03 Feb 23
@mott-the-hoople saidI would say Cuba, where everyone is exactly the same. Nirvana! My mind would be going a mile a minute, like it does now!
if you had a choice…which socialist country would you like to live in?
I think Zahlanzi would likewise pick a country espousing everyone in one homogeneous ball. He would not like allowing someone to get ahead of someone else!
Capitalism is great. Unfettered capitalism is as nasty as feudalism. I believe the U.S. needs strong labor unions to represent workers. Money needs to be pulled out of elections. The IRS needs adequate funding so they can pull in the money wealthy people and corporations owe but are unwilling to pay. The government needs to prevent monopolies. Agencies like OSHA and the FDA need to protect workers in the work place and consumers. All of the above is not what was expressed in the video.
03 Feb 23
@phranny saidquick question...have the democrats weaponized the IRS?
Capitalism is great. Unfettered capitalism is as nasty as feudalism. I believe the U.S. needs strong labor unions to represent workers. Money needs to be pulled out of elections. The IRS needs adequate funding so they can pull in the money wealthy people and corporations owe but are unwilling to pay. The government needs to prevent monopolies. Agencies like OSHA and the FDA n ...[text shortened]... t workers in the work place and consumers. All of the above is not what was expressed in the video.
03 Feb 23
@mott-the-hoople saidNo, the IRS is no being weaponized. There are wealthy individuals and corporations who can afford high priced lawyers to avoid taxes they owe. That's who the IRS wants to pay what they legally owe in taxes. The vast majority of tax paying workers cannot afford to cheat on their taxes. They do not have enough money to access illegal shelters for their wealth.
quick question...have the democrats weaponized the IRS?
03 Feb 23
@phranny saidI totally agree, me the selfish capitalist. Any one who breaks law, including nonpayment of taxes, should go to jail. Now, avoidance of taxes is another issue. That is legal.
Capitalism is great. Unfettered capitalism is as nasty as feudalism. I believe the U.S. needs strong labor unions to represent workers. Money needs to be pulled out of elections. The IRS needs adequate funding so they can pull in the money wealthy people and corporations owe but are unwilling to pay. The government needs to prevent monopolies. Agencies like OSHA and the FDA n ...[text shortened]... t workers in the work place and consumers. All of the above is not what was expressed in the video.
Very nice post. I can’t imagine the most liberal among us taking exception to your post.
03 Feb 23
@phranny saidBut if they are ‘avoiding ‘ taxes, using the many loopholes, legally, how can you say ‘avoiding taxes THAT THEY OWE”? they don’t owe taxes which they are legally avoiding.
No, the IRS is no being weaponized. There are wealthy individuals and corporations who can afford high priced lawyers to avoid taxes they owe. That's who the IRS wants to pay what they legally owe in taxes. The vast majority of tax paying workers cannot afford to cheat on their taxes. They do not have enough money to access illegal shelters for their wealth.
So your statement is patently incorrect.
03 Feb 23
@phranny saidis this article wrong?
No, the IRS is no being weaponized. There are wealthy individuals and corporations who can afford high priced lawyers to avoid taxes they owe. That's who the IRS wants to pay what they legally owe in taxes. The vast majority of tax paying workers cannot afford to cheat on their taxes. They do not have enough money to access illegal shelters for their wealth.
“In a legal settlement that still awaits a federal judge's approval, the IRS "expresses its sincere apology" for mistreating a conservative organization called Linchpins of Liberty — along with 40 other conservative groups — in their applications for tax-exempt status.
And in a second case, NorCal Tea Party Patriots and 427 other groups suing the IRS also reached a "substantial financial settlement" with the government.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the two settlements Thursday. The Justice Department quoted him as saying of the IRS activity: "There is no excuse for this conduct. Hundreds of organizations were affected by these actions, and they deserve an apology from the IRS. We hope that today's settlement makes clear that this abuse of power will not be tolerated."
03 Feb 23
@averagejoe1 saidI consider myself a liberal. You have a very strange notion of what liberals in the U.S. believe.
I totally agree, me the selfish capitalist. Any one who breaks law, including nonpayment of taxes, should go to jail. Now, avoidance of taxes is another issue. That is legal.
Very nice post. I can’t imagine the most liberal among us taking exception to your post.
03 Feb 23
@averagejoe1 saidNo, they are not using legal loopholes. Illegally hiding taxable income by very wealthy individuals and corporations is not easy nor quick to uncover. It requires skilled tax experts and the IRS cannot afford to hire an adequate number of such individuals. They can barely keep up with the tax returns for average middle and upper class individuals and corporations.
But if they are ‘avoiding ‘ taxes, using the many loopholes, legally, how can you say ‘avoiding taxes THAT THEY OWE”? they don’t owe taxes which they are legally avoiding.
So your statement is patently incorrect.
03 Feb 23
@mott-the-hoople saidReliable source. Appalling. Heads should and hopefully will roll.
is this article wrong?
“In a legal settlement that still awaits a federal judge's approval, the IRS "expresses its sincere apology" for mistreating a conservative organization called Linchpins of Liberty — along with 40 other conservative groups — in their applications for tax-exempt status.
And in a second case, NorCal Tea Party Patriots and 427 other groups su ...[text shortened]... tps://www.npr.org/2017/10/27/560308997/irs-apologizes-for-aggressive-scrutiny-of-conservative-groups
@mott-the-hoople saidi am quite happy where i am but spain would be a nice alternative.
if you had a choice…which socialist country would you like to live in?
Canada. New Zealand would be awesome. Norway . Plenty of nice places i would live. The US is not one of them
Now you can either leave this exchange where it is or say something dumb like AJoe did and say those aren't socialist countries and i can only pick from North Koreea, Venezuela or Cuba. Which will you choose?
04 Feb 23
@zahlanzi saidoh…you want to lie unencumbered?
i am quite happy where i am but spain would be a nice alternative.
Canada. New Zealand would be awesome. Norway . Plenty of nice places i would live. The US is not one of them
Now you can either leave this exchange where it is or say something dumb like AJoe did and say those aren't socialist countries and i can only pick from North Koreea, Venezuela or Cuba. Which will you choose?
04 Feb 23
@phranny saidCertainly you acknowledge the penchant to, at some point, use money or goods or taxes created by another persons?
I consider myself a liberal. You have a very strange notion of what liberals in the U.S. believe.
You have to answer that , with all due respects to have a discussion .