Problems with RJ Hinds:

Problems with RJ Hinds:


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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
24 Apr 14

RJ ALWAYS comes at a scientific problem with an agenda to prove correct. He is not interested in any scientific procedure that refutes the supposed 6000 year old Earth, anything that suggests anything other than that young Earth is bogus atheistic science because to him the scientists who say the Earth is very very old are just in league with the devil or are just atheists who hate religion, all 400,000 of those scientists who believe the Earth is old and believe in evolution are ALL in on the vast anti-religious conspiracy.

His buddies engage in pseudo science, which is actually just politics, weaponizing science that has been refuted time and time again, but re-using the same tired old arguments not to convince scientists but to convince laymen who would not understand the implications of the tired arguments they use, so it is a political battle to win converts and force creationism down the throats of children who need to hear truth not people touting science but with a built in never ending agenda to destroy whole sciences, which have been built up over 300 years or more.

31 May 06
24 Apr 14

Yes, we know, and it's never going to change.

Which is why RJHinds should be booted from the science forum and ignored if
he does post in it.

He's basically trolling the forum, rather successfully.


06 Mar 12
24 Apr 14
1 edit

Originally posted by googlefudge
RJHinds should be booted from the science forum
I second that.


21 Jan 14
24 Apr 14

Perhaps we should also ban atheists from posting in the spirituality forum.

Defend the Universe

18 Dec 03
24 Apr 14

Originally posted by HarrisonBergeron
Perhaps we should also ban atheists from posting in the spirituality forum.
I've been reporting posts that are trolling and/or off topic, but I haven't seen any moderating actions taken.

Maybe if we ignore the trolls they will eventually they will go away, but it would be nice to have a moderator encouraging people to stay on topic and take action against obvious trolls.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
24 Apr 14
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
RJ ALWAYS comes at a scientific problem with an agenda to prove correct. He is not interested in any scientific procedure that refutes the supposed 6000 year old Earth, anything that suggests anything other than that young Earth is bogus atheistic science because to him the scientists who say the Earth is very very old are just in league with the devil or a ...[text shortened]... never ending agenda to destroy whole sciences, which have been built up over 300 years or more.
There is nothing wrong with RJHinds. He believes the truth can't possibly be the stupid evolution theory, which is contrary to the observable science. He believes that design in nature is not just the appearance of design as evolutionists claim, but is real design that can only be explained by an extremely intelligent designer as the cause. He also believes the majority of the evidence supports a young earth instead of one that is billions of years old. There are also many scientists that believe part of or all of what RJHinds believes. My agenda is to present the truth about the science concerning evolution being just a belief and not proven scientific fact.


06 Mar 12
24 Apr 14

Originally posted by HarrisonBergeron
Perhaps we should also ban atheists from posting in the spirituality forum.
perhaps we should -but then we also should ban creationists from the science forum and I for one would be happy with that compromise because I never go to the stupid spirituality forum anyway -nothing there of any intelligence.


21 Jan 14
24 Apr 14

Originally posted by humy
perhaps we should -but then we also should ban creationists from the science forum and I for one would be happy with that compromise because I never go to the stupid spirituality forum anyway -nothing there of any intelligence.
Sonhouse opened this thread by bashing Hinds for not believing 400000 scientists, yet you are perfectly willing to call the billions of people who believe in god unintelligent.


06 Mar 12
24 Apr 14
3 edits

Originally posted by HarrisonBergeron
Sonhouse opened this thread by bashing Hinds for not believing 400000 scientists, yet you are perfectly willing to call the billions of people who believe in god unintelligent.
Not quite correct; I said "creationist", NOT theist. You can be a theist without being a creationist, right?

Incidentally, it is plausible for there to exist 400000 intelligent scientists and Billions of unintelligent people who dismiss science facts although not totally sure if there is actually that many that actually do dismiss science facts.


21 Jan 14
24 Apr 14

Originally posted by humy
Not quite correct; I said "creationist", NOT theist. You can be a theist without being a creationist, right?

Incidentally, it is plausible for there to exist 400000 intelligent scientists and Billions of unintelligent people who dismiss science facts although not totally sure if there is actually that many that actually do dismiss science facts.
I don't know, can you be a theist without being a creationist? If we narrow the scope to just Christians then I would have to say no. I'm not that familiar with other religions, but I do know that Islam and Hinduism also believe the universe was created. Let me ask you straight then, do you believe that billions of people who believe in god are unintelligent?

Standard memberRemoved

10 Dec 06
24 Apr 14
2 edits

Can we all agree that making any type of conjecture about the existence of a "god" by way of the scientific method is ridiculous. Creationism is a belief, as is any claim that a "god" exists or does not exist made by any "scientist".

I personally feel that "belief" is the "cause", and "science" is the "effect" and that an "effect" without a "cause", and a "cause" without an "effect", are nothing.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
25 Apr 14

Originally posted by joe shmo
Can we all agree that making any type of conjecture about the existence of a "god" by way of the scientific method is ridiculous. Creationism is a belief, as is any claim that a "god" exists or does not exist made by any "scientist".

I personally feel that "belief" is the "cause", and "science" is the "effect" and that an "effect" without a "cause", and a "cause" without an "effect", are nothing.
The point that RJHinds is making is that the so-called theory of evolution is not science, but only a belief. And even though this magical fairy tale of evolution is not supposed to explain how life came about in the first place, it is supposed to explain how all the different species of life originated, according to those that believe in it. This is stupid and makes absolutely no sense.

The truth is that the word "evolution" was used to replace what was already known about minor variations in species due to genetic reproduction and selective breeding and expanded to speculate how all kinds of animals might have came about through adaptation and mutations. However, this molecule to man speculation has still not been proven by the scientific method and with every new discovery in science, it is being disputed and seems more stupid than when it was first suggested as a possibility.


06 Mar 12
25 Apr 14
10 edits

Originally posted by HarrisonBergeron
I don't know, can you be a theist without being a creationist? If we narrow the scope to just Christians then I would have to say no. I'm not that familiar with other religions, but I do know that Islam and Hinduism also believe the universe was created. Let me ask you straight then, do you believe that billions of people who believe in god are unintelligent?
can you be a theist without being a creationist?

Clearly yes. And there are millions of them! For example:

“Jainism does not support belief in a creator deity. According to Jain doctrine, the universe and its constituents—soul, matter, space, time, and principles of motion—have always existed. “

"Approximately 4,300,000 people follow Jainism."

There are also Christians that are none creationists because they don't think the Bible should be taken literally. I should know -my mother used to to be one of them. I would guess you probably do not and would not hear of any because I would guess that, unlike some creationists, being non-extremists, they tend to not shout about it but keep their religion quietly private to themselves just like my mother always did. In fact, she was so private about it that even I didn't know until she mentioned it long after I had grown up -I was completely surprised!

31 Aug 06
25 Apr 14

Originally posted by HarrisonBergeron
I don't know, can you be a theist without being a creationist?
To say that you're a creationist specifically means that you take genesis to be a
scientifically correct, incomplete historical account of creation. Does every christian
believe that?

31 Aug 06
25 Apr 14

Originally posted by HarrisonBergeron
Let me ask you straight then, do you believe that billions of people who believe in god are unintelligent?
If you never challenge your beliefs, you can be made or make yourself to believe pretty
much anything. I don't think it's a matter of intelligence, but rather ignorance and/or
intellectual dishonesty. The difference being that in science, whether you like it or not, your
"beliefs" are always challenged, so it's hard to hold on to stupid for any real length of time.