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America is a leaderless country

America is a leaderless country


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After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all while little Donnie sits back and watches, detached, and bored with the duties of being President.

Fortunately, In addition to our legal system, Wall Street is moving to curb Trump's means to communicate his baseless lies, and bring in cash. He's lost a major golf tournament, banks will no longer lend him money, and his recent actions have only added to his multitude of legal woes.

This is Donald Trump's political legacy, and a reminder of what happens when we elect a spoiled child in an old mans body, who thinks only of himself

Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
- The Who


@mchill said
After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all ...[text shortened]... thinks only of himself

Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
- The Who
Do you feel its been a big learning experience for America, having trumpy-baby in charge?


@yo-its-me said
Do you feel its been a big learning experience for America, having trumpy-baby in charge?
Possibly, but like most of us, we'd rather have this learning experience by reading about it, than living through it. 😕


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@Duchess64 Someone with charisma, lacking Trump's crude and coarse demeanor, with a history of attending a Christian church, one wife with few dalliances, a few kids who haven't gotten into too much trouble and Trump's fascist intentions may easily rise to power. If Trump is indicted, charged and sent to prison, he becomes a martyr. If he escapes legal consequences for his actions, it paves the way for future wannabe dictators to rise rapidly. Do not underestimate the damage done to our democracy by those millions among us who supported Trump. They are the problem far more than Trump and they are here to stay.

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@mchill said
Possibly, but like most of us, we'd rather have this learning experience by reading about it, than living through it. 😕
Somethings you can't learn from books though isn't it. If the next generation really learned from history we'd all be in such a different world.

I, for one, am hopeful that the slide back America took when they chose Trumpy is like the step back, or the stretch and look around that a runner takes before bounding down the race track.


@phranny said
@Duchess64 Someone with charisma, lacking Trump's crude and coarse demeanor, with a history of attending a Christian church, one wife with few dalliances, a few kids who haven't gotten into too much trouble and Trump's fascist intentions may easily rise to power. If Trump is indicted, charged and sent to prison, he becomes a martyr. If he escapes legal consequences for his ac ...[text shortened]... ns among us who supported Trump. They are the problem far more than Trump and they are here to stay.
They have less voice now.

"Racially or religiously motivated hate crime spiked following both the EU referendum and Manchester Arena bombing in May 2017"

We're more aware of it now, we can as nations (UK and USA) be watchful and recognise dangerous leadership ideas better than we could before. People will I hope notice and maybe even point out to the kind of person you describe where that could take them, instead of politely ignoring remarks before.
Maybe education will include teaching acceptance as well as passing exams now that the need is so obvious. This could be the turning point.

Now that Trumpy has lost friends and world supporters his influence must have declined, seeing a lady who followed his idea shot must have impacted on some.

Why would being punished for his crime make him a martyr? It's not like he was fighting for any cause but himself.


@phranny said
@Duchess64 Someone with charisma, lacking Trump's crude and coarse demeanor, with a history of attending a Christian church, one wife with few dalliances, a few kids who haven't gotten into too much trouble and Trump's fascist intentions may easily rise to power. If Trump is indicted, charged and sent to prison, he becomes a martyr. If he escapes legal consequences for his ac ...[text shortened]... ns among us who supported Trump. They are the problem far more than Trump and they are here to stay.
I think the term ‘civil war’ is a term that is too loosely thrown around. There may well be an organised effective insurrection by the ultra right but it will be engaging with the full force of the US government.
Unless we think that the ensuing struggle will be evenly balanced or that a multitude of states are going to cede from the union again then it remains a problem of domestic terrorism rather than a civil war.
The people perpetrating the violence are not an army they are loose group of potential terrorist cells. When the shooting starts the camp followers will evaporate and the enemy combatants will be isolated and annihilated politically and militarily.

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@yo-its-me Trump supporters, and there are over 70 million, believe he did a fabulous job as POTUS. Those that support Q Anon, like Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia, believe Trump is fighting a left wing international pedophile, cannibalistic cabal dominated by Democrats, George Soros and the Clintons. If he is imprisoned or seeks shelter in another country, his followers will believe he is being unjustly persecuted. He will be a martyr.

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@kevcvs57 well said and I think you are right.

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@phranny said
@yo-its-me Trump supporters, and there are over 70 million, believe he did a fabulous job as POTUS. Those that support Q Anon, like Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia, believe Trump is fighting a left wing international pedophile, cannibalistic cabal dominated by Democrats, George Soros and the Clintons. If he is imprisoned or seeks shelter in another country, his followers will believe he is being unjustly persecuted. He will be a martyr.
The education in the US must be very poor

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