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I've been playing for a few years now, I play e4 mostly (with d4 sometimes as a change) as an opener but then react to what my opponent is doing. i have attempted a sicilian opening but get nowhere if my opponent is just out to grab pieces. I'm looking for alternate openings, any of you suggest some openings that are relatively easy to pick up, as all the games tend to play out the same way. Any thoughts?

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I often open with the knights to get them more mobile first.

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tactics tactics tactics, if theyre grabbing your pieces, dont study openings, study tactics!!!

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Between amatuers a pretty neat opening is The Danish Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.d4 exd 3. c3) And the best moves following (for white) are 3 ... dxc 4. Bc4 cxb 5. Bxb2. Just look at the position - white is seriously ahead in development although two pawns down. However, if he doesn't claim a victory soon, black may force white to exchange pieces (or even worse - queens) and then white's doomed. This is a risky opening but I like it, therefore I still play it sometimes, although I more prefer Ruy Lopez

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Originally posted by alexstclaire
tactics tactics tactics, if theyre grabbing your pieces, dont study openings, study tactics!!!
Ok, Being totally green about tactics (as stated I normally respond to oppenents moves) where can I learn tactics?? - I've found a wealth of information on openings, what do you recommend as a good tactics guide?

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Thanks for the advice. I'll give those openings a try.

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Originally posted by Mulder
Ok, Being totally green about tactics (as stated I normally respond to oppenents moves) where can I learn tactics?? - I've found a wealth of information on openings, what do you recommend as a good tactics guide?
Just get on line at the uscf store and go under tactics books and there will be a ton and you can look at who the author is and whether or not u think it will help....

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Skip the memorization of openings and read my post halfway down on page 1.

Thread 50887

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