05 Apr 15
Originally posted by Seitse7. The exquisite mutual fulfillment of sexual intercourse is one of many expressions of rapport love though not love itself; Seitse, since when did a bottle of alcohol, a pack of nicotine and a clandestine sexual liaison booty call take its place?
At my age, love is half a liter of bourbon, 1 pack of luckies, and
a casual sex encounter after which I am left alone to watch
House of Cards in peace.
Originally posted by lolofOriginally posted by lolof
When we speak about emotionally unavailable and challenges, we really need another word than 'love' - it has nothing to do with love: attraction, obsession or... what is it?
When we speak about emotionally unavailable and challenges, we really need another word than 'love' - it has nothing to do with love: attraction, obsession or... what is it?
8. Perhaps physical gratification....