8-cell embryos

8-cell embryos


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20 Oct 06
2 edits


Right on cue, we have an "... at the moment of conception" ruling from a state court regarding the moment something legally becomes human. SCOTUS did this to itself and will need to answer a few follow up questions:

1) Can I claim an 8-cell frozen embryo on my tax form as a legal dependent?

2) If my 8-cell frozen embryo is in the passenger seat of my car, can I use the carpool lane?

3) If a janitor unplugs the freezer at an IVF clinic, would that be mass genocide and does the Hague know?

Also, there are probably a few more practical questions. IVF treatments will no longer occur in Alabama, but what about the existing embryos? There are millions of these little guys scattered across the USA so someone's gotta update the census report. Where I live, the city'll give you a 2nd waste bin for pickup if there are 5 living humans in your house.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@wildgrass said

Right on cue, we have an "... at the moment of conception" ruling from a state court regarding the moment something legally becomes human. SCOTUS did this to itself and will need to answer a few follow up questions:

1) Can I claim an 8-cell frozen embryo on my tax form as a legal depen ...[text shortened]... I live, the city'll give you a 2nd waste bin for pickup if there are 5 living humans in your house.
Who would subscribe to WAPO? Certainly not I, so what did they say?


20 Oct 06

@averagejoe1 said
Who would subscribe to WAPO? Certainly not I, so what did they say?
The state of Alabama said that a person is legally alive at the moment of conception, and therefore entitled to all rights of personhood. Waiting to hear from SCOTUS whether IVF clinics are really just murder-for-hire operations.


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04

Literally: frozen embryos are babies.


So, if you accidentally drop a tray of frozen embryos, you are a mass murderer of children.

So, I guess fertility clinics are gonna stop doing what they’re doing. If something goes wrong, they can be clinically charged with murder.

Fukking stupid Americans.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11

@shavixmir said
Literally: frozen embryos are babies.


So, if you accidentally drop a tray of frozen embryos, you are a mass murderer of children.

So, I guess fertility clinics are gonna stop doing what they’re doing. If something goes wrong, they can be clinically charged with murder.

Fukking stupid Americans.
Well they will certainly move out of Alabama and back to the 21st century.
If a Republican fruit bat state bans research into preventing miscarriage using these cells will they be charged with murdering the foetus’s that miscarriage as a result


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04

Someone over there just hasn’t thought this through.

What a fukking surprise!

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@shavixmir said
Literally: frozen embryos are babies.


So, if you accidentally drop a tray of frozen embryos, you are a mass murderer of children.

So, I guess fertility clinics are gonna stop doing what they’re doing. If something goes wrong, they can be clinically charged with murder.

Fukking stupid Americans.
It is likely that dropping a tray of embryos will not be murdering embryos, so it is likely that you are off on the wrong track, but I do appreciate humor in posts. And Maybe you could teach a certain poster about humor.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@shavixmir said
Someone over there just hasn’t thought this through.

What a fukking surprise!
No, maybe we are smart. A judge on the Alabama panel did this on purpose so that the 'moment of being a baby' can finally be established by SCOTUS. Maybe that judge is on this Forum, and is tired of a bunch of emotional wrecks on this panel screaming about it all the time.


04 Feb 05

@shavixmir said
Literally: frozen embryos are babies.


So, if you accidentally drop a tray of frozen embryos, you are a mass murderer of children.

So, I guess fertility clinics are gonna stop doing what they’re doing. If something goes wrong, they can be clinically charged with murder.

Fukking stupid Americans.
can you fertilize a couple hundred of embryos, stick them in your freezer then claim your household is hundreds large and therefore you must collect social security and whatever tax cuts, writeoffs you would get in Alabama?

or, it being a redneck state, there aren't that many benefits to collect anyway


04 Feb 05

@wildgrass said

Right on cue, we have an "... at the moment of conception" ruling from a state court regarding the moment something legally becomes human. SCOTUS did this to itself and will need to answer a few follow up questions:

1) Can I claim an 8-cell frozen embryo on my tax form as a legal depen ...[text shortened]... I live, the city'll give you a 2nd waste bin for pickup if there are 5 living humans in your house.
oh damn you already came up with the tax cuts scheme

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

When that becomes an issue there, they will go, wait, we can't have that, no tax break. In fact, the fact they are now human means we have to collect child support because of all the money we will spend to take care of them.


20 Oct 06

@zahlanzi said
oh damn you already came up with the tax cuts scheme

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
9 edits

@wildgrass said

Right on cue, we have an "... at the moment of conception" ruling from a state court regarding the moment something legally becomes human. SCOTUS did this to itself and will need to answer a few follow up questions:

1) Can I claim an 8-cell frozen embryo on my tax form as a legal depen ...[text shortened]... I live, the city'll give you a 2nd waste bin for pickup if there are 5 living humans in your house.
I got in this same debate with a professor of mine at the university I received my Biblical degree; and, I threw the same questions at him; and, the professors response was this, QUOTE: An embryo in a test tube is not a person until, if and when it is implanted inside a woman's womb. It is only a human then. This is their excuse for this situation. However, If the embryo at this stage is removed from a woman's womb, it is murder in their eyes; supposedly. Even in cases of rape; unless it is THEIR 12 year old daughter who was raped; of course then it is a different story.
They are all hypocritical worthless scum I say. And, this is exactly what I told my professor in a heated discussion.
Sperm banks and fertility centers throw away hundreds of thousands of fertilized eggs every year. They fertilize dozens of eggs for couples and then pick the best one to their standards to implant in the woman, and then throw all the rest away.
Talk about f-ing hypocritical.
Lying worthless scum at their best. Christian my rear-end.
Edit: I almost got kicked out of the University for this. However, I had a high GPA and I was a good student up and until that point in their eyes; and, I stuck to my Sword and the professor did not get what he wished; which was to have me kicked out. I did get a written warning; which I wiped my butt with when I ran out of toilet paper.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

You can say ass. The Christian Nationalists are the scary ones, they want to convert the US into a Christian version of Iran, Christianity and THEIR version of Christianity as the state religion and FUK the idea of separation of church and state. THAT comes directly from Mikey Johnson, the squeaker of the house. He is one scary dude, not just because of his beliefs but because he is in a position of power.
AND totally under the thumb of Trump, who is under the thumb of Putin......

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
3 edits

@sonhouse said
You can say ass. The Christian Nationalists are the scary ones, they want to convert the US into a Christian version of Iran, Christianity and THEIR version of Christianity as the state religion and FUK the idea of separation of church and state. THAT comes directly from Mikey Johnson, the squeaker of the house. He is one scary dude, not just because of his be ...[text shortened]... in a position of power.
AND totally under the thumb of Trump, who is under the thumb of Putin......
I 100% agree son. Good to see you again. 🙂
Tyndale, who writes most of the Bible versions today, they have even changed Bible Scriptures to suite their fancy.
Original version:
[Exodus 21:22 RSV] 22 "When men strive together, and hurt a woman with child, so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no harm follows, the one who hurt her shall be fined, according as the woman's husband shall lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.
Their version today in most Bibles:
[Exodus 21:22 NKJV] 22 "If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman's husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges [determine].
They are hell-bound for-sure.
The original Greek transcripts remain true. This is why abortion is legal in Israel and always will be. The Jews know when life begins.