I must say that Mr. Obama has done an impeccably good job with congress. Never have I seen our goverment work so hard, in six months, we have started the course for cap and trade which is of course great for small business. Also they are working on national healthcare which will also be great for small business.
He has managed to get passed a almost 800 Billion dollar bailout in just a couple of days, in which he has gotten into the automotive industry and shut down republican owned dealerships. Oh and unemployment is still on the rise!!!
He has appointed 33+ czars who answer only to him, and each czar has up to 10 subordinates. ( way to go on raising employment)
He has fired the CEO of GM.
He has inproved the budget deficit from -485 million to -1.84 trillion.
And still he has time for date night.
sorry just ranting nothing to see here
Originally posted by torch71.....and somehow it's still Bush's fault.
I must say that Mr. Obama has done an impeccably good job with congress. Never have I seen our goverment work so hard, in six months, we have started the course for cap and trade which is of course great for small business. Also they are working on national healthcare which will also be great for small business.
He has managed to get passed a almost 800 ...[text shortened]... l he has time for date night.
sorry just ranting nothing to see here
Originally posted by KazetNagorraImplying that a president shouldn't be able to fire anyone in private business. Oh I forgot they are not private anymore.
I'm confused here, are you implying that the CEO of GM was doing a good job, wasting 50 billion dollars per year?
And what are "republican owned dealerships"?
Also you fire someone who was not doing a good job(agreed) and hire a scandalist, then he resigns, then you hire a steelworker who knows zip about the business.
Republican owned dealership is a republican who owns a dealership
Also if you are trying to prevent unemployment from skyrocketing is shuting down businesses that are profitable a GOOD THING?
Originally posted by KazetNagorrahttp://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2269099/posts
What makes you think dealerships are owned by people who vote Republican?
Why would profitable dealerships be shut down?
And chrysler dealerships are being looked into as well.
The second question, you tell me, I have no reasoning for it.
Originally posted by torch71Fox News.
And chrysler dealerships are being looked into as well.
The second question, you tell me, I have no reasoning for it.
The second question, you tell me, I have no reasoning for it.
They are being shut down because they are not profitable and Toyota needs three times less dealerships to sell the same amount of cars.
Originally posted by torch71indeed. When Obama says jump the Obama groupies in Congress ask how high? Then when he passes entitlement legislation or tax increases that are the biggest in US history Congress says, Thank you sir, may I have another? Now I'm not suggesting S&M here, but of course, I can't rule it out.
I must say that Mr. Obama has done an impeccably good job with congress. Never have I seen our goverment work so hard, in six months, we have started the course for cap and trade which is of course great for small business. Also they are working on national healthcare which will also be great for small business.
He has managed to get passed a almost 800 ...[text shortened]... l he has time for date night.
sorry just ranting nothing to see here
Obama need not even run for a second term after all his accomplishments. In fact, he need not even serve out his next three years.
Originally posted by KazetNagorraAhhh yes if it is Fox News it can't be true.
Fox News.
[b]The second question, you tell me, I have no reasoning for it.
They are being shut down because they are not profitable and Toyota needs three times less dealerships to sell the same amount of cars.[/b]
Here how about this one or maybe they are biased as well.
or this one
Originally posted by torch71Nice URL, more paranoid ramblings by extreme right wingers.
Ahhh yes if it is Fox News it can't be true.
Here how about this one or maybe they are biased as well.
Why would Obama, if spite against Republicans is his main goal, specifically opt for dealerships? In 2007, Toyota made about 15 billion USD and GM lost about 35. How do you explain the 50 billion difference?
Oh wait, I know what you are going to say. It must be the evil UNIONS again!
Originally posted by KazetNagorraWell that would be 1 thing.
Nice URL, more paranoid ramblings by extreme right wingers.
Why would Obama, if spite against Republicans is his main goal, specifically opt for dealerships? In 2007, Toyota made about 15 billion USD and GM lost about 35. How do you explain the 50 billion difference?
Oh wait, I know what you are going to say. It must be the evil UNIONS again!
But I would say that a large part is in Toyotas lean managment and lean thinking and technology helped out alot.
Here is another good opinion.
Originally posted by torch71well, if the guy wasn't doing his job as well as he should be, Obama had the right to get rid of him, especially since the govt. had bailed them out.
Implying that a president shouldn't be able to fire anyone in private business. Oh I forgot they are not private anymore.
Also you fire someone who was not doing a good job(agreed) and hire a scandalist, then he resigns, then you hire a steelworker who knows zip about the business.
Republican owned dealership is a republican who owns a dealership
Al ...[text shortened]... ent unemployment from skyrocketing is shuting down businesses that are profitable a GOOD THING?
Originally posted by KazetNagorrai've got you pegged now..extremist liberal who can't think for himself. You drink the kool aid that Fox News isn't accurate and are right wingers. So, i guess you only watch MSNBC right? Please give me some examples of how Fox News is biased?
Nice URL, more paranoid ramblings by extreme right wingers.
Why would Obama, if spite against Republicans is his main goal, specifically opt for dealerships? In 2007, Toyota made about 15 billion USD and GM lost about 35. How do you explain the 50 billion difference?
Oh wait, I know what you are going to say. It must be the evil UNIONS again!
Originally posted by NimzovichLarsenKazet was a fool to ignore links simply because they're fox news, however, there are many people there who are indeed biased, there's no question about that.
i've got you pegged now..extremist liberal who can't think for himself. You drink the kool aid that Fox News isn't accurate and are right wingers. So, i guess you only watch MSNBC right? Please give me some examples of how Fox News is biased?
Originally posted by generalissimoWho? And don't give me Hannity, everyone knows where he stands and he's not reporting news, he has an entertainment show that had been balanced by Colmes...who decided to leave. That's it, it's either hard news, Oreilly who attacks both sides, or Greta who basically covers entertainment stories...foxnews.com is hard news (no bias/opinions)..??..
Kazet was a fool to ignore links simply because they're fox news, however, there are many people there who are indeed biased, there's no question about that.