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Electromagnetic energy by a bunch of pi using ignorant ancients.

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Originally posted by @freakykbh
Electromagnetic energy by a bunch of pi using ignorant ancients.
So, well stuck in the lunatic fringe I see. Big surprise.

But of course we both know this post is you thinking you were upping the ante from my post showing curvature directly with just a laser and a boat.

How bout this: the laser beam didn't diverge much from it's straight line path and it is the BOAT dipping below horizon. Of course that flies in the face of your flat Earth religion so that CAN'T be right.

In other words it matters little what evidence we would present showing flat Earth to be 100% totally bogus, your religion prevents you from actually processing such evidence we have shown and the refutations I already talked about like the circle of the flat Earth equator requiring a small permanent left or right turn to keep on the circular flat Earth path but that is ignored in your universe because other than 'I'm right and you are wrong' card, there is no flat earth refutation for that one but of course again, that flies in the face of your flat earth religion so ignore it, maybe it will go away.


Originally posted by @sonhouse
So, well stuck in the lunatic fringe I see. Big surprise.

But of course we both know this post is you thinking you were upping the ante from my post showing curvature directly with just a laser and a boat.

How bout this: the laser beam didn't diverge much from it's straight line path and it is the BOAT dipping below horizon. Of course that flies in ...[text shortened]... e again, that flies in the face of your flat earth religion so ignore it, maybe it will go away.
I watched your video twice: once before and then when you offered it.
I've commented on it in the thread you made for it.
Why would we discuss that topic on this thread?

You're someone who knows a little bit about electricity and how it works.
What did you think about the suggestions made on the video when you watched it, in light of your understanding?


Originally posted by @freakykbh
Electromagnetic energy by a bunch of pi using ignorant ancients.
This is the Science forum. Try Spirituality.


Originally posted by @kazetnagorra
This is the Science forum. Try Spirituality.
You're confused as to the category of the information on the video, because (I believe) you didn't watch any content.

1 edit

Originally posted by @freakykbh
You're confused as to the category of the information on the video, because (I believe) you didn't watch any content.
It gets into fringe BS right out of the opener, the idea that just because you have a pyramid shape they go next into ultra advanced energy collection.

Anyone who believes that crap is lunatic fringe from the start.

Someone puts out a lunatic fringe theory and you figure, without a gram of critical thinking, 'They must be onto something here'' and fall for it hook line and sinker.

IF the big pyramid was covered with solar panels it would generate significant energy, about 70 megawatt/hr/day using today's available solar cells.

But there is that pesky detail about the ancients only vaguely knowing about electricity, the ancient battery shows possibility of that but there are no advanced technology on the pyramid, no 4000 year old bits and pieces of anything but rock.

So to believe otherwise puts you squarely in the lunatic fringe.


Originally posted by @sonhouse
It gets into fringe BS right out of the opener, the idea that just because you have a pyramid shape they go next into ultra advanced energy collection.

Anyone who believes that crap is lunatic fringe from the start.

Someone puts out a lunatic fringe theory and you figure, without a gram of critical thinking, 'They must be onto something here'' and ...[text shortened]... ieces of anything but rock.

So to believe otherwise puts you squarely in the lunatic fringe.
I was hoping your background in how electricty--- and energy--- work could bring some light to the topic.
Sounds like your imagination isn't up to the challenge.

Walking into a scenario with one's mind already firmly made up is the antithesis of the scientific approach.
What you and Kazet are suggesting--- allegiance to a particular party line, regardless of the details--- is what is killing science, converting it to religion.

Such intransigence doesn't even belong in Spirituality.


Originally posted by @sonhouse
It gets into fringe BS right out of the opener, the idea that just because you have a pyramid shape they go next into ultra advanced energy collection.

Anyone who believes that crap is lunatic fringe from the start.

Someone puts out a lunatic fringe theory and you figure, without a gram of critical thinking, 'They must be onto something here'' and ...[text shortened]... ieces of anything but rock.

So to believe otherwise puts you squarely in the lunatic fringe.
According to your research, what does science conclude relative to Giza's purpose or application by the ancients?


Gilding is great but electroplating is even better, you know, when you want proof you aren't rabble.


Originally posted by @freakykbh
According to your research, what does science conclude relative to Giza's purpose or application by the ancients?
Watching YouTube videos and reading blogs isn't the same as "research."


Originally posted by @kazetnagorra
Watching YouTube videos and reading blogs isn't the same as "research."
What does your research--- outside of YouTube videos and blog reading--- lead you to conclude was the purpose of the Giza pyramid?

Bonus points for the sources you cite.


Originally posted by @freakykbh
What does your research--- outside of YouTube videos and blog reading--- lead you to conclude was the purpose of the Giza pyramid?

Bonus points for the sources you cite.
It matters little what sources he or anyone else with a real head on their shoulders, what they cite, since you 'know' the purpose of the pyramids.

I'm surprised you didn't point out another lunatic fringe trying to show the ancient Mayan's had interstellar travel, based on rock drawings of people with circles around their heads.

You watch video's by people with unknown motives and fall for them hook line and sinker, just another instance of your lack of critical thinking.

You simply believe anything that flies in the face of common sense.

Why don't YOU provide a scientific study published in peer reviewed science journals about the true energy gathering devices in the pyramids?

Of course, you can't so you are just satisfied being just another troll passing off BS as if it were real, just deride anyone's statements or explanations since you have ZERO of your own, only the BS video's you tout as genuine science.

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Originally posted by @freakykbh
What does your research--- outside of YouTube videos and blog reading--- lead you to conclude was the purpose of the Giza pyramid?

Bonus points for the sources you cite.
My research does not concern ancient pyramids.

1 edit

Originally posted by @freakykbh
What does your research--- outside of YouTube videos and blog reading--- lead you to conclude was the purpose of the Giza pyramid?

Bonus points for the sources you cite.
To glorify Pharaoh Khufu.

Source - the Great Pyramid at Gaza, written in heiroglyphs


Originally posted by @kazetnagorra
My research does not concern ancient pyramids.
Unless you have something else to bring to the table, it appears you have no skin in the game and your opinion on the topic is irrelevant.

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