If you were Russ...

If you were Russ...


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Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
27 Jun 08

Originally posted by HandyAndy
Pass the tomato juice..
Andy, you are blessed with one of the most refined minds on this site. Think I've made it a point to read most

all of your daily posts. Why does it seem to flip flop, from time to time, from acidic astute to approval cute?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
27 Jun 08

Originally posted by Phlabibit
I wish there were a resolution to GB's issues.

I didn't say problem, so don't be trolling me putting words in my mouth.

Or anything at all in my mouth for that matter, you got that Epic?!

Phlaibit, realism I respect. It's the requisite first step to stabilizing and

improving RHP's competitive edge in the context of its growing pains.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
27 Jun 08

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Thanks, Tim, for your customary courtesy, kindness and forbearance.

New Braunfels, Texas

22 Aug 07
27 Jun 08

Originally posted by HandyAndy
Pass the tomato juice..
Mine with vodka please (oh, top shelf barkeep...yes, Gray Goose is fine). Stick of celery will be my veggie for the day. 😛

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
27 Jun 08

Originally posted by MontyMoose
Mine with vodka please (oh, top shelf barkeep...yes, Gray Goose is fine). Stick of celery will be my veggie for the day. 😛
Two or three jumbo shrimp garnish be okay on the side?

If Theres Hell Below

We're All Gonna Go!

10 Sep 05
27 Jun 08

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Wormwood, I have no personal issues with RHP site moderation. Never have. On the other hand, as a Fortune 100

business retiree, I do have empathy for the considerable short and long term challenges Russ and Chris face.
oh, I see. you're just 'helping' them by creating threads which are guaranteed to stir up trouble in the forum. I'm sure they appreciate it. 😕

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
27 Jun 08

Originally posted by wormwood
oh, I see. you're just 'helping' them by creating threads which are guaranteed to stir up trouble in the forum. I'm sure they appreciate it. 😕
Perhaps you, yourself, might offer a few constructive suggestions to help

the greater cause. Your leadership may well motivate others to follow suit.


The sky

05 Apr 05
27 Jun 08

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Perhaps you, yourself, might offer a few constructive suggestions to help

the greater cause. Your leadership may well motivate others to follow suit.
Why don't you make a start yourself?

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
27 Jun 08
2 edits

The words trolling and Personal attacks seem to me used rather often here and without much thought.

In trock and troll the Moderator could not answer what trolling was, in black and white...there was no black and white, there was a gray area it was said. For those of us who look at things in black and white, that gray area is hard to find.

Common Sense was answer...time and time again!

It appears trolling can be considered answering someones questions on more than one occasion.

Personal attacks...I would say just look at this thread from start to finish. Those of us who consider things in black and white might see many cases of Personal attacks directed in the direction of Grampy Bobby, just to use an example.

Stalking ..>Replying to the same user over and over can be considered stalking...Again I refer to look at this thread for repeated replys to Grampy Bobby, some very impolite I might add to the point some would see as harassment. Others may not see any harm at all.

Miss O, can not seem to even post anymore without someone jumping all over her, from the little group that seems to have no boundrys. It appears she was driven out of the Forum Moderators select group, and now pays the price every time she makes a post.

Many of my chess friend on here have asked me not to leave the Public Forums...Why stay in a place you are not wanted? I can take a hint, when a group of people, want the forums to themselves. I say: So be it!

Thank You all for listening, with no malice towards anyone.
Grampy Bobby I know we have our differences, but you deserve better. I believe as many other do, that you add to the Forums not take away from them.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
27 Jun 08

Originally posted by Nordlys
Why don't you make a start yourself?
Initiative to host the conversation was step one. After almost 100 posts,

within 24 hours, only Pawnie and a few other souls have spoken sensibly.


The sky

05 Apr 05
27 Jun 08

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Initiative to host the conversation was step one. After almost 100 posts,

within 24 hours, only Pawnie and a few other souls have spoken sensibly.
Your initiative might have been more successful if you had been more clear about what you want to discuss, and had contributed some thoughts yourself. You have refused to do that even after being asked to do so several times (sometimes politely, sometimes not so much so). If the subject is important to you, contribute. If not, I don't see why you started the thread, unless you enjoy telling others how much they suck.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
27 Jun 08

Originally posted by Nordlys
Your initiative might have been more successful if you had been more clear about what you want to discuss, and had contributed some thoughts yourself. You have refused to do that even after being asked to do so several times (sometimes politely, sometimes not so much so). If the subject is important to you, contribute. If not, I don't see why you started the thread, unless you enjoy telling others how much they suck.
Nordlys, there's no mystery. Focus of our conversation was spelled out in the initial post... the ongoing industry generic/internet market

segment challenge of providing cost effective forum and chess game moderation. Nothing at all unique to RHP. What are your ideas?


The sky

05 Apr 05
27 Jun 08

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Nordlys, there's no mystery. Focus of our conversation was spelled out in the initial post... the ongoing industry generic/internet market

segment challenge of providing cost effective forum and chess game moderation. Nothing at all unique to RHP. What are your ideas?
I give up. I'll leave you to your repetitive thread.

If Theres Hell Below

We're All Gonna Go!

10 Sep 05
27 Jun 08

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Nordlys, there's no mystery. Focus of our conversation was spelled out in the initial post... the ongoing industry generic/internet market

segment challenge of providing cost effective forum and chess game moderation. Nothing at all unique to RHP. What are your ideas?
it seems to me you can't get much more cost effective than volunteers working for free.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
27 Jun 08

Originally posted by Nordlys
I give up. I'll leave you to your repetitive thread.
Thanks for stopping by. Always a pleasure...