Originally posted by wibHumbly apologising has always been one of Tony's Tricks. After fiercely denying whatever was going on first though.
I heard a tape of one of his "goodbye" speeches today. He was actually kind of... humble. I was shocked. I'm so used to US politicians that deny ever making a single mistake that at first I thought the tape was a joke.
Hopefully we will have only a very short period of Gordon, and then maybe have a Tory government.
Labour has failed spectacularly on all levels of power, from local governement (my borough) to the highest levels of international politics.
Originally posted by shavixmirNah nah nah nah....nah nah nah nah....yeeeaaahhh hhaaaayyy heeeey....GGGGGOOOOODDDDDBBBBYYYEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And don't forget to close the door on your way out!
Originally posted by shavixmirHe not that bad to be fair to the guy.
And don't forget to close the door on your way out!
Its true that he did screw up big time with Iraq...no excuses their, but at the same time his goverments have done a few good things in the past 10 years
Peace in northern Ireland, minuim wages, the removal off interest rate control from goverment to Bank of England, one of the strongest economies in the world and 2012 Olymipics are just a few of the top of my head.
Not sure Brown is up to being PM personally, but Cameron's just a clown with is "carbon offsetting" crap and no real policies.
But everything comes to an end, as they say "the King is dead, Long live the King"... ; )
Originally posted by RSMA1234The king??????!!!!!!!
He not that bad to be fair to the guy.
Its true that he did screw up big time with Iraq...no excuses their, but at the same time his goverments have done a few good things in the past 10 years
Peace in northern Ireland, minuim wages, the removal off interest rate control from goverment to Bank of England, one of the strongest economies in the world an ...[text shortened]...
But everything comes to an end, as they say "the King is dead, Long live the King"... ; )
More like the Jester......
Originally posted by knightwestWe've got Gordon for at least 7 years so get used to it.
Humbly apologising has always been one of Tony's Tricks. After fiercely denying whatever was going on first though.
Hopefully we will have only a very short period of Gordon, and then maybe have a Tory government.
Labour has failed spectacularly on all levels of power, from local governement (my borough) to the highest levels of international politics.
He is more inteligent than Tony. Tony was great with media but Gordon has a lot to offer. A strong track record, 25 years of Westminster experience.
Cameron is just pathetic imitation of Tony.
Originally posted by invigorateI like his enviromental issues.......
We've got Gordon for at least 7 years so get used to it.
He is more inteligent than Tony. Tony was great with media but Gordon has a lot to offer. A strong track record, 25 years of Westminster experience.
Cameron is just pathetic imitation of Tony.
Do the green party still exsist???
I can't believe anyone with an ounce of sense would fall for David Cameron. The Conservative Party under Cameron is completely unreformed - there is no change whatsoever and the Right isn't conquered as the Left was in the Labour Party...Cameron isn't even a liberal, his entire background is founded on a routine as a Lamontian thug. They'll slash the public services back to poverty levels, ratchet up borrowing and start picking on single mothers first chance they get. As for stealth taxes - if any party invented the stealth tax, it was the Tories.
Also, from a purely budgetary point of view - do all my fellow mortgage-holders out there feel the same terror I do at the prospect of George Osborne as Chancellor the Exchequer? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not so partisan I can't recognize talent - William Hague as Prime Minister and Oliver Letwin or even Michael Portillo as Chancellor, sure, I didn't like that prospect, but they were pretty competent characters, and as a citizen you could feel unhappy but reasonably safe in their hands. But George Osborne running the Exchequer? You might as well put Timmy Mallett in charge of NASA.