In the video we see Hillary Clinton apologize to the world regarding the American made anti-Mohammad videos. However, it has been since learned that the State Department knew that the attacks were preplanned terrorist attacks and not a knee jerk reaction to the videos all along.
From my vantage point, it appears that the Administration was trying to evade being linked to the increased terrorist activity, especially in Libya which was of his own making. However, now I think that this has only made things worse for Obama. In the recent VP debate, Biden said that "we" knew nothing of the planned terrorist attacks, even though it now controdicts sworn testimony in the State Department saying that the attacks were known to be carried out. Now the Obama administration is back peddling and saying that "we" meant the President and the VP, not the State Department. However, the fun does not end here. Apparently Obama went to campaign in Nevada instead of meeting with his advisors about the attacks in the Middle East and Libya the day after the attacks.
If Romney plays his cards right, he can destroy Obummer in the next debate.
I don't know why Hillary would be toast, but as far as the next debate, yeah...Romney has some ammo with that. But honestly, so does Obama. I posted a link about Roger Ebert highlighting all the ways Romney's changed his position, in order to appeal to voters, thus flip-flopping.
But Obama's not really an "attacker". Romney definitely is. I predict that Obama will do better, but still lose the debate.
Originally posted by vivifyBecause Hillary is Secretary of State. She had to have known and merely pretended to not know what was going on.
I don't know why Hillary would be toast, but as far as the next debate, yeah...Romney has some ammo with that. But honestly, so does Obama. I posted a link about Roger Ebert highlighting all the ways Romney's changed his position, in order to appeal to voters, thus flip-flopping.
But Obama's not really an "attacker". Romney definitely is. I predict that Obama will do better, but still lose the debate.
No matter, her political career is over after this gig anyway.
Originally posted by vivifyI think you will find that they are all flip flopers.
I don't know why Hillary would be toast, but as far as the next debate, yeah...Romney has some ammo with that. But honestly, so does Obama. I posted a link about Roger Ebert highlighting all the ways Romney's changed his position, in order to appeal to voters, thus flip-flopping.
But Obama's not really an "attacker". Romney definitely is. I predict that Obama will do better, but still lose the debate.
What is worse is that 4 Americans are dead and the American people were lied to.
Originally posted by whodeyI don't know, Hilary's pretty ambitious. I think she'll make one more run for president before quitting. Plus, four years is a lot of time for people to forget things.
I think you will find that they are all flip flopers.
What is worse is that 4 Americans are dead and the American people were lied to.
Originally posted by whodeyI think you will find the figure gets bigger and bigger the further you go backwards or forwards from this point whodey.
I think you will find that they are all flip flopers.
What is worse is that 4 Americans are dead and the American people were lied to.
And as for the lies, Oh the lies.
There really is no substance to the allegations against the State Department. Even the Republicans in the know agree in confidence that the timeline and statements were reasonable, and the protection scheme was not some huge travesty of judgment, but instead this is about partisan right-winger Republicans being unpatriotic and trying to fabricate something out of nothing for pure political gain at the expense of the country.
Will not have much political traction except with the right-wingers brainwashed by Faux News and who would never vote for the President anyway. Not near as big, for example, as the Romney/Ryan push to repeal Roe v. Wade and allow states to control women bodies if the tyranny of the majority votes to do so. Indeed, the huge women gender gap in the battleground states will be the number one factor that contributes to the electoral landslide reelecting the President.
Originally posted by moon1969So you glibly say that there is no substance to the allegations and then go into some mantra about how abortion rights will get the President reelected?
There really is no substance to the allegations against the State Department. Even the Republicans in the know agree in confidence that the timeline and statements were reasonable, and the protection scheme was not some huge travesty of judgment, but instead this is about partisan right-winger Republicans being unpatriotic and trying to fabricate something ...[text shortened]... l be the number one factor that contributes to the electoral landslide reelecting the President.
What will be interesting is Obama having to answer uncomfortable questions in front of the nation. After all, if these facts go before a court or committee of some kind some day and the President and VP are already on record as saying certain things that are contrary to the truth, they could pay an even higher price. It's not like being able to lie about other things.
As for abortion, Biden said that upholding Roe vs. Wade should be a litmus test for being appointed to the Supreme Court. Do you agree with this?
Originally posted by whodeyAmerican people lied to.....hmm. Would you say that even though we have been lied to about this and practically everything Obama said during the first campaign was a lie that we might possibly reelect him? It sure didn't matter for her hubby Bill Clinton or Bush. When govenment officials lie knowing full well they will be caught in it, but will get away with it because eveyone expects them to lie, what does that say to the morality of government? No she is not toast. We seem to like em that way.
I think you will find that they are all flip flopers.
What is worse is that 4 Americans are dead and the American people were lied to.
Originally posted by joe beyserGreat point. Once you attain that level of power and influence you become untouchable. In addition, the American people have resigned themselves to being lied to. I suppose people have their party brand of lying that they like the best.
American people lied to.....hmm. Would you say that even though we have been lied to about this and practically everything Obama said during the first campaign was a lie that we might possibly reelect him? It sure didn't matter for her hubby Bill Clinton or Bush. When govenment officials lie knowing full well they will be caught in it, but will get awa ...[text shortened]... does that say to the morality of government? No she is not toast. We seem to like em that way.
Originally posted by whodeyOne of the problems with democracy is the inclusion and collective empowerment of stupid people (who vote in people based solely on their charm/salesmanship).
In the video we see Hillary Clinton apologize to the world regarding the American made anti-Mohammad videos. However, it has been since learned that the State Department knew that the attacks were preplanned terrorist attacks and not a knee jerk reaction to the videos all along.
From my vantage point, it appea the attacks.
If Romney plays his cards right, he can destroy Obummer in the next debate.
I dread to think how close you americans were to having that thicko Sarah Palin as your vice president 😵
Originally posted by whodeyHillary is really looking rough these days, like she has been on a drinking binge that has not stopped.
In the video we see Hillary Clinton apologize to the world regarding the American made anti-Mohammad videos. However, it has been since learned that the State Department knew that the attacks were preplanned terrorist attacks and not a knee jerk reaction to the videos all along.
From my vantage point, it appea ...[text shortened]... the attacks.
If Romney plays his cards right, he can destroy Obummer in the next debate.
Originally posted by CLL53Naturally you would evaluate a secretary of state on the basis of her appearance, as with any other celebrity dancing for her supper on your silver screen. I can easily imagine that the lifestyle of any politician having to operate across the globe would be very wearing, with issues of time zones, jet lag and the like further increasing the demands on her health. I do not agree with her politics (too neo liberal for my tastes) but it is evident that she is making a serious fist of a very tough job. I couldn't do that job in my dreams. Maybe she has made the right decision and does not care much what people like you think of her appearance.
Hillary is really looking rough these days, like she has been on a drinking binge that has not stopped.