A Green national government will not only reject the proposal for a single centralised European currency, but will assist in the creation of regional, city and local currencies for the purposes of encouraging regional, city and local economic development, by:
1.Giving authorisation to local and regional governments to create their own banks and their own currency in the form of non-interest bearing local and regional bonds to be used as money.
2.Legislating that the currency be accepted by regional and local government and other ‘official’ organisations in payment for wages, taxes, rents, licences etc., and be used by them for their own local payments.
3.Making the currency only exchangeable into national currency if that exchange can be shown to encourage the appropriate use of local resources.
4.Encouraging the use of the local currency as a local means of exchange, not as a commodity in itself.
I read that to mean that they'll take away money as we know it and have a regional currency. I imaigine this would put a stop to suppermarkets and banks, making regions trade within themselves more. This would mean less air milles, but less choice; which in turn would mean less waist. Also since our country is in so much debt (seams to me we are living on therotical money) wouldn't eh queen have to go bankrupt becasuse it says on the notes that she will give the barrer the value of the note- or something like that.
I'd love to read your opnions....
Originally posted by yo its meEverything the Green Party says is the gospel truth. Everything.
A Green national government will not only reject the proposal for a single centralised European currency, but will assist in the creation of regional, city and local currencies for the purposes of encouraging regional, city and local economic development, by:
1.Giving authorisation to local and regional governments to create their own banks and thei he barrer the value of the note- or something like that.
I'd love to read your opnions....
Originally posted by rwingettwell it's what they think will help the country, I expect if they got into power, even after all this time of planning they'd (being human) attempt to cream the top off. Still that wasn't my question; Do you think in theory it would help the counrty if this idea was implimented?
Everything the Green Party says is the gospel truth. Everything.
Originally posted by yo its meIf the Green Party was in power, the streets would be paved with gold.
well it's what they think will help the country, I expect if they got into power, even after all this time of planning they'd (being human) attempt to cream the top off. Still that wasn't my question; Do you think in theory it would help the counrty if this idea was implimented?
Originally posted by rwingettI like that you're posting in my thread, but this feels like a non answer. I think the greens have the best policys going and that this idea of theirs is a good one. I'm not sure if it would really work becasue we rely heavily on the large comapnys and it would be a huge change. Do you think this piticular idea would work?
If the Green Party was in power, the streets would be paved with gold.
Originally posted by yo its meThe Green Party platform would work perfectly, but only if it completely disregards what large companies have to say. If you listen to the siren song of the large company PR machine, then nothing will follow but desolation and ruin on a global scale.
I like that you're posting in my thread, but this feels like a non answer. I think the greens have the best policys going and that this idea of theirs is a good one. I'm not sure if it would really work becasue we rely heavily on the large comapnys and it would be a huge change. Do you think this piticular idea would work?
Does that answer your question?
Originally posted by rwingettIf you're saying you think it would work but that large companies would suffer, (which is a good thing in my opnion, as they don't spread the wealth)so they're going to use all they can to disswade the public, then yeah- if not then what you've said is going over my head!!
The Green Party platform would work perfectly, but only if it completely disregards what large companies have to say. If you listen to the siren song of the large company PR machine, then nothing will follow but desolation and ruin on a global scale.
Does that answer your question?
Originally posted by yo its meThen we're agreed. Let's get our pitchforks and flaming torches and head off to Wall Street. I'm sure the Green Party platform contains provisions for that in the fine print somewhere.
If you're saying you think it would work but that large companies would suffer, (which is a good thing in my opnion, as they don't spread the wealth)so they're going to use all they can to disswade the public, then yeah- if not then what you've said is going over my head!!
Originally posted by yo its meI don't know how people can pick on large corporations as the problem and ignore large centralized government. THe large corporation is the heart and soul of large centralized governments. Also, you talk about decentralization of Big Brother which continually is becoming more centralized and powerful, therefore, I think your plan is a pipe dream. The move is the exact opposite. If nothing else, I think we are moving towards a global currency, just as soon the dollar is done being driven into the ground. Then we can lovingly embrace the statist utopia of some form of a one world government and we can all be happy once and for all!!
I like that you're posting in my thread, but this feels like a non answer. I think the greens have the best policys going and that this idea of theirs is a good one. I'm not sure if it would really work becasue we rely heavily on the large comapnys and it would be a huge change. Do you think this piticular idea would work?
Originally posted by whodeyThe large companies and govenment scratch each others backs in a way that is bad for us all. It's not my idea, by the way, if it was me writting a policy I'd cut money, boarders out. ....but more importantly I'd think about what my policies were a lot more before I decided 😉
I don't know how people can pick on large corporations as the problem and ignore large centralized government. THe large corporation is the heart and soul of large centralized governments. Also, you talk about decentralization of Big Brother which continually is becoming more centralized and powerful, therefore, I think your plan is a pipe dream. The move ...[text shortened]... tatist utopia of some form of a one world government and we can all be happy once and for all!!
A curency for hte whole plannet and one govement to rule it all? NO!! That's a terrible idea to give one party all that power, besides it's rediculasness and possiably what Obama ment by irradicating the want for nucular power- just take the whole world and then it won't want to hit on it's self, these are ideas that haven't been thought out. There are tribes still- it's bonkerness to asume that it's at all posiable to unite us all, what about the russian feduration???? maddness I tell you maddness! one step at a time whodey.
Originally posted by yo its me[i]Having currencies at a local level not "exchangeable into national currency" is a sure way of destroying small cities. When the city isn't doing so well, the value of its currency falls, more people leave, less will the currency be worth (and along with it people's wages), etc.
[i]A Green national government will not only reject the proposal for a single centralised European currency, but will assist in the creation of regional, city and local currencies for the purposes of encouraging regional, city and local economic development, by:
1.Giving authorisation to local and regional governments to create their own banks and thei he barrer the value of the note- or something like that.
I'd love to read your opnions....
If small countries are already more prone to have currency crises, then imagine having this at a city level. Local currencies can work in certain environments, but only if they circulate along a major currency. For example, Germany has a lot of local currencies along with the Euro.
Originally posted by PalynkaI didn't know Germany had that, they still had the mark the last time I visited.
Having currencies at a local level not "exchangeable into national currency" is a sure way of destroying small cities. When the cities isn't doing so well, the value of its currency falls, more people leave, less will the currency be worth (and along with it people's wages), etc.
If small countries are already more prone to have currency crises, then imag ...[text shortened]... ng a major currency. For example, Germany has a lot of local currencies along with the Euro.
So, if it was exchangable into a national currency do you think it would work? Though then we would still have the national debt woldn't we- but then maybe it's not possiable for the queen to silmply go bancrupt becasue that's a law that proberly isn't upheald where ever we owe all this money to.