????
Most of my teams stink. But have great tradition. Have you ever followed a team in a huge sport, but they were really bad for many years? But even so, they are known for that sport and every year you hope and think they can win. Cubs and the Yankees are like that. But not one of my teams in any sport or any good. They all suck. Now that is how my luck runs. lol
I would not be upset though if Toronto won it. They are a solid team to.
I love Rugby but I am still learning the game and I don't have hang of it yet. And I have to stay up really late to watch it. But that is one hell of a game. I wish I had played.
Originally posted by radioactive69You don't understand Baseball. Every country you just named are horrible. They have individual players that are great. But they cant come up with a league Radio. If they could, they would be playing us. They don't have the talent, and they wont in our life time. Baseball is America's sport and it will be for a very long time.
Your kidding yourself.
The Cubans would and have many many times crushed your lot in baseball. You blokes would be lucky to even be in the top 5 behind Cuba, Japan. South Korea, The Netherlands, Chinese Taipei and...........oh.........of course............Australia.
World series..........Bwahahahaha............most of the Asian clubs would comp ...[text shortened]... teams only though of course. The winners can then call themselves the World Champions.
We pick only the best players from those countries. Cuba is one. Japan only has had maybe five players in the history of baseball that were great. I can only think of one who would make the hall of fame never mind a league of teams that can compete. They cant hit, they can barely field, and they cant pitch. Do you know who Tanaka is? Look him up, and tell me what team he plays for. He is the highest payed player to come out of his country. He is average at best in our sport. He got hurt like they always do, and don't last long.
South Korea? You must be drinking a lot of the heavy stuff. lol lol lol My god. You must know baseball better then that Radio. The Cubans have good to some great players. But not enough to have teams in leagues that can come close to us.
We don't even play our best players, or our best average players due to it is in the heart of the season and the best players don't want to hurt themselves. In a seven game series, nine out of ten times, nobody can beat us in baseball. You need to do more research. But as I always say, you are entitled to think and feel any way you wish.
I have no problem with it.
Chinese? How much did you drink tonight? lol lol 🙂 I have to say, and hate to admit it, but you do make me laugh.
15 Oct 16
Originally posted by VESPINTo be brutally honest I find it the slowest and most boring game ever invented.
You don't understand Baseball. Every country you just named are horrible. They have individual players that are great. But they cant come up with a league Radio. If they could, they would be playing us. They don't have the talent, and they wont in our life time. Baseball is America's sport and it will be for a very long time.
We pick only the best players ...[text shortened]... d you drink tonight? lol lol 🙂 I have to say, and hate to admit it, but you do make me laugh.
It must be an American thing
Anyway.......Cuba have won the world championship 24 times as opposed to America 4 times. Cuba has won the Olympics 3 times to your 1. Even Australia finished in front of your lot in 2004. Keep practising boys.........your time will come
Originally posted by radioactive69Radio, first off. You are not alone. It really is mostly an American thing. So many find it boring as hell. I cant argue with you there. But it is more then just a sport for us. It is what we call a "pastime" for fathers and sons. If you ever get a chance watch the movie "Field of Dreams" with Kevin Costner. Please remember it was made years ago and it might seem a bit silly to you in parts.
To be brutally honest I find it the slowest and most boring game ever invented.
It must be an American thing
Anyway.......Cuba have won the world championship 24 times as opposed to America 4 times. Cuba has won the Olympics 3 times to your 1. Even Australia finished in front of your lot in 2004. Keep practising boys.........your time will come
But the reason you gave, meaning it "must be an American thing", is the very reason we are the best at it. I have no problem telling you that I am wrong here if I was.
The issue is, the reason you say you would have won, or others have or would is because in the Olympics and other times we play other countries, we never play our best players. In fact you guys are playing our college players. Even in basketball when we used our college players, the professionals from around the world could not compete.
The Olympics and other times we play it is ALWAYS during the heart of our season and our players wont play. It's not really fair to us really. We cant display our players which the parts of the world that love baseball would love to see our Pro's play.
