- living.
This from Texas Republican Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Patrick who suggested in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that he and other senior citizens might be willing to die in order to save the U.S. economy.
Can someone please explain to me how this fits in with the Republicans' "pro life" platform?
Oh I am sure plenty of people are happy to aquire property and businesses from deceased old people from this virus.
"What? Grandpa died from the virus?...thank God I don't have to pay for that retirement home anymore"
"Grandma died?...How much is her house worth?"
You are witnessing wealth transfer right now.
Old people should be isolated and the rest get back to work and cover my welfare check!
@mchill saidI don't know if you know this, but old people have lived most of their life - however short and fleeting that time period is. In relatively no time at all they will be gone from the machine anyhow. I suspect they would much rather cut it short than have their progeny suffer in destitution and poverty for what could be a relatively long time. Its called altruism. Its a natural way of the universe that seems to be fundamental to the formation of complex societies.
- living.
This from Texas Republican Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Patrick who suggested in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that he and other senior citizens might be willing to die in order to save the U.S. economy.
Can someone please explain to me how this fits in with the Republicans' "pro life" platform?
"In evolutionary biology, an organism is said to behave altruistically when its behaviour benefits other organisms, at a cost to itself"
It reconciles perfectly with "Pro life" philosophy. Aborting a baby for your own good is exactly the opposite. A baby cant be aborted for the babies own good.
@flopwrist saidWhy do I get the feeling you have spent many years in lock down?
Old people are scared cowards.
Just die already!
Lockdown sucks!
@ghost-of-a-duke saidYou're smart? π€
Why do I get the feeling you have spent many years in lock down?
@eladar saidAbsolutely. Stick it to those goddamn libtards and get together with your conservative buddies. Purposely cough and say "uh-oh, guess we're gonna die" and have a good laugh. Fill your churches and breathe deep knowing nothing will happen. Have a collective deep sigh of relief (less than 6 feet apart just to irritate the Dims).
Dying is pro freedom. Dying to preserve freedom and this nation is not something new.
Of course it may be something you never believed applied to you.
Do it. Do this immediately.
@vivify saidPeople should be allowed to do what they wish. Educate them then let them decide.
Absolutely. Stick it to those goddamn libtards and get together with your conservative buddies. Purposely cough and say "uh-oh, guess we're gonna die" and have a good laugh. Fill your churches and breathe deep knowing nothing will happen. Have a collective deep sigh of relief (less than 6 feet apart just to irritate the Dims).
Do it. Do this immediately.