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Bush and Al Qaeda: Mirror Images?

Bush and Al Qaeda: Mirror Images?


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Saw this interesting article on the aljazeera web site from an Arab scholar in London, Soumayya Ghannoushi. She says better than I could a point I was trying to make in anonther thread. Here's a sample:

The terrible irony is that Muslims currently find themselves helplessly trapped between two fundamentalisms, between Bush's hammer and Bin Laden's anvil, hostages to an extreme right wing American administration, aggressively seeking to impose its expansionist and hegemonic will over the region at gunpoint, and to a cluster of violent, wild fringe groups, lacking in political experience or sound religious understanding.

'Us' and 'them'

Although the two claim to be combating each other, the reality is that they are working in unison, one providing the justifications the other desperately needs for its fanaticism, ferocity and savagery.

No wonder, it didn't take the neo-conservative world supremacists long to spot the immense opportunities 11 September handed them. Their puritanical missionary belief in being God's instruments on earth and grand imperial ambitions could now be realised through shameless emotional blackmail and bogus moral claims.

The two share a shallow, myopic, dualistic conception of the world populated by 'us' and 'them' in Bush's language, 'believers' and 'non-believers' in Bin Laden's. Al-Zarqawi and his fellows then brandish the sword of excommunication (takfir) against the Muslim body itself in an endless orgy of maiming and mutilation.


I can hear it now about aljazeerja, but it's a good article from a moderate, Westernized Arab who is very hostile to Islamic Fundamentalists. Maybe you right wwing fanatics should read it and try to figure out how Islamofacism can really be defeated and it ain't by neverending war (which gives them strength).

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Originally posted by no1marauder
... an extreme right wing American administration...
Hah! You want right wing, do you? Consider the prospect of a President Pat Buchanan one of these days. 😲

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Originally posted by Paul Dirac
Hah! You want right wing, do you? Consider the prospect of a President Pat Buchanan one of these days. 😲
At least we wouldn't have invaded Iraq; I could have took solace in that while I was being "re-educated" in the concentration camp.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Saw this interesting article on the aljazeera web site from an Arab scholar in London, Soumayya Ghannoushi. She says better than I could a point I was trying to make in anonther thread. Here's a sample:

The terrible irony is that Muslims currently find themselves helplessly trapped between two fundamentalisms, between Bush's hammer and Bin La ...[text shortened]... slamofacism can really be defeated and it ain't by neverending war (which gives them strength).
Never in my life have I met a bigger "antiamerican" more then you, (Maybe Stang) no offense, do you think that there is a chance listening to aljazeerja got you brainwashed? I mean all I ever hear from you was how bad america is. I know some muslims who live over there, and even them like America more then you. I wonder if I will ever see a post from you telling us about somthing good America has done for another country.

Dont get me wrong, Im not attacking you, just your veiws

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Originally posted by flyUnity
Never in my life have I met a bigger "antiamerican" more then you, (Maybe Stang) no offense, do you think that there is a chance listening to aljazeerja got you brainwashed? I mean all I ever hear from you was how bad america is. I know some muslims who live over there, and even them like America more then you. I wonder if I will ever see a post from yo ...[text shortened]... merica has done for another country.

Dont get me wrong, Im not attacking you, just your veiws
Disagreeing with policies being implemented by the current administration, and disliking America, are two very different things.

Were Republicans "Anti-American" when they were relentlessly attacking Clinton's policies?

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Originally posted by wib
Disagreeing with policies being implemented by the current administration, and disliking America, are two very different things.

Were Republicans "Anti-American" when they were relentlessly attacking Clinton's policies?

There may have been some Anti Americans when Clinton was in Office, I sure wasn't. I supported Clinton as president, And I supported America during Clinton's time, I'm not saying I would do what Clinton did, but I sure did not go around attacking everything America did.

it just saddens me when I see more hate for America (who I see as eliminating terrorist) , then I see of terrorists who are purposely blowing up children

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Originally posted by flyUnity
Never in my life have I met a bigger "antiamerican" more then you, (Maybe Stang) no offense, do you think that there is a chance listening to aljazeerja got you brainwashed? I mean all I ever hear from you was how bad america is. I know some muslims who live over there, and even them like America more then you. I wonder if I will ever see a post from yo ...[text shortened]... merica has done for another country.

