Why do drag queens want audiences of children?

Why do drag queens want audiences of children?


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Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
23 Mar 23

@Zahlanzi said -
"We don't dress as wolves or trees or whatever in our day to day lives. These fukers just don't like drag queens, pure and simple."

That is not true. I have never had a problem with drag queens, and it is because these particular drag queens are paedophiles
and are actually allowed to strip their clothing off in front of 4 y/o toddlers so that they can get their sexual jollies.

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
23 Mar 23

@no1marauder said
There's really no gray area for actual libertarians on whether parents should be able to decide what their children can or cannot view.

Calling it "child abuse" just shows your authoritarian side when something offends your puritanical views; then you want the State to intervene.

What happens if a flasher in a trench coat flashes a woman at the train station.
Is it just your authoritarian side that says such a person is a criminal?
After all, he's only trying to be friendly

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
23 Mar 23

@Soothfast said - "Yeah, what happened to "I don't care what they do"...? "

That is perfectly fine... @EXCEPT for children.
Protect those children from lecherous sexual predators, for cripes sake.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
23 Mar 23

@earl-of-trumps said

What happens if a flasher in a trench coat flashes a woman at the train station.
Is it just your authoritarian side that says such a person is a criminal?
After all, he's only trying to be friendly
Did the women consent to being flashed?

No. Unlike the people who go see these shows.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
23 Mar 23

@no1marauder said
Did the women consent to being flashed?

No. Unlike the people who go see these shows.
Age of consent.

Children should be allowed to own AK47s and do heroin.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
23 Mar 23

@no1marauder said
Did the women consent to being flashed?

No. Unlike the people who go see these shows.
And of course the other thing that distorts this situation is many of these genital flashing entertainments occur on goobermint property, so people are literally being forced to fund child abuse, child abuse that they vehemently oppose.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
23 Mar 23

@wajoma said
Age of consent.

Children should be allowed to own AK47s and do heroin.
Both of those are clearly dangerous to a child's health.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
23 Mar 23

@no1marauder said
Both of those are clearly dangerous to a child's health.
Hey don't get between a parent and their child you non-libertarian you ;^)

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
23 Mar 23

@wajoma said
Hey don't get between a parent and their child you non-libertarian you ;^)
Flippancy doesn't work when you've openly ditched your so-called principles merely because of puritanical, moral judgment calls.


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
23 Mar 23

@wajoma said
A debate with soothfast summarised with his superior wit and reasoning apparent :

"I suppose banning dancing is next on your agenda...

Yes soothfast, got to admit, you got me there, oof, you too too clever.
If whatever country you're living in were to have a national referendum to decide whether to ban bringing children to drag shows, would you or would you not vote in favor?


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
23 Mar 23

I hardly think drag queens are flashing their genitals at children in schools whilst reading to kids.

There’s nothing iinherently wrong with introducing wierd and strange characters to kids. Have you ever seen kids’ tv??

Kids, under the age of 7, generally won’t see drag queens as something sexual. More like clowns.

Why the US has drag queens reading to kids in schools is beyond me.
And if they’re doing drag shows for kids whilst reading to them, it sounds more like wishful thinking than any form of reality, to me.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
23 Mar 23
1 edit

@soothfast said
If whatever country you're living in were to have a national referendum to decide whether to ban bringing children to drag shows, would you or would you not vote in favor?
As you've worded the so called referendum, I would vote no, there should be no ban.

I would still urge people opposed to this abuse which is the sexualisation of children, to protest these events and would attend such protests if I could.

This isn't 'story time', this isn't men dressed as women reading stories, this is 'drag queen story time'. The outlandish outfits and ghoulish grotesque make-up, we get it, it's a cry for attention, it's a psychological disorder, me, me, me, me.

Got it, message received just leave innocent children out of your adult fantasies, you don't need to mess with a childs innocence, they're not interested in sex stuff at that age. The other thing that distorts the debate is these so-called 'entertainments' as No1 likes to call them are held on public property, meaning people vehemently opposed to the pedophile parade are forced to fund the venue.

Disappointing that No1 and soothfast are so desperate to appear woke that they cannot condemn this for what it is.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
23 Mar 23
1 edit

@jj-adams said
Again, men dressing in female garb for comic reasons in Punch and Judy shows or whatever is totally different than taking kids to see drag queens in sexy costumes and twerking, etc.
Why don't you see that?
I’ve watched the videos and to be honest I would not take my grandkids to see this anymore than I’d take them to see cis women dressed and performing that way but that’s my personal choice and nothing in the video indicates the grooming that you constantly allude to whenever you talk about lgbtq+ people or organisations that’s where you slip from concerned parent to blatant multi phobia and neofascism.
Have you considered moving to Uganda?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
23 Mar 23

@wajoma said
As you've worded the so called referendum, I would vote no, there should be no ban.

I would still urge people opposed to this abuse which is the sexualisation of children, to protest these events and would attend such protests if I could.

This isn't 'story time', this isn't men dressed as women reading stories, this is 'drag queen story time'. The outlandish outfits a ...[text shortened]... that No1 and soothfast are so desperate to appear woke that they cannot condemn this for what it is.
This backpedal is hardly convincing since you already used age of consent laws as a justification for denying these parents their right to raise their children as they see fit.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
23 Mar 23

@no1marauder said
Did the women consent to being flashed?

No. Unlike the people who go see these shows.
women vs 5-yr olds