Originally posted by dirtysniperany opening that castles early, probably some ruy lopez or something like that.
In an effort to learn something new, what opening or openings, best develop the Rooks. The quickest and most productive way to get them into action and make use of them as more then a defender.
Originally posted by dirtysniperAs Black, try the ...e6 Najdorf Sicilian. The Queen's Rook finds a home on c8 behind the Queen on the open file and the King's Rook, after castling, can move to d8, defending the d6 Pawn and supporting it's potential advance.
In an effort to learn something new, what opening or openings, best develop the Rooks. The quickest and most productive way to get them into action and make use of them as more then a defender.
Later, you can stack it on the c-file with the other major pieces, or to whatever other open files come into being.
Originally posted by dirtysnipergambits, giving up a pawn or two for rapid development of the pieces! does not suit materialists, but it can be fun!
In an effort to learn something new, what opening or openings, best develop the Rooks. The quickest and most productive way to get them into action and make use of them as more then a defender.
I also think gambits mostly of pawns will open up your rooks for active possibilities.
One way to gambit a pawn so a rook can become active is for example to just give up a knight pawn by advancing it 2 squares so your opponent can simply take it but then you can move a rook to the knight file and you have an active rook.