What is your favorite Gambit !?
It interests me very much to know what your favorite Gambit(s) may be. Whether a true Gambit like the Smith-Morra where the material cannot be immediately recovered, or a pseudo-gambit like the QGA (where it can be recovered quickly if desired) And whether it is your favorite to Play or to play Against.
What are some of your reasons for liking it? Strictly Results oriented? Or are there certain aspects of the position(s) aor play? Is it practical? A matter of creativity? etc. Anything about it. And certainly Example Games are Very Welcome, here, or with Link to Annotated Game, etc.
For now I'll just say my own favorite is the Scotch/Danish/Goring Gambit(s) conglomeration. And go into my own reasons a bit later. First I'd like to see what others enjoy. I know there are some at GK who live & die by the Blackmar-Diemer, the Janisch, Wilkes-Barre/Traxler, and i even know one who is quite expert on the Dilworth Attack of the Open Lopez. Which also contains the recently discussed Riga Variation. And of course, never to forget the Marshall Gambit/Attack of the "closed" Ruy; which then becomes not-very-closed anymore! 🙂
Originally posted by AjuinI like the Cochrane gambit too. It's really difficult to play against as black. Actually, it's difficult as white too. 🙂 Here's one of my Cochrane gambit games, I made a big mistake on move 11 but managed to get away with it.
Cochrane gambit 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 d6 4.Nxf7!?
It's a troublesome relationship though.Whenever I play it as white I lose,whenever I face it as black I lose 😞
Still the idea tickles my fancy 🙂
Game 7020060
I don`t actually have a favourite gambit but i often gambit or sacrifice after my opponent plays a useless move early in the game.
There are 2 reasons for this.
1.My opponent is playing a useless move so probably isn`t a Grandmaster so any sacrifice which creates a bit of play will likely work.
2.The fact that my opponent more or less lets me make 2 moves in a row means I get partial compensation for the sacrifice in advance in addition to the compensation I might get from the sacrifice normally.
Hi Ajuin.
Played the Cochrane on and off for years. mixed reulsts.
I can give you a Black line that contains a wee trap I invented.
After 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 d6 4. Nxf7 Kxf7 5. d4 the move to try
as Black is 5...d5
Then if 6.e5 Ne4.
It's playable. Make it up as you go along.
The trap is White plays 7. Qf3+ Black plays 7...Kg8!
And look there is a cute Queen sac on. 8.Qxe4 dxe4 9.Bc4 + mates.
Good Yes? No Bad.
After 8.Qxe4 Black plays 8....Bb4+!
Then Black can take the Queen as the square f8 is now a flight square.
Here is the whole show.