Big Picture? We have a life-long, unaccomplished, do-nothing, arrogant, smug, not inherently bright (is he, really?), condescending, inverterate liar and plagiarizer many times over, potentially deviate politician, who flip flops on matters like fracking depending on what podium he is on. He and family have profited repulsively from his political position and now, not only is he mentally impaired, but has adopted the most radical platform which is the complete opposite of our 250-year history platform. Is it better for America than Trump's platform?
After 50 years in Washington, what has Biden done good for America? In less than 4 years, what has Trump done that is deliberately and seriously bad for America? Personalities notwithstanding, who do we need to run such a complicated country?
do-nothing, arrogant, smug, not inherently bright (is he, really?), condescending, inverterate liar and plagiarizer many times over, potentially deviate politician, who flip flops on matters like fracking depending on what podium he is on. He and family have profited repulsively from his political position and now, not only is he mentally impaired, but has adopted the most radical platform
How do you not realize this perfectly describes Trump? How? Haven't COUNTLESS examples of Trump being exactly like you post been given on this forum?
HOW do you not see this describes Trump, unless you're just trolling?
Are you trolling?
@vivify saidTrump is not a politician, he had no 'office' to profit from, as did Joe and his family. Did you hear about Joe's grifter son Hunter? So, that wipes out about half of the items above which you want compared to Trump.
[b]do-nothing, arrogant, smug, not inherently bright (is he, really?), condescending, inverterate liar and plagiarizer many times over, potentially deviate politician, who flip flops on matters like fracking depending on what podium he is on. He and family have profited repulsively from his political position and now, not only is he mentally impaired, but has adopted the most ...[text shortened]... rum?
HOW do you not see this describes Trump, unless you're just trolling?
Are you trolling?
Plagiarizing? Not Trump. Creepy around girls and women? Fondler? Waffling, flip-flopping on all issues? Can you name one flip-flop, where Trump has said,,,,"Oh, gee, I think I will change my mind." His mind, his beliefs, are like a steel trap.
Is he wobbly? Does Trump stare straight into a teleprompter and read like a 10th grader? Who is more of a puppet? Biden, or Trump? Does your man have 20 handlers? Not Trump.
So, cite us where my post above sounds exactly like Trump. Which sentence? Which word? Speaking of a sentence, among the worst 'virtues' of Biden is his life, his LIFE, of plagiarizing. Extremely weak characteristic, don't you think?
Trump is not weak, as is Biden. You lose this one bg time.
@averagejoe1 said
Trump is not a politician, he had no 'office' to profit from, as did Joe and his family.
President Trump's History Of Profiting Off His Presidency
"So, that wipes out about half of the items above which you want compared to Trump."
Wrong, as usual.
@vivify saidYou are not comparing apples to apples. One can split hairs about whether some of the biz of Trump has gone up since being president, I think it is a natural happening. His hotels got popular due to his name, his marketing people raised the rates (This is a concept of supply and demand, unknown to liberals), and his wealth picked up.
President Trump's History Of Profiting Off His Presidency
"So, that wipes out about half of the items above which you want compared to Trump."
Wrong, as usual.
But, just where did Trump 'Use' his office as Biden has done, to enrich himself. He might say 'take the G8 meeting to my European resort,', but then Churchill entertained Roosevelt at Chartwell. Biden's activities, together with his son, are downright despicable. He is crooked. Took his son to China on a government jet, the son ate caviar and left in 3 days with a $1.5 Billion pile of cash to invest for the Chinamen, and would profit $2M in fees right off the top.
Hey, did you hear that Biden says to elect him, as he will be 'softer' with China. Is that cool? Donald, anything but soft. So, who you like in this race.....
@averagejoe1 saidI’m sorry.
Big Picture? We have a life-long, unaccomplished, do-nothing, arrogant, smug, not inherently bright (is he, really?), condescending, inverterate liar and plagiarizer many times over, potentially deviate politician, who flip flops on matters like fracking depending on what podium he is on. He and family have profited repulsively from his political position and now, not ...[text shortened]... y bad for America? Personalities notwithstanding, who do we need to run such a complicated country?
Defending trump is so retarded, you should be banned for lowering the IQ on the stoopid farm.