That is the only reason anyone would ever beat us. Your stats don't reflect what is going on in the US during the times we lose or play. We our lucky if we have just a couple of professional players out on the field.
Your country, and everyone you named except Spanish speaking countries can not compete with us, and it will be long after you and I are long gone before anyone can.
Have you not wondered why everyone around the world who play this game, all want to play the Major League's? It is like Basketball. Remember when the US got tired of playing nothing but college players, so we put our pro's on the court. Other countries were so upset with us. lol
We put what we called "The Dream Team" out on the court and even you have to know who was on that team!! Other teams from other countries were getting our players autographs.
It is the same in baseball. This is the country you go to if you want to be considered a baseball player. It's that simple.
But many find it boring. But if you learn the game, and play it as a youth? I think if you are really into sports, you would most likely love it. To hit a pitch that is going almost a 100mph is a skill that most can only dream of. Playing the infield, hitting a home run, moving the players by playing what we call small ball, it is all a lot of fun and amazing to watch the pro's who make it look easy.
But you are not alone in thinking it looks boring. Many feel the way you do including Americans. I just happen to love it, and I played as a youth. Many still remember the first time their father had a catch with them for the first time.
Although, I think we can think of a few sports that are more boring. Think of some ice sports and you will find a few that should not be considered sports.
Australia is beautiful, and you have some amazing professional athletes there. But baseball is not one of your sports. lol
My one friend wants to retire there actually. He has traveled all over the world and said that your country was the most beautiful he has ever encountered. I have not been there yet. But it is on my bucket list. 🙂 Try to watch that movie if you can.
I just checked. I was correct. Every country you mentioned? They played their best. And many don't even have enough teams to have a league. The US only played some, less then half of the professional players, and none of them were the All Stars, just good professionals, but most of the team were all made up of College players, and some triple A ball. It is like saying we won the world cup in football/soccer, and in Rugby, but we played professionals, and the rest of the world played high school and college players. Do you think that is an accurate account of how good we would be compared to the rest of the world if that was the case? Same thing.
Field of Dreams is the movie. And look up Tanaka, the pitcher in the American League. He is a hero in is home country. But here, he is just another pitcher.
fyi.... google "winter sport called "Curling" then tell me baseball is the most boring sport in the world. lol lol
Originally posted by radioactive69I've been to the Camp Nou, Old Trafford, Anfield but the most fun and best atmospheres I've experienced at a sporting event was in India during the cricket world cup and In Denver for the world series.
To be brutally honest I find it the slowest and most boring game ever invented.
It must be an American thing
Anyway.......Cuba have won the world championship 24 times as opposed to America 4 times. Cuba has won the Olympics 3 times to your 1. Even Australia finished in front of your lot in 2004. Keep practising boys.........your time will come
The Rockies lost but everyone was just having a good time, good game as well. Can't remember if it was 10-5 or 10-6 to Boston but an experience I'll never forget.
They probably call it the world series because the best players in the world go there to play because they get paid much more than anywhere else. The Cubans weren't allowed to play in America so when they played at international level they were hungry to show how good they were, while the Americans were over paid and all played for different teams. It's not surprising Cuba won so often.
Originally posted by Trev33Anyone is allowed to play now. So nationality has nothing to do with the Americans owning Baseball.
I've been to the Camp Nou, Old Trafford, Anfield but the most fun and best atmospheres I've experienced at a sporting event was in India during the cricket world cup and In Denver for the world series.
The Rockies lost but everyone was just having a good time, good game as well. Can't remember if it was 10-5 or 10-6 to Boston but an experience I'll never ...[text shortened]... ricans were over paid and all played for different teams. It's not surprising Cuba won so often.
Always will. In this life time anyway. In fact, Tankaka gets paid more then any other pitcher in history.
He is from Japan.
And as usual, just an average player just like many that try to make it here. It's not a knock on anyone. There are sports we cant compete in.
You were lucky to see the cricket world cup. That had to be amazing.