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How to be popular with RHP women.

How to be popular with RHP women.




The post that was quoted here has been removed
I was going to respond but I am a man and realized that I can't know the answer.



The post that was quoted here has been removed
As a sensitive man, please accept my apologies.😞

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Read the OP. The RHP women do not want your to know your "real life" love tips. Trust me.
Most of us are trying to figure out how you got married in the first place 😀


"Be nice" is a good start. This might be too much to ask for some as they do not seem to know how to interact with females respectfully. Or anyone for that matter.

Listen and appreciate our point of view. We have different perspectives...it's a good thing. It should provide a nice balance here in GF.


i've found that my rascally roguish rapscallion rookieness has reaped record rewards in that arena...


Originally posted by Landisqueen170
Most of us are trying to figure out how you got married in the first place 😀
That's the kind of bitchy remark that gives men the right to call us bitchy. Bad move, sister.

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Originally posted by Kewpie
That's the kind of bitchy remark that gives men the right to call us bitchy. Bad move, sister.
Interesting that Dive, who has been systematically rude to me and is on some tirade about my having a "sexual attraction" to another poster, completely undeserving, inappropriate, and disrespectful, but yet he gets no comment from you.

But here, I say something...clearly in jest with my silly smiley...and you jump right in with this post.
I've never been called a bitch in my entire life. Funny that the first time I am, it is from another woman.
Much appreciated.

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Originally posted by Kewpie
That's the kind of bitchy remark that gives men the right to call us bitchy. Bad move, sister.
Here's a beauty from Dive for you:

Originally posted by divegeester:
There are no hot women here, not now, not since seitse let the bitches leave. Mind you there is Landisqueen170; seitse is chasing her down.

Hmmmm....seems he already thinks women are bitches 😉


Originally posted by rookie54
i've found that my rascally roguish rapscallion rookieness has reaped record rewards in that arena...
A fine example of alliteration. And what woman doesn't love alliteration?


It's supposed to be easy, isn't it, since this isn't fight club but chess society; no one expects from us to go to the gym or be a tough guy; wearing thick glasses, being a bookish type, quoting a lot of Whitman and Blake, being goofy and with head in clouds. That should do the trick.


Originally posted by Landisqueen170
A fine example of alliteration. And what woman doesn't love alliteration?
And other tongue twisters.

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