@earl-of-trumps saidYou are correct.
As I have said before, this is NOT election between Biden and Trump.
It is ideological.
@vivify saidI’n not so sure about that. Yes, There is no denying that the two parties are 180° apart on every thing that you can think of. It is truly amazing that they can yet live amongst each other. Well, now that I thought about it, they are not living so well together, are they.
You are correct.
But other than idealogically, the election is about hating and doing away with a president, for all the wrong reasons.
You see, if the liberals were not so blinded about Trump, they were she past this obsession, and realize that idealogically, capitalism is better than socialism. I am sure that they know that, but it is worth it to them to sacrifice capitalism in order to get rid of the hated Trump.
You are naive in the extreme. If Obama had done one tenth of what Trump has clearly done you would be screaming to the top of your lungs and you know it full well.
What did you think Trump meant when he said there were 'good people' on both sides where that white nationalist ran over and killed a peaceful protester.
In Charletsville. Remember that?
Trump is a sociopath, narcissist, pathological liar AND BTW he DOES waffle, like one day says one thing, makes some executive command but next day after getting advice from Fox News talking heads, reverses himself and has done that a number of times.
The latest was his long term effort to kill the military rag Stars and Strips, all set to have pulled the rug out from under the whole publication but when the word got out he majorly dissed military folks, the next day, strangely reversed that order.
That is only the latest of a long strings of reversals but you don't delve into the issues deeply enough to find the truth, totally satisfied with whatever Hannity says, just like Trump.
@averagejoe1 saidThis is not about capitalism. It's about xenophobia, racism and authoritarianism vs. not that.
I’n not so sure about that. Yes, There is no denying that the two parties are 180° apart on every thing that you can think of. It is truly amazing that they can yet live amongst each other. Well, now that I thought about it, they are not living so well together, are they.
But other than idealogically, the election is about hating and doing away with a president, for a ...[text shortened]... ow that, but it is worth it to them to sacrifice capitalism in order to get rid of the hated Trump.
@mott-the-hoople saidAre talking talking about the guy who cheated on his wife with a porn star right after his wife gave birth, scammed people with a fake university, said he'd kill the families of suspected terrorists, cut funding for victims of child sex trafficking by 80 percent, impeded the investigation of a well-known pedophile, and was accused of sexual assault by 25 women....or the other guy?
no, it is about moral character vs no moral character.
@vivify saidoh. the other guy.
Are talking talking about the guy who cheated on his wife with a porn star right after his wife gave birth, scammed people with a fake university, said he'd kill the families of suspected terrorists, cut funding for victims of child sex trafficking by 80 percent, impeded the investigation of a well-known pedophile, and was accused of sexual assault by 25 women....or the other guy?
You mean mister Feely?? the one that digitally raped a woman?? (so she says)
@vivify saidI will take a stab here. Most affairs happen when someone is married, and most of them have children. Whew.
Are talking talking about the guy who cheated on his wife with a porn star right after his wife gave birth, scammed people with a fake university, said he'd kill the families of suspected terrorists, cut funding for victims of child sex trafficking by 80 percent, impeded the investigation of a well-known pedophile, and was accused of sexual assault by 25 women....or the other guy?
Fake University, too much to go into here, I think there are two sides and it was an enterprise that legally existed. I am all about the law, in case you haven't picked up on that. You haven't, because you think that the Constitution is crap.
Your other diatribe is about meting out punishment for terrorists, (you seem to defend the cretins?), and other not-confirmed crap that you have heard from ......other whiney liberals ?? Accused of assault? By women? OMG, I bet you are one of the libs who think the milque-toast Kavanaugh assaulted women. You folks are into so much liberal problems that one like me, a staunch conservative Trump-supoorter, cannot keep up with it. As to the other guy, let us take note that he was creepy about his women, the sniffing, the feeling-up, "I want to but I just cant, I may get caught" type of fondling. Well, he has been caught. Trump, when he had his dalliance, as did your rapist Clinton, he at least was straighforward, but note that he did not rape. For the record, to put this all in perspective, someone you know right now, a married man, is having an affair. It is what it is. Grow up, children. Trump has a country to run. Get on the train. Have you looked at the equities lately??