05 Jan 21
@yo-its-me saidOpposable thumbs?
Is there one singular human advancement that has only advanced humans? As in not disadvantaged us at all?
Because I can't think of one. Not one!! There must be one....?
I was gonna go with ‘enlarged brains’ but that’s actually been a nightmare.
05 Jan 21
@yo-its-me saidAll human advancement has advanced humans, by definition.
Is there one singular human advancement that has only advanced humans? As in not disadvantaged us at all?
Because I can't think of one. Not one!! There must be one....?
But if you want to zero disadvantages then you need to look at medical advances eg the eradication of polio and similar medical breakthroughs over the decades.
@rajk999 saidYou're talking about vaccinations then. Which are on the whole an advancement, but not completely. There's a lot of unknown about vaccinations and things can go wrong.
All human advancement has advanced humans, by definition.
But if you want to zero disadvantages then you need to look at medical advances eg the eradication of polio and similar medical breakthroughs over the decades.
@yo-its-me saidIf its unknown then you dont know about it and neither does anyone else.
You're talking about vaccinations then. Which are on the whole an advancement, but not completely. There's a lot of unknown about vaccinations and things can go wrong.
So for all practical purposes disadvantages do not exist.
So whats your point?
@rajk999 saidIt's not a disadvantage that vaccines can cause paralysis and death? Are you sure about that?!
If its unknown then you dont know about it and neither does anyone else.
So for all practical purposes disadvantages do not exist.
So whats your point?
05 Jan 21
@yo-its-me saidI dont know. But what I do know is that it is in fact a human advancement advancing humans. That cannot be denied. Now clearly you are looking for zero downsides. Maybe that does not exist. A vaccine that eliminates the common cold which kills about 300,000 worldwide every year, but which might kill or maim 500 people is a massive advancement.
It's not a disadvantage that vaccines can cause paralysis and death? Are you sure about that?!
Actually, I can't think of any disadvantage to the wheel. We've used it to kill (machine guns). But the invention itself, perhaps was too simple to have caused any harm to humans.
And, maybe the door.
Bread. Gluten is another thing, that's where Norman Borlaug's advancements have also disadvantaged us.
@yo-its-me saidAnaesthetics
umm, okay 😀. Evolution. I was considering more technology. I mean we're intelligent beings, is there anything we invented and made it only work to our advantage.
@kevcvs57 saidI had to have a general anaesthetic last year, I was terrified. I had researched it and was horrified to learn anesthetists don't know why it works. Terrifying!!
Anyway, it's not all good. I came across a report about children having a general in the states and dying for dental work. I'll see if I can find it again....
Edit: Here it is- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5535496/ 3 deaths per 1,000,000 persons
05 Jan 21
@yo-its-me saidToo bad you can't be sent back in time 500 years and spend a month trying to eke out a living you'd change your mind after the first five minutes.
Is there one singular human advancement that has only advanced humans? As in not disadvantaged us at all?
Because I can't think of one. Not one!! There must be one....?
OK how about indoor plumbing, does that satisfy your weird super conditional requirements?
Or because a toilet may get plugged up make it a disadvantage?
@dood111 said😀
Too bad you can't be sent back in time 500 years and spend a month trying to eke out a living you'd change your mind after the first five minutes.
OK how about indoor plumbing, does that satisfy your weird super conditional requirements?
Or because a toilet may get plugged up make it a disadvantage?
You miss read me, I'm not so serious at all. Words can be so severe can't they.
It's not helpful to pick out the negatives, sure. I just well, wondered if there was something that was all positive.
Indoor pluming is wonderful, yes.
@yo-its-me saidCutlery.
Is there one singular human advancement that has only advanced humans? As in not disadvantaged us at all?
Because I can't think of one. Not one!! There must be one....?