8-cell embryos

8-cell embryos


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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
2 edits

My only deal with religion is the apparent fact there is no god coming down to save our sorry asses from destruction. We are touted as the pinnacle of creation but why would a god let us make nuclear weapons or biological weapons, either of which could destroy the whole human race besides 90% of the rest of life on Earth and in fact we are in the middle of the next great extinction as we speak.
Where is this supposed god?
If said god really loves humans, why has it not come down and talk to every human on the planet in whatever language they speak, should be nothing for a god, right?
Say, HEY ASSSHOLES, I am taking all your weapons away, so if you want to fight wars, do them like you used to do, swords and shields.
So where is this god when we REALLY need one?
To me the answer is I cannot outright say there are no gods, that would be like a really smart ant telling his buddies in the ant hill, there are no humans, don't worry, be happy.
It is a big universe, and maybe even bigger than OUR universe so there could be life forms so advanced evolutionarily speaking they would seem to be gods to us, able to really teleport our nukes into the sun or some such, how would you even tell them from a god?
That said, what I think is going on is said god or gods don't really give a rats ass about humanity or life on Earth in general, it was clear how much said god cared about dinosaurs eh. So in my mind we are on our own, god or no god and if we off ourselves and most of the rest of life on Earth, said god would go, oh well, failed experiment, we will let Earth stew for a few hundred million years more and see if something superior shows up.
We kind of failed on Mars so let's see how it works on Earth post humans.......

Look I know from which I speak, I did 8 years K to 8 in a Lutheran school in El Monte California, catechism every day and a teacher who hated science so I had to read bible verse every day.
Even as a kid I knew there was something wrong in the whole religion scheme of things and it looks like what Christians say, 'you have to have FAITH'. Well faith didn't help those poor souls in Hiroshima did it? Now Putin is actively discussing using nukes in either Ukraine or Poland, whatever.
Why would a god not stop such a world shaking weapon? Where is the faith in THAT?

And don't worry, I have no illusions anything I say would convince any person deep into their religion that anything I say about the issue would effect anything in the lives of the religious, these are MY thoughts and I understand exactly why the depth of the programming inherent in religions of all kinds prevent most folks from changing anything about their religious views.

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
2 edits

@sonhouse said
My only deal with religion is the apparent fact there is no god coming down to save our sorry asses from destruction. We are touted as the pinnacle of creation but why would a god let us make nuclear weapons or biological weapons, either of which could destroy the whole human race besides 90% of the rest of life on Earth and in fact we are in the middle of the ...[text shortened]... ent in religions of all kinds prevent most folks from changing anything about their religious views.
I understand your thoughts and feelings on this subject; and. sometimes I feel the same when bad things happen to me; and other good people. However, God is going to intervene before we completely destroy ourselves; and He is going to save those who follow His teachings. Man is the one whom left God to be a god; so we are basically on our own until then; and, He has provide a way of escape from death for eternity.
We have to eat the chicken and spit out the bones son until then. He is waiting for all to come to Him and this is why it is taking so long.
Stay strong son, and keep pushing forward in your righteousness; which is evident to me, and I'm sure many others. None of us is perfect. ๐Ÿ™‚
"Seek and you shall find." Don't give up or shut the door on God. Pray to Him your true thoughts and feelings here; but please don't shut the door on Him forever. He stands at the door of your soul knocking, answer it sometime son.
God Bless. ๐Ÿ™‚


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04

Of fukking hell, god, really?

Medievil superstions have no place in modern society. Go walk under a ladder or something.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Praying for folks to get well has the result of making the person involved feel that warm and fuzzy feeling but that is about all the effect it has.
I am not an atheist in terms of absolute denial of the possibility of there being a god or gods, but I feel secure in the atheism of man made religions, no god came down to tell Christians it is ok to kill Muslims or Hindu's or Buddhists and such, that clearly came from MEN writing such things in a bible so they can CLAIM 'I didn't come up with this, my GOD told me directly'.
So your thesis is God will come down to prevent humans from offing themselves. Would that be BEFORE an atomic war or afterwards? It didn't save anyone in Hiroshima did it?
Does that say to you the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in one second doesn't matter to your god but it would intervene if the number jumped to 7 billion?
Is that the new math of god then? Keeping score as to how many die from nukes or bioweapons, let's see, said god goes, well only 30 million have died so far and it looks like the toll will be about 300 million when all is said and done, so no need for help?
Then the numbers come out to 7 billion, said god goes, I have to stop THAT.
Is that what you mean?

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
3 edits

@shavixmir said
Of fukking hell, god, really?

Medievil superstions have no place in modern society. Go walk under a ladder or something.
lol, I've been painting my new apartment this last week as a matter of fact. There's been a few times I,ve walked under a ladder while doing it. ๐Ÿ™‚
I've also been dealing with a superstitious pastor this last week also; had to throw him out of my home. lol, what a coincidence.
Talk soon Shav. ๐Ÿ˜‰

