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26 Aug 07
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by radioactive69
So you are taking the 5th hey.We all know what that means.

By not answering you are bringing shame to your religion and besmirching your Bible.

Answer the question carrobie. Are you acting in a sporting manner in your clan activities as leader of the Easy Riders? Yes or no? (Your God will be witnesst to your answer)
No I am not taking the fifth, your question is not only loaded but presents only two alternatives, yes or no when a third might be possible, its termed a false dichotomy or a false dilemma. It cannot be answered because its based on a glaring logical fallacy.


26 Aug 07
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by mghrn55
Just answer the question. 😴
Then present a logically sound one.


Planet Earth

10 Dec 04
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Then present a logically sound one.
Oxymoron for malingerer55

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
21 Jul 16
2 edits

Originally posted by Mctayto
Oxymoron for malingerer55
I hope this doesn't sound insulting to you as it is not meant to be. I think it is really funny, like some think Very Crusty or Rusty buckets is funny. Everytime I see the name "mctayto" I always think of "Potatoe". Since you like handing out nick names, would you mind if I call you "Potatoe Head"? 😉

Kind Regards,
Karma is still nipping at your butt,

st johnstone

14 Nov 09
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by Very Rusty
What is this event all about, that security and police are needed? I figured I'd be more likely getting a straight answer from you.

g4s or group four security cover the hydro in glasgow, they do every thing from pre inspection, bombs fire escapes etc, control of cctv they have total control, even more power than the police inside the building
extra security can be allowed, normally when a mega pop star comes, but g4s are in control

robbies event will have JW "stewards" totally different from security, they help people to their seat, look out for trouble etc.they do a good job but don't have the training to be front line security.
also a member from the fire brigade must be there, do you really think the hydro would hand over a buildng worth millions to untrained JW for the week end? i am replying to some of robbies insane comments in the post after yours

Robbie caught talking BS again, even at police conferences g4s will do the security, i have never seen a place "shut down" in any event because a child is missing another lie from robbie there. locking any one in a building is illegal, classed as false imprisonment a very serious crime in Scotland,

hope that answers your question

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by roma45
g4s or group four security cover the hydro in glasgow, they do every thing from pre inspection, bombs fire escapes etc, control of cctv they have total control, even more power than the police inside the building
extra security can be allowed, normally when a mega pop star comes, but g4s are in control

robbies event will have JW "stewards" totally differe ...[text shortened]... assed as false imprisonment a very serious crime in Scotland,

hope that answers your question
Thank you for the information & explanation. I have no idea how things work over there, being from Canada.



santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by Very Rusty
I hope this doesn't sound insulting to you as it is not meant to be. I think it is really funny, like some think Very Crusty or Rusty buckets is funny. Everytime I see the name "mctayto" I always think of "Potatoe". Since you like handing out nick names, would you mind if I call you "Potatoe Head"? 😉

Kind Regards,
Karma is still nipping at your butt,
spelling potato 'potatoe' reminds me of Dan Quayle correcting a young school child on national television
he was running as the vice presidential candidate and totally looked foolish
I don't mean this in an insulting way at all
I still love my milk toast
your lemon always

st johnstone

14 Nov 09
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by Very Rusty
Thank you for the information & explanation. I have no idea how things work over there, being from Canada.

the uk government has a file on every one, they know every thing about every one
text messages e-mails and phone calls are monitored
the leftie side hate that, but if you have nothing to hide why worry?

1984 is a bit late but it's here, some people actually think they are "free"

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by lemondrop
spelling potato 'potatoe' reminds me of Dan Quayle correcting a young school child on national television
he was running as the vice presidential candidate and totally looked foolish
I don't mean this in an insulting way at all
I still love my milk toast
your lemon always
Sir, or Ma'am, Something you may or may not find interesting!
Spelling potato ‘potatoe’

In the modern era, no gaffe of the spoken word quite reaches the heights of Dan Quayle’s misspelling of a certain tuber. And it also occasioned one of the most unfair responses; Dan Quayle got a bad rap (for potato, at least).

Potato P-O-T-A-T-O Potato

In June of 1992 Quayle was still the vice-president of George H. W. Bush, and as vice-presidents often find themselves performing tasks that no one else wants to do, he was officiating at a spelling bee. There are various reports on whether he was reading a cue card with erroneous information supplied by the school, or made the mistake on his own, but what is incontrovertible (and posted on You Tube for posterity) is that Quayle incorrectly corrected a student’s spelling of potato.

The vice-president averred that the correct spelling had an –e at the end, a statement which engendered no small amount of ridicule. In fact, he is still being mocked for it to this day. After all, the fact that ‘potato’ has no –e at the end of it is something that we all pride ourselves on knowing with every fiber of our being. Isn’t it?

