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Chess Lesson #14

Chess Lesson #14

Only Chess

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White to play and draw.

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Originally posted by Bowmann

White to play and draw.
I can't see the Emperor's clothing.

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if this is a joke, im not laughing...

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maybe he shouldn't be teaching "lessons"??

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People, a draw is by no means affected only by the number of material there is on the board left to affect mate...have you guys ever considered... uh... stalemate?

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Obviously, the game is lost, so White has to play for stalemate, but how?

Edit: K needs to be on g2 when White Queens.

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Originally posted by Bowmann

White to play and draw.
Put the knight on e2 and walk the king up to it. The Queen cannot take any of whites pawns so white just moves the king back and forth by the Ne2 and either draws through repetition or the 50 move rule.

Edit: First white plays Bxf6+!!, black retakes. Then Ne2 with the same method as before...

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Originally posted by Papyn Chase
People, a draw is by no means affected only by the number of material there is on the board left to affect mate...have you guys ever considered... uh... stalemate?
Uh...I think the point was that there were too many moves available to white for stalemate to be a solution before the queened pawn takes over the board.


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Originally posted by marinakatomb
Put the knight on e2 and walk the king up to it. The Queen cannot take any of whites pawns so white just moves the king back and forth by the Ne2 and either draws through repetition or the 50 move rule.
Tell me again why the queen can't take the h2 pawn?


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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Tell me again why the queen can't take the h2 pawn?

Because the knight is defending g1, look again.

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Originally posted by marinakatomb
Because the knight is defending g1, look again.
And h1?


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Originally posted by marinakatomb
Put the knight on e2 and walk the king up to it. The Queen cannot take any of whites pawns so white just moves the king back and forth by the Ne2 and either draws through repetition or the 50 move rule.

Edit: First white plays Bxf6+!!, black retakes. Then Ne2 with the same method as before...
If the Queen then pulls back to the h file is the H2 pawn defendable?

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Originally posted by Bowmann

White to play and draw.
so: 1.Ne2 b2 2.Kg2 b=Q 3.Kf2 Qd1 4.Ng1 Kg7 and white is in zugwang.

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