I'm curios to know, what is the highest rated player you've beaten? Please specify your internet rating if it was an internet game, and your OTB rating if it was a OTB game.
For me on Red Hot Pawn,
I think it was 1300 and my rating on RHP is 1161.
On Yahoo!, it was a 1746, and my rating on Yahoo! is 1388 (Though it was 1235 when I beat the 1746)
OTB, it was a 1397, and my rating is 1129 USCF
Originally posted by chesskid001Best performance for me was a draw with Rookwhar.
I'm curios to know, what is the highest rated player you've beaten? Please specify your internet rating if it was an internet game, and your OTB rating if it was a OTB game.
For me on Red Hot Pawn,
I think it was 1300 and my rating on RHP is 1161.
On Yahoo!, it was a 1746, and my rating on Yahoo! is 1388 (Though it was 1235 when I beat the 1746)
OTB, it was a 1397, and my rating is 1129 USCF
Game 1773909
1800 player, or at least he was at the time. See the huge dent in his graph at the beginning of March...that was me 😀
At FICS I have won a few games against 2000's, but i think my best result was a theoretical draw against a 2200 player (i'm 1700)
as for here, RHP, I did manage to beat a 1800, thanks to his Kings Gambit, and me, as it so happens just read and studied Fischer's article
Game 1950332
I beat a guy on yahoo who was rated 2340, though I am pretty convinced it was an engine user who wasn't using their engine. He booted me in disgust, which felt good. 😀
OTB i have beaten a few 170 bcf (about 2100 elo). On this site i believe XanthosNZ has the honour of being my highest graded scalp. 😀
Originally posted by ShinidokiThis is aging blitzer's usual opening for white, seems he blundered to cause that loss. You guys should play again, because I'm surprised he lost this one, maybe he rushed his moves too much.
At FICS I have won a few games against 2000's, but i think my best result was a theoretical draw against a 2200 player (i'm 1700)
as for here, RHP, I did manage to beat a 1800, thanks to his Kings Gambit, and me, as it so happens just read and studied Fischer's article
Game 1950332
Game 1900846 over GauravV
I have also drawn Quirine - Game 1564330
OTB I have defeated 4 differnt class A players (USCF) and have finally worked my way up to the level of a class B player. I am now shooting to take down someone rated 2000+
If you want to get a high better than any chemical can induce, try playing a simul against a Grandmaster. I was 1850 rated during a 1 month free trial at ICC and I defeated a GM, in a 30 30 simultatious game.(he had 30 opponents at once)
Doesn't really count though. Lots of average players do it :-/
Originally posted by cmsMasterperhaps he was tired, perhaps he rushed, perhaps he was on mind altering drugs.......
This is aging blitzer's usual opening for white, seems he blundered to cause that loss. You guys should play again, because I'm surprised he lost this one, maybe he rushed his moves too much.
^^ whatever the reason, he made mistakes, and got punnished for them, simple as that really.