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CHECKMATE in under 10 moves...

CHECKMATE in under 10 moves...

Only Chess

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After reading about some of the great wins in under 20 moves in another thread, I thought that is might be worth having a thread dedicated to those even earlier mates. This could be a valuable thread for learning as it could point to flawed openings and less well known traps in the opening.

I'll start the ball rolling with game that demonstrated the dangers of playing the Damiano Defence as Black.

Game 2919000

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1.f3 e5 2.g4 Qh4#

the ball has rolled enough.

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Originally posted by Jusuh
1.f3 e5 2.g4 Qh4#

the ball has rolled enough.
Has anyone actually played this game here?

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6 moves against a 1600+ player...

Game 2152635

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Originally posted by onyx2006
6 moves against a 1600+ player...

Game 2152635
But this is not a checkmate, is it? As the thread title says?

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The wicked kadette!

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Here is one I enjoyed. Not really a trap so much, I didn't play my moves with intent of checkmate until the last 2 or 3, at first I was just trying to find the best moves, and he wasn't.
Game 2159583

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
This is a great smothered mate trap.
I think it is called the Blackburne Shilling Gambit - named after a GM called Blackburne, who used to trap cafe visitors with this line for a shilling a time.

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Game 3215907

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Game 3127021


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Originally posted by Hindstein
This is a great smothered mate trap.
I think it is called the Blackburne Shilling Gambit - named after a GM called Blackburne, who used to trap cafe visitors with this line for a shilling a time.
Game 2426548

Another example of Smaugs mateπŸ˜‰

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
It's called the Blackburne Shilling mate. "Graham Burgess calls 3...Nd4 the "Oh My God" trap." 😡 "3...Nd4 is sometimes known as the Kostic Gambit, named after the Serbian grandmaster who played it in the early part of the 20th century."


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