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
5 edits

@sonhouse said
Praying for folks to get well has the result of making the person involved feel that warm and fuzzy feeling but that is about all the effect it has.
I am not an atheist in terms of absolute denial of the possibility of there being a god or gods, but I feel secure in the atheism of man made religions, no god came down to tell Christians it is ok to kill Muslim ...[text shortened]...
Then the numbers come out to 7 billion, said god goes, I have to stop THAT.
Is that what you mean?
no god came down to tell Christians it is ok to kill Muslims or Hindu's or Buddhists and such, that clearly came from MEN writing such things in a bible so they can CLAIM
I agree 100%.
These kind of people still think they are a god and they hide behind a cloke of Jesus; and, they never got the idea to do these things from Jesus or His teachings.
Does that say to you the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in one second doesn't matter to your god but it would intervene if the number jumped to 7 billion?
Of course it does. However, we never really die; we just go to a spiritual existence.
The Bible says it takes the Lord Jesus 30 days to restore the earth as it use to be before man destroyed much of it. You know that's a lot of damage when it takes Jesus that long to restore everything to the way it use to be before our fall.
All I'm saying son, is just come to God as you are; and don't let ANYONE get in between that. Especially people claiming to be Christians. From there, it is your own personal business.

Now, can we return to the original topic please?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

I know there will never be a change of mind over this god thing. That said, frozen embryos as humans? It is just another case of politicians especially christian nationalists wanting to control the lives of women, barefoot and pregnant and nothing more just like in Iran or the other strict Islam countries, not even letting them drive cars for instance.
I can't even put into words the depths of my feelings on that issue. We both know no god is involved in those draconian actions. Politicians now think it is ok they can overrule scientists and doctors about what care women needs, if she has a nonviable fetus inside her, we say it will stay insider her and we don't give a rats ass if the bitch dies, she couldn't keep her legs shut.
That is nothing more than 10th century barbarism raising its ugly head in century 21 and no doubt in century 22 if we can't stop it dead in its tracks.
It took christian nationalists 50 years to kill Roe V Wade and they go, let the states decide the issue but now even that is not good enough, for instance Texas is now going after women who dare to go to a safe state for abortions, now that woman is a criminal and if she shows up in Texas again she goes to prison.
What the HELL is in the filthy minds of those people who think like that? And BTW it is not just Texas going after women like that, it started in Montana and I think now it has metastasized to several states and unless those assssholes are not voted out of office it could take over in near half the US.
This movement has gained near national level of evil and has to be stopped before it forces women to go to Canada or Mexico for abortions.
They don't care if a woman cannot take care of a baby say they are 10 years old, no matter, rape, incest, non viable fetus, IT WILL BE BORN or the woman goes to jail.
This is 21st century version of the evil of a thousand years ago and nothing less and has to be completely eliminated from the human race.
Like the BS about trans gender, like this assswipe politician, not sure the name but an anti trans dude talking to an 8 yo trans kid, I think male to female? not sure but was so nice, politician kissing a baby nice, but mom says she is trans, he starts almost literally shaking and runs off in disgust.
Whether we agree trans people are human or no and deserve respect they are still human no matter what happens to their genitals and no fukking politician has the right to stick their ugly noses in private affairs.


31 May 12
2 edits

@wildgrass said

Right on cue, we have an "... at the moment of conception" ruling from a state court regarding the moment something legally becomes human. SCOTUS did this to itself and will need to answer a few follow up questions:

1) Can I claim an 8-cell frozen embryo on my tax form as a legal depen ...[text shortened]... I live, the city'll give you a 2nd waste bin for pickup if there are 5 living humans in your house.
4) Can an 8-cell embryo inherit property?

If so then

5) Is an 8-cell embryo liable for damages if its property suffers a water pipe break and the neighbours' apartment below is ruined?

6) Can an 8-cell embryo sue the govt. for damages if it isn't provided with clean air and water?

Lawyers are going to have a feeding frenzy with this.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

And if that embryo DIES? can we sue the government for loss of life?
Will those embryo's be getting the right to vote? Can they be drafted in a military conflict?

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05

@sonhouse said
I know there will never be a change of mind over this god thing. That said, frozen embryos as humans? It is just another case of politicians especially christian nationalists wanting to control the lives of women, barefoot and pregnant and nothing more just like in Iran or the other strict Islam countries, not even letting them drive cars for instance.
I can' ...[text shortened]... their genitals and no fukking politician has the right to stick their ugly noses in private affairs.
I extremely agree with you here 100%!

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

All I can do is talk about it to folks and go back to my recording studio and write more folk tunes and post them on soundcloud, closing in on 350 tunes there now๐Ÿ™‚

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05

@sonhouse said
All I can do is talk about it to folks and go back to my recording studio and write more folk tunes and post them on soundcloud, closing in on 350 tunes there now๐Ÿ™‚
Wow, that's awesome. Please send me a couple links to your favorites if you have them. I'd love to hear them and you. ๐Ÿ™‚


08 Mar 11

@moonbus said
4) Can an 8-cell embryo inherit property?

If so then

5) Is an 8-cell embryo liable for damages if its property suffers a water pipe break and the neighbours' apartment below is ruined?

6) Can an 8-cell embryo sue the govt. for damages if it isn't provided with clean air and water?

Lawyers are going to have a feeding frenzy with this.
An embryo can be frozen for up to 19 years. Is it still a child after 19 years?


31 May 12

@sonhouse said
And if that embryo DIES? can we sue the government for loss of life?
Will those embryo's be getting the right to vote? Can they be drafted in a military conflict?
A right to vote ensues upon the age of majority, not before. However, children can inherit property, to be administered by a parent or guardian until they come of age.


31 May 12

@vivify said
An embryo can be frozen for up to 19 years. Is it still a child after 19 years?
It's still an embryo.