Not the only one

But why do we know this so well? Is it perhaps because Quayle was so relentlessly excoriated that this particular spelling lesson has become learned on a national level? The spelling of potatoe, while not terribly common, existed for almost the entire 20th century. For example, the New York Times was still occasionally spelling potato with an –e in 1988. In fact, one can easily find spellings of potatoe all the way up to 15 June of 1992, at which point they suddenly drop off or become used in an ironic way, referencing this incident. Quayle may have misspelled the word, but in doing so perhaps he taught the rest of us how to not make his error.

It happens to the best of us

It has always seemed to me that there was an overreaction to this flub. We all make such mistakes, obviously, and potato is a bit of a tricky word (the Oxford English Dictionary lists 64 variant spellings that have existed over the ages, including pittayatee, pertaayter, and pertater).

Why is the former vice-president still being teased over his failure to spell a word on the spot, while the New York Times, Washington Post and others are escaping censure for routinely printing the plural incorrectly (spelling it without an –e)? (Examples of this can be found here, here, and here.) This improper spelling of ‘potatoes’ is so entrenched in our spelling brains, that what is needed is for one of the current presidential hopefuls to spell it improperly on television, so that the public can then publicly mock this failure, and

in years to come we can say to each other “everyone knows that potatoes has an –e in

The opinions and other information contained in OxfordWords blog posts and comments do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of Oxford University Press.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
21 Jul 16
1 edit

Originally posted by roma45
the uk government has a file on every one, they know every thing about every one
text messages e-mails and phone calls are monitored
the leftie side hate that, but if you have nothing to hide why worry?

1984 is a bit late but it's here, some people actually think they are "free"
I assume there could be and is similiar things happening in Canada we are just not aware of. We all text messsages, e-mails, and make Phone calls, most cell phones have a GPS in them now.



26 Aug 07
22 Jul 16

Originally posted by roma45
g4s or group four security cover the hydro in glasgow, they do every thing from pre inspection, bombs fire escapes etc, control of cctv they have total control, even more power than the police inside the building
extra security can be allowed, normally when a mega pop star comes, but g4s are in control

robbies event will have JW "stewards" totally differe ...[text shortened]... assed as false imprisonment a very serious crime in Scotland,

hope that answers your question
Once again you have no idea what you are talking about. If a child went missing at MacDairmid park the gates were closed and no one was allowed in or out, even if children leave with an adult they are asked if that adult is their relative. Clearly we have much higher standards of security than you bozos. Does g4 do that? I doubt it, those noobs dont know anything and neither do you. All you know is how to bust and break the fingers of moms in malls getting stuff for their kids.

st johnstone

14 Nov 09
23 Jul 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Once again you have no idea what you are talking about. If a child went missing at MacDairmid park the gates were closed and no one was allowed in or out, even if children leave with an adult they are asked if that adult is their relative. Clearly we have much higher standards of security than you bozos. Does g4 do that? I doubt it, those noobs don ...[text shortened]... All you know is how to bust and break the fingers of moms in malls getting stuff for their kids.
an eye opener yesterday
luckily no kids went missing so a lock down was not needed.
main thing i learned meeting many people,
Robbie you are not a JW, i seriously have doubts you were even there..
do you actually even live in Glasgow?
lying about things like that are not only sinister but shows me really how sad you are.
care to answer the following points
1] why refuse to meet me there?
2] you went by bus? what number section do the buses park? you would need to actually be there to know
3] what logo is on the internal security vests?
4] what colour is the boat house in hereford?
you are a fraud, in real life as well as on here,

you will now deflect with your usual drool, happily joined by the great cheat and the dead one.

one final question, where in the USA do you actually live?

Fun, fun fun!!

On the beach

26 Aug 06
24 Jul 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
No I am not taking the fifth, your question is not only loaded but presents only two alternatives, yes or no when a third might be possible, its termed a false dichotomy or a false dilemma. It cannot be answered because its based on a glaring logical fallacy.
OK carrobie. If you need to answer the question using a third possibility, do so.

Remember, by not answering you are bringing shame to your religion and besmirching your Bible and your God.

So here's the question again. Are you acting in a sporting manner in your clan activities as leader of the Easy Riders when you set up challenges against Arrow, Anti-Metallica and Breaking Bad? Yes, no or answer in your 3rd possibility? (Your God will be witness to your answer)

Fun, fun fun!!

On the beach

26 Aug 06
24 Jul 16

Originally posted by roma45
an eye opener yesterday
luckily no kids went missing so a lock down was not needed.
main thing i learned meeting many people,
Robbie you are not a JW, i seriously have doubts you were even there..
do you actually even live in Glasgow?
lying about things like that are not only sinister but shows me really how sad you are.
care to answer the following po ...[text shortened]... the great cheat and the dead one.

one final question, where in the USA do you actually live?
Hey carrobie.............we're still awaiting your answer to this one as well.

Didn't manage to make it on the day?


Planet Earth

10 Dec 04
24 Jul 16

Originally posted by radioactive69
Hey carrobie.............we're still awaiting your answer to this one as well.

Didn't manage to make it on the day?
Why are you so interested in Robbie when the spotlight should be on the cheating sandbagging clan Metallica ??