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Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
13 Feb 21

@FMF - He wanted to draw those he saw as the best among the more prolific General Forum posters away from the forum

At the time the club was formed, I was not considered a prolific poster in the GF,
and I was considered a controversial poster in the debates, yet I was invited to join and have enjoyed it ever since.

If GoaD had such motives as to why he opened the Ghost Chamber as you say, it is still his prerogative, and I must tell you, it's great being in a forum where 2/3's of the threads do not always end with a VR snipe at someone. The man is constantly arguing no matter the thread he is in. Who needs it?

So much for that.

And it did surprise me to see you and dive get out of there, but I did not know of the history to it all.


28 Oct 05
13 Feb 21
1 edit

@earl-of-trumps said
If GoaD had such motives as to why he opened the Ghost Chamber as you say, it is still his prerogative, and I must tell you, it's great being in a forum where 2/3's of the threads do not always end with a VR snipe at someone. The man is constantly arguing no matter the thread he is in.
Good for you if you like it. But that wasn't the issue I was addressing. I was just clearing up any doubt about how setting up that club was a deliberate snub to Very Rusty, which you don't seem to be denying.

Another reason why I did not join was because you were a member and I see you as one of posters that helps make the Debates Forum a poisonous cesspool.


28 Oct 05
13 Feb 21

@earl-of-trumps said
And it did surprise me to see you and dive get out of there, but I did not know of the history to it all.
Where is it you thought I "got out of"?


28 Oct 05
13 Feb 21

@earl-of-trumps said
@FMF - He wanted to draw those he saw as the best among the more prolific General Forum posters away from the forum

At the time the club was formed, I was not considered a prolific poster in the GF, and I was considered a controversial poster in the debates, yet I was invited to join and have enjoyed it ever since.
Well, be that as it may. But I didn't say he wanted to draw only those he saw as the best among the more prolific General Forum posters away from the forum.

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16 Feb 08
13 Feb 21
1 edit

@suzianne said
For someone who claims another poster is "spinning stories", this seems spun out of pure fantasy, probably driven by your scorn for the club and its members, since you're no longer a member yourself.
It is precisely one of the main reasons the club was formed, Ghost of a Duke told me so himself.

There are only a handful of members in there for whom I have a low regard. Most are just the normal crew in here.

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16 Feb 08
13 Feb 21

@fmf said

Creating the club was expressly about snubbing Very Rusty. If Ghost of a Duke has told you something different from that, then he is lying to you. Or... he was lying to me.
Same here.

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16 Feb 08
13 Feb 21

@earl-of-trumps said
@divegeester - No but Very Rusty is yours.

You created a club for the purpose of ostracising him by trying to gut the general forum of the key contributors and drag conversation away from it. You then proceeded to relentlessly target him.


dive... surely you jest 🤔
Not in the slightest, it is exactly the key reason Ghost of a Duke told me he was setting up the club. I’m sure it has expanded beyond that purpose, but I assure you I was told that was one of the key reasons.

You do see how Ghost of a Duke is with Very Rusty don’t you...

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16 Feb 08
13 Feb 21
1 edit

@earl-of-trumps said
If GoaD had such motives as to why he opened the Ghost Chamber as you say, it is still his prerogative, and I must tell you, it's great being in a forum where 2/3's of the threads do not always end with a VR snipe at someone. The man is constantly arguing no matter the thread he is in. Who needs it?
Your point 1 - I agree completely.

Your point 2 - I also agree completely. VR’s posting volume can become a blight on threads and I’ve clashed with him majorly once over it in the last 12 months or so. Rest of the time I ignore his posts as they are largely void of content which I find interesting. So yes, these is a dynamic to this debate.

The Ghost Chamber was not for me; some interesting threads but way too cliquey for me and being the type of poster I am (direct, argumentative and challenging etc) it was best that I left. In a way I left out of respect for the fact that it is a private club and one needs to abide by the culture or rules of that club. I couldn’t.

14 Mar 15
13 Feb 21

@divegeester said
Not in the slightest, it is exactly the key reason Ghost of a Duke told me he was setting up the club. I’m sure it has expanded beyond that purpose, but I assure you I was told that was one of the key reasons.
Certainly one of the key reasons I created the Chamber was to have a refuge from the inane postings of Rusty in every thread in the GF where good threads were routinely trashed. (And still are). To equate this with being an anti-Rusty club though is a nonsense. Beyond a few initial jokes about having hounds posted to keep him out, he has barely been mentioned over the last year.

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16 Feb 08
13 Feb 21

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Certainly one of the key reasons I created the Chamber was to have a refuge from the inane postings of Rusty in every thread in the GF where good threads were routinely trashed. (And still are). To equate this with being an anti-Rusty club though is a nonsense. Beyond a few initial jokes about having hounds posted to keep him out, he has barely been mentioned over the last year.
And yet you and Suzianne follow him around the general forum goading him on. Given your claim that you want a “refuge” from his posting, why do you do that?

14 Mar 15
13 Feb 21

@divegeester said
I refer you to my post above.
How does that apply to Kelly?

For years he refused to reply to you directly and yet you routinely replied to his posts. How was Kelly 'not' your legitimate target, clearly someone who didn't want to engage with you?

14 Mar 15
13 Feb 21

@divegeester said
And yet you and Suzianne follow him around the general forum goading him on. Given your claim that you want a “refuge” from his posting, why do you do that?
He posts in every thread. You may have noticed.


28 Oct 05
13 Feb 21
1 edit

Whether I spoil threads with my posts aside, many General Forum threads are now arguably trashed - not just by Very Rusty's copious inane posting - but also by Suzianne's and Ghost of Duke's copious and inane posting in service of the day in day out bullying of Very Rusty, sometimes matching his posts at a ratio of 2:1 or, when others are piling on, even 3:1.

14 Mar 15
13 Feb 21

@fmf said
Whether I spoil threads with my posts aside, many General Forum threads are now arguably trashed - not just by Very Rusty's copious inane posting - but also by Suzianne's and Ghost of Duke's copious and inane posting in service of the day in day out bullying of Very Rusty, sometimes matching his posts at a ratio of 2:1 or, when others are piling on, even 3:1.
You bring a special brand of toxicity to a thread.

Should bottle it and take it on the road.

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16 Feb 08
13 Feb 21

@ghost-of-a-duke said
How does that apply to Kelly?

For years he refused to reply to you directly and yet you routinely replied to his posts. How was Kelly 'not' your legitimate target, clearly someone who didn't want to engage with you?
I’ve no idea. I’ve taken the time and trouble to explain to you how it doesn’t apply to sonship, when we both know, it doesn’t apply to sonship. But I indulged your intellectual dishonesty anyway.

Are you going to run through the entire list of people in the spirituality forum in a vain jazz-handed attempt at countermeasures...or will you own up to why you started you club and how, ever since, you and your team of weak-minded douchbags have hounded Very Rusty simply for the fact that he is there to be hounded. No debate, no intellectual discourse of any sort.

As I said earlier, perhaps you were bullied at school, but as an intelligent adult you really should have grown past that baggage now.