In the last 30 pages ( that's some 900 threads ) of the GF, VR has only created 4 threads, so that means he's a bit of a hi-jacker and definately King of the Trolls. Given that, I was thinking would it be possible for the thread creator to carry their 'ignore list' through to the threads that they create, only theirs, in an attempt to rid us of this annoying twerp.
That would mean that anyone on the OP's 'ignore' would be prohibited from posting in that thread or any other he/she created. Speculative I know, but no prizes for guessing which member would be top of most 'ignore' lists ? That would also mean that if VR wanted to continue with his proliferations then he would need to create his own threads and the rest of the site could then decide if we thought those threads worthy enough to contribute, making it our choice instead of his. It would certainly change the 'energy' if nothing else ?
Dont know how much code work would be needed or if it's possible at all ?
Good idea ? bad idea ? What all you think ?
Originally posted by skeeterTry "Old Idea".
In the last 30 pages ( that's some 900 threads ) of the GF, VR has [b]only created 4 threads, so that means he's a bit of a hi-jacker and definately King of the Trolls. Given that, I was thinking would it be possible for the thread creator to carry their 'ignore list' through to the threads that they create, only theirs, in an attemp ...[text shortened]... if it's possible at all ?
Good idea ? bad idea ? What all you think ?
Thread 128784
Originally posted by PhlabibitSorry Phlabs. Didn't relise you'd already broached this and didn't mean to steal your thunder but given the recent 'tirades' from 'you know who' perhaps it needs re-visiting ?
Try "Old Idea".
Thread 128784
Originally posted by Daemon SinYou don't find this feature 'useful' because you only post every 2 to 5 days, and rarely create a new thread. Don't get me wrong, you're an active poster and always level headed but not really worth being trolled to death like some of us.
Or, you could just accept the fact that these are public forums and anyone is allowed to post in them and then have the integrity and maturity to CHOOSE not to read or respond to messages from people you dislike.
It's a public forum, for sure... but some users are creating threads only to have a couple individuals de-rail them with their constant 'blow-hardedness'. I don't see a problem with this site idea, so long as the OP doesn't abuse the feature to make accusations about a user who can NOT post in the thread.
You got that?
Originally posted by skeeterYou probably missed it because it was in the past 515 days or so. Also, there is no problem with re-visiting it... just needed to find my original to let you know this is a good idea in my mind.
Sorry Phlabs. Didn't relise you'd already broached this and didn't mean to steal your thunder but given the recent 'tirades' from 'you know who' perhaps it needs re-visiting ?
The problem with this is that VR will then initiate another "them against me" campaign, when he finds out he is unable to post in several threads started by several different users. You would then get attacked constantly in the threads he was able to post in, if you also posted in that thread.
I say just ban him from posting and be done with it.
Originally posted by Daemon SinWhat, be an adult? No! That would never do.
Or, you could just accept the fact that these are public forums and anyone is allowed to post in them and then have the integrity and maturity to CHOOSE not to read or respond to messages from people you dislike.
(Sarcasm aside, it's more like: that would never work...)
Originally posted by skeeterA solidarity "Please don't feed the troll" generally works in a thread of some substance. If people didn't respond to trolls, then they would get bored and go away.
In the last 30 pages ( that's some 900 threads ) of the GF, VR has [b]only created 4 threads, so that means he's a bit of a hi-jacker and definately King of the Trolls. Given that, I was thinking would it be possible for the thread creator to carry their 'ignore list' through to the threads that they create, only theirs, in an attemp ...[text shortened]... if it's possible at all ?
Good idea ? bad idea ? What all you think ?
I am not in favour of your suggestion.
Listen Up!
What the Hell makes Skeeter, Phlabs, Adramforall or anyone else better than any other person here that posts.
I could say they are trolls which they are and be right in saying so. Is it because they have a small group of followers that makes them better than other trolls. I could go on and name other posters all of who have posted in here and more, who have not posted here YET.
Sounds like the old sandbox when we were kids....We don't like that person so we won't let them play with us. I pay to play in the Sandbox, same as the rest of you that are crying about me.
Try respecting others and you may get respected back, in fact the odds are greater, than lets get rid of Very Rusty!
Looks like getting rid of Grampy Bobby has worked...I hope you are all proud of yourselves.
Thats All Folks
Originally posted by skeeterLet me explain something to you, this is for site ideas.
Well look who dropped in and without even an invitation. A rare foray into the 'site ideas' for you - seems there's no getting away from a troll.
Go away and start your own threads VR and keep out of ours.
Not for your personal vendetta.
You would accomplish far more by showing your expertise in chess in the "Chess Forum", you do know how to get to it?
We are all looking forward to seeing some of your Over The Board Games. I am sure it will be a great learning experience for us all.
When you OWN the SITE...LOL... Then I'll do what you say, untill then you're just one of peasants like the rest of us Sweety.