Originally posted by cadwahVery cool!
I stumbledupon this site, it has mainly docmentaries from america but I just watched Supersize Me, a film I was loath to see due to being, well, a tad overweight, great that I get to see it for free. Lots of Michael Moore and similar, overall a good quality site.
I noticed it has Earthlings on there too.
BTW, I like how "stumbleupon" has become the new it verb. 🙂
Originally posted by cadwahGreat find! 🙂
I stumbledupon this site, it has mainly docmentaries from america but I just watched Supersize Me, a film I was loath to see due to being, well, a tad overweight, great that I get to see it for free. Lots of Michael Moore and similar, overall a good quality site.
Supersize Me freaked me out when I saw it.
Originally posted by cadwahAnd he developed some symptoms usually related to chronic alcooholism too! That was the bit that really scared me.
I suppose the only figures that really mattered in the film to me were that it took him 30 days to do that to his body and over a year to get himself back to his original weight.