Originally posted by RookRAKI have to vote for a few on this one
Nope. Clearly Worst Film Ever is "Lawnmower Man"
Hudson Hawk...two idiots rob crap and sing?
Cry Baby...now this was so bad it made me wanna stick a fish scaler through my temple
Wolf Creek...I have had scarier moments in the bathroom ( please do not ask me to elaborate )
Originally posted by znshoRubbish.
Idea of filming in such a w ay - minus 2 out of 10
Effectiveness of filming in such a way - minus 10 out of 10
Story line - 2 out of 10
Worst film ever; even worse than The Boyfriend and Last Action Hero.
It was original, the acting was natural (which you would expect from a handi-cam video), they didn't use unnecessary explanations to make things clear and the special effects were awesome.
Don't forget that the whole concept is a video film found after the scene of a disaster, so you only get to see what's on the film.
My only point of critique is that handi-cam films being handi-cam films are wobbly. After the Blair Witch project, that US beats terrorist film in Saudi (can't remember the name) and all three Borne identity films, every time the camera starts wobbling I get a petit mal.
Which is a pity, otherwise Cloverfield would have been a 8 out of 10 film.
Originally posted by shavixmirRubbish.
It was original, the acting was natural (which you would expect from a handi-cam video), they didn't use unnecessary explanations to make things clear and the special effects were awesome.
Don't forget that the whole concept is a video film found after the scene of a disaster, so you only get to see what's on the film.
My only point of ...[text shortened]... et a petit mal.
Which is a pity, otherwise Cloverfield would have been a 8 out of 10 film.
It wasn't original, the acting was average (though what a handi-cam video does to actors I'm not sure), they didn't use unnecessary explanations because there wasn't anything to explain, the plot was silly and the special effects were no better than any other digital monster movie in the last ten years. Heck they weren't better than Independance Day! All you have to do these days is throw money at the effects and they automatically work, no reason to like a film.
You can't possibly forget that the ONLY concept is a video film found after the scene of a disaster, so only getting to see what's on the film is no big surprise.
My biggest critique is that this film just isn't anything other than Blair Witch with monsters. The story is pointless and it's really just cinematographic masturbating by a guy who's already made four series of the same in Lost. I just do not understand why people continue to watch this sort of banal, confused, sensationalist dross, wrapped up in special effects and gimmicky camera choices. There's no story to see here!
4/10 and only because the cinematography is well directed.
Originally posted by StarrmanI'd just like to add the unrelated comment that I'm one of the few people who consider The Blair Witch Project to be an amazing movie.
It wasn't original, the acting was average (though what a handi-cam video does to actors I'm not sure), they didn't use unnecessary explanations because there wasn't anything to explain, the plot was silly and the special effects were no better than any other digital monster movie in the last ten years. Heck they weren't better than Independanc ...[text shortened]... s no story to see here!
4/10 and only because the cinematography is well directed.