29 Jun 18
Originally posted by @kquinn909Woman’s body, her choice.
So it's ok to abort but if you hurt a woman who's with child and the fetus dies you get charged w/murder. I'm confused.
You shouldn’t be touching women who don’t want to be touched and you sure as hell shouldn’t be abusing them.
If you decide to slice off your nuts, no problemo.
If someone else decides to do that, it’s illegal.
29 Jun 18
Originally posted by @karoly-aczelDidn't address my question. I accidently kill a unborn child I get charged w/ murder. But the women intentionally kills it it's ok. And what about my rights if I'm the father of said child? I have no say in the KILLING of my child?
Not to mention all the othe poor sperm who dont make it. Oh well, The human race is a the very definition of parasitic .
Perhaps if our focus was on education we may address the root of the problem
29 Jun 18
Originally posted by @karoly-aczelThat reminds me of a song from the great 1983 Monty Python film, "The Meaning of Life":
Not to mention all the othe poor sperm who dont make it. Oh well, The human race is a the very definition of parasitic .
Perhaps if our focus was on education we may address the root of the problem
Every Sperm is Sacred
Originally posted by @kquinn909You want your question addressed?
Didn't address my question. I accidently kill a unborn child I get charged w/ murder. But the women intentionally kills it it's ok. And what about my rights if I'm the father of said child? I have no say in the KILLING of my child?
Wrong place to come.
Essentially, if you destroy the egg of an eagle, you will face fines and possible jail time for doing so. However, if you want to terminate a human being, the state wants to pay you money to do it.
Just like Hitler, Progs value animals more than human life.
As for the Hitler plug, blame the Pope who just compared abortionists to Nazis.
29 Jun 18
Originally posted by @shavixmirEven as a converted Catholic: I agree whole-heartedly.
Woman’s body, her choice.
You shouldn’t be touching women who don’t want to be touched and you sure as hell shouldn’t be abusing them.
If you decide to slice off your nuts, no problemo.
If someone else decides to do that, it’s illegal.
29 Jun 18
Originally posted by @whodeyYou are also including already born children...right?
You want your question addressed?
Wrong place to come.
Essentially, if you destroy the egg of an eagle, you will face fines and possible jail time for doing so. However, if you want to terminate a human being, the state wants to pay you money to do it.
Just like Hitler, Progs value animals more than human life.
As for the Hitler plug, blame the Pope who just compared abortionists to Nazis.
Especially those, who by no fault of their own, happen to have been born of parents attempting to migrate into the United States.
29 Jun 18
Originally posted by @wolfe63Listen dope, Obama let the same thing happen with no response from people like you. But unlike Obama, Trump wrote an Executive Order to try and fix it, which you give him no credit for.
You are also including already born children...right?
Especially those, who by no fault of their own, happen to have been born of parents attempting to migrate into the United States.
29 Jun 18
Originally posted by @kquinn909Smack a woman around and you actually get charged with assault.
So it's ok to abort but if you hurt a woman who's with child and the fetus dies you get charged w/murder. I'm confused.
What's the world coming to?
29 Jun 18
Originally posted by @whodeyNow, if the question is: "Would I advocate that MY WIFE have an abortion"...that's a different matter altogether.
So you discount the teaching of the church that abortion is murder?
Duly noted.
The problem with Evangelicalism is, it has a great propensity to foist its beliefs upon everyone else as an absolute truth. Thus preempting the truly mysterious Will of God.
And I do not believe for a second, that Evangelicals, have an esoteric knowledge of that.
Originally posted by @whodeyPlease, whodey, for the love of God, stop parroting those Fox News sound bites.
Listen dope, Obama let the same thing happen with no response from people like you. But unlike Obama, Trump wrote an Executive Order to try and fix it, which you give him no credit for.
It makes you sound like an ignorant ass.
Oh, wait...
Originally posted by @kquinn909So how many children have you killed?
Didn't address my question. I accidently kill a unborn child I get charged w/ murder. But the women intentionally kills it it's ok. And what about my rights if I'm the father of said child? I have no say in the KILLING of my child?
It is clear you want to control women. You are a control freak, pure and simple and so is every other man who is supposedly against abortion.
It's really funny how anti-abortion assswipes will convince a woman to have the child but when she does, they drop her case like a hot potato and go on the the next conquest leaving the poor woman to raise a child as a single parent, they care less of the welfare of the child after it is born, they are just on to the next case. Real humans, that bunch. They could give a shyte about actual life consequences of the women involved, whether they were highly intelligent students unable to complete their education and now work at Burger King for minimum wage instead of the engineer they were quite capable of becoming, the anti people just would say suck it up.
Like we NEED another 10 billion people on the planet which you would say is a good thing, 10 billion , 20 billion, we are GOD"S creatures given sovereignty over the land, which you know because the bible tells you so.
You for sure would agree with the biblical assessment of the value of women, given as worth 30 shekels while men are worth 50.
That pleases you to see it spelled out in stone, written by your god itself.
I will fight you and your filthy kind to the day I die.