@lemondrop saidThis one?
expressing his love for his dead girlfriend
a true love song
a silly love song
Teen Angel · Mark Dinning
Today is a great day
I give the stars to you, I give the moon to you/ Raise the sun everyday for you
I'll turn into a candle and let myself burn/ Just to shine a light on you
I'll give everything I have to you/ As long as you're happy
You give me new meaning everyday/ Though life is short, I'll love you forever, never abandoning you.
You are my little apple/ I can never love you too much
Your red face warms my heart/ Lighting the fire, fire, fire, fire, fire in my life
You are my little apple/ Like the most beautiful cloud in the sky
Spring arrives again, and flowers bloom all over the mountainside/ I reap the hopes that I sowed.
This is a song called "xiao pingguo", or "little apple". Very popular in China, originally from the movie "Old boys: the way of the dragon".
I regularly change the words to "Ni shi zheige teng zai wo pigu" (as opposed to "Ni shi wode xiao xiao pingguo" ), much to the amusement of my daughter.
@hakima saidIt worked, Hakima 🙂
When All Is Said and Done
ABBA rarely fails to perform what I feel, and in the most embarrassing way.
*gosh! I hope this works, as I do not think I have ever copied a YouTube here before.
Those two gals can sing up a storm. Always liked them