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Tucker Carlsen for president. Shudder.

Tucker Carlsen for president. Shudder.



So it looks like it will be a fight between two charming characters, Carlsen and DeSantis.
The main talk there will be who will destroy our democracy FIRST?
Authoritarian government looks to be the future of the US.
Hope all you ultrarightwingnuts will be happy about that.
Don't say it couldn't happen here because our democracy is ALREADY treading thin ice and it won't take much to topple it completely and that Fuker Tucker could be the one who kills it here.


I would go with Laura Ingraham as President, with Hannity as VP.
Tucker as Secretary of State or Speaker of the House.


Yeah, what would it matter when we no longer have a democracy, POTTFUS could be the devil for all I care. POTTFUS, maybe you could figure out what that stands for.

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@sonhouse said
Authoritarian government looks to be the future of the US.
Hope all you ultrarightwingnuts will be happy about that.
Sonhouse, authoritarian governments taking over the lives of everyone to the Nth degree has ALWAYS been the bailiwick of the far left since the first days of communist/socialist take-overs of countries.

Stalin/Mao/Pol Pot/Castro/yadadada...

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Yeah, Pol Pot, killer of MILLIONS of innocent civilians because they didn't like his so called government.
I guess that would be just what someone like you would want here.


@sonhouse said
So it looks like it will be a fight between two charming characters, Carlsen and DeSantis.
The main talk there will be who will destroy our democracy FIRST?
Authoritarian government looks to be the future of the US.
Hope all you ultrarightwingnuts will be happy about that.
Don't say it couldn't happen here because our democracy is ALREADY treading thin ice and it won't take much to topple it completely and that Fuker Tucker could be the one who kills it here.
Like him or hate him, Carlson is far too intelligent to subject himself to the crapfest of a Presidential run.

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We will see. Intelligence is not a good sign of a social manipulator. Fuker Carlsen could give a rat's ass about the plight of real people as long as he keeps his audience and therefore his massive paycheck going. Net worth, 420 MILLION at least as of THIS month. Probably be a half bil by the end of the year. Amazing how much money you can get by manipulating the media with his insinuating form of so-called journalism.
And you also could give a shyte millions of idiots believe every word he pukes out just like Trump.


@sonhouse said
So it looks like it will be a fight between two charming characters, Carlsen and DeSantis.
The main talk there will be who will destroy our democracy FIRST?
Authoritarian government looks to be the future of the US.
Hope all you ultrarightwingnuts will be happy about that.
Don't say it couldn't happen here because our democracy is ALREADY treading thin ice and it won't take much to topple it completely and that Fuker Tucker could be the one who kills it here.
What do you mean by Democracy?
Anyway, I am afraid his personality would be divisive, as is Biden, and we do not need that. His ideas would be great but I would NOT want him talking.
I agree with Sonhouse!!!!

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@sonhouse said
We will see. Intelligence is not a good sign of a social manipulator. Fuker Carlsen could give a rat's ass about the plight of real people as long as he keeps his audience and therefore his massive paycheck going. Net worth, 420 MILLION at least as of THIS month. Probably be a half bil by the end of the year. Amazing how much money you can get by manipulating the medi ...[text shortened]...
And you also could give a shyte millions of idiots believe every word he pukes out just like Trump.
I will forever wonder why libs worry about what people make. You never mention Tiger Woods. He is worth $1B and all he does is play golf.
Boy that makes me mad!!
I think MetalBrain thinks Tiger should give him a share of his profits. But he never says how, or why, for that matter.


You don't know the definition of democracy? That part where voters decide who is the next office holder, whatever that is? One problem with ours is the electoral college, a leftover from a time when votes were tabulated by dudes bringing in pouches with voter info riding on horseback so it could take weeks before an election was totally tabulated but we are way past that now and we need to kill the electoral college so you get more votes, you win.
We are the only country in the world with that ancient outdated POS.


@sonhouse said
So it looks like it will be a fight between two charming characters, Carlsen and DeSantis.
No, it doesn't look like that at all.


Well then, you should be TOTALLY ticked with Trump because he is a grift artist with pretensions of power. You do know he got fined 25 MILLION for his FIRST two grifts, the university and the charity. And now a third grift, a quarter of a BILLION taken off the backs of poor people where he begged for money that was never used for anything but keeping Trump in donuts.


@sonhouse said
You don't know the definition of democracy?
I know the definition of Democracy:
Democracy sucks.
It's no better than mob rule.
A representative Republic is the best way to go so far, if anyone has a better idea, let us know.



A court ruled that "given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."

In other words he's the perfect VP for Trump.


@jj-adams said
I know the definition of Democracy:
Democracy sucks.
It's no better than mob rule.
A representative Republic is the best way to go so far, if anyone has a better idea, let us know.
A representative Republic IS a Democracy.

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