Dont get me wrong, Im not attacking you, just your veiws
Another right-wing idiot. The present temporary occupants of power are not America, fool; in fact as I have pointed out over and over again the Framers, including George Washington, James Madison, Tom Paine (ever heard of them, Chucklehead?) would have certainly opposed foreign military adventures like Iraq. I bet you've never even read the Debates of the Constitutional Convention or the Federalist Papers or the Rights of Man; they're all on my night stand. I swear if I ever meet one of you and you have the gall to call me Anti-American because I oppose the policies of the plutocrats presently in Washington, you'd be eating a knuckle sandwich.

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Don't the Bushes and the bin Ladens go way back? They know each other personally right? Or at least through business interests.

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
Don't the Bushes and the bin Ladens go way back? They know each other personally right? Or at least through business interests.
Although no1marauder is very strong in his reply, I do find most of his views spot on. I think he is just callin the kettle black and showing the narrowness of some people on the right in Ameca. If you want anti-americaniism talk to me. I have not lived in America for 8 years. My view is mixed but I am still Amrican. However, I loathe patriotism...at least extreme views of it...this only creates more xenephobic and narrowminded bigots. Might does not make right in all aspects of politics. Unfortunately, the neo-cons met Verdun in Iraq and forgot their 'gas masks".

Continue the onslaught no1maurauder!

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Originally posted by flyUnity
Never in my life have I met a bigger "antiamerican" more then you, (Maybe Stang) no offense, do you think that there is a chance listening to aljazeerja got you brainwashed? I mean all I ever hear from you was how bad america is. I know some muslims who live over there, and even them like America more then you. I wonder if I will ever see a post from yo ...[text shortened]... merica has done for another country.

Dont get me wrong, Im not attacking you, just your veiws
marge hates it when homer is irresponsible,

but marge does not hate homer.


as you say: when you attack no1's views, you attack his views, not no1.


when no1 attacks the american foreign policy he does not attack america.


bush and osama on the other hand ... they are both prepared to kill large numbers of people ... surely that is hatred.

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the next time someone tells you the Coalition was not justified in invading Iraq, point them to this link, a 108-page rebuttal:

Iraq: Setting the Record Straight
April 2005

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Originally posted by zeeblebot
the next time someone tells you the Coalition was not justified in invading Iraq, point them to this link, a 108-page rebuttal:

Iraq: Setting the Record Straight
April 2005
Are you trying to do a STANG imitation? You've posted that link in 3 threads! If you weren't so simple minded, I'd give you credit for doing a STANG parody, but I really don't think you're that clever.

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If my response was strong, it's because I've had to hear this "anti-American" "you hate America" etc. etc. etc. crap for days on this site and I'm quite sick of it. I argue these things with people all the time, but seldom do they ever resort to such ridiculous characterizations and when in the heat of the moment they do, it's followed by a quick apology. But it seems to be a characteristic of the right wing apologists for our plutocratic, temporary leaders to insist that any opposition to their policies makes you "anti-American". That's BS of the highest degree.

I thought some people might be interested in what a Westernized, moderate Arab who hates violent Islamic Fundamentalism had to say. Apparently I was wrong as she also believes that the present policies of the Bush administration are wrongheaded and counterproductive, so she's "anti-American", too. I hope that some day people like her will emerge as the leaders in the Muslim world; then that world would have a chance for peace, freedom and prosperity for their people. They'll never get that with Islamofascists, sheiks and sultans or Western imposed governments

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Originally posted by mochiron
Although no1marauder is very strong in his reply, I do find most of his views spot on. I think he is just callin the kettle black and showing the narrowness of some people on the right in Ameca. If you want anti-americaniism talk to me. I have not lived in America for 8 years. My view is mixed but I am still Amrican. However, I loathe patriotism...at least ...[text shortened]... cons met Verdun in Iraq and forgot their 'gas masks".

Continue the onslaught no1maurauder!
Am I right in thinking you now live in Japan where "more xenephobic and narrowminded bigots" live compared to most places on the planet.

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