Sandbagging and Collusion

Sandbagging and Collusion

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santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
28 Mar 17

Originally posted by roma45
So no point in playing low rated clans

No amnesty
not if you want to advance quickly
challenges still can be made for the enjoyment of chess
I think this new system will be better
in the old system all points were equal
at least this new calculation rewards the clans who challenge better clans



02 Aug 07
28 Mar 17

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Thankyou, oh how difficult it is for reality to make any inroads.

It appears to me to be based on two factors, the win to loss ratio of the challenge and the clans relative ratings. Look at this here

Clan challenge 285913

Spinning stars v The Be Happy clan
10-3 in favour of the spinning stars
Spinning stars were lower rated but not overtly ...[text shortened]... n lowly rated clans and no matter how much you win by you will get hardly anything for doing it.
Where did you get these numbers? Pulled them from where the sun don't shine, no doubt.


26 Aug 07
28 Mar 17
2 edits

Originally posted by my2sons
Where did you get these numbers? Pulled them from where the sun don't shine, no doubt.
umm they are given at the bottom of the clan challenges linked to - man you are sooooo dumb.


31 May 12
29 Mar 17

Originally posted by roma45
Again simple question you fail to answer
How do you know he was not being told what to do
Collision in a on line chess site not really anarchy more of a sad little boy syndrome
I don't know, and it would not matter if I did. The clan system is a mess, that is the issue, not whether anyone told anyone to do something.

st johnstone

14 Nov 09
29 Mar 17

Originally posted by lemondrop
not if you want to advance quickly
challenges still can be made for the enjoyment of chess
I think this new system will be better
in the old system all points were equal
at least this new calculation rewards the clans who challenge better clans
A real good point but would the higher rated clan accept the challenge? They can only lose ratings and will gain nothing few would take the risk
Badger is spot on stagnation would set in

st johnstone

14 Nov 09
29 Mar 17

Originally posted by moonbus
I don't know, and it would not matter if I did. The clan system is a mess, that is the issue, not whether anyone told anyone to do something.
You said mctayto followed no orders
How you don't know
The clans are in a mess because a few did collusion even Russ has said so
Start by removing the rotten apples points rollback and clan suspensions

No amnesty


31 May 12
29 Mar 17

Originally posted by roma45
You said mctayto followed no orders
How you don't know
The clans are in a mess because a few did collusion even Russ has said so
Start by removing the rotten apples points rollback and clan suspensions

No amnesty
The clan system was flawed before collusion got going; some people just did not want to see that (and some still don't). Collusion made it so obvious it could no longer be ignored.

Stop making it personal. It's not about McT or Robbie or anyone in particular. It's about identifying and correcting flaws in the system.


31 May 12
29 Mar 17

Originally posted by mghrn55
Exactly !!
He hasn't said what that number means.
The risk here is that clan rating may turn out to be a meaningless number .
And that would kill the clan feature.

I just clearly stated that 2 clans can set up a balanced challenge in terms of player strength that yield badly unbalanced risk/reward scenarios for each clan.

There is a problem with that.
Maybe some test challenges with pre-arranged results could be played to see how Russ's clan rating reacts. Up-front benign collusion, if you will.

st johnstone

14 Nov 09
29 Mar 17

Originally posted by moonbus
The clan system was flawed before collusion got going; some people just did not want to see that (and some still don't). Collusion made it so obvious it could no longer be ignored.

Stop making it personal. It's not about McT or Robbie or anyone in particular. It's about identifying and correcting flaws in the system.
It's not personal just want to see integrity returned to chess
A good start would be punishing those involved that would send a message to everyone else
Points removal
Clan suspensions it's happening before just make future threats more severe that will stop it if not boot anyone who continues
The old system was unfair but just needs a few changes to the scoring system
The Elo will not help clans will not risk playing games against clans lower than them leading to stagnation
Many good ideas on here but get lost in the constant stream of Robbies daft posts the smoke and mirror champion he wants the Elo so he can continue to cheat

No amnesty

Fun, fun fun!!

On the beach

26 Aug 06
29 Mar 17

Originally posted by moonbus
The clan system was flawed before collusion got going; some people just did not want to see that (and some still don't). Collusion made it so obvious it could no longer be ignored.

Stop making it personal. It's not about McT or Robbie or anyone in particular. It's about identifying and correcting flaws in the system.
Dear Russ,

Can we get an update on the next steps to fix the clan system.

The last one seems to be a bomb so I expect the more important ones such as getting rid of the colluding clans and rolling back points etc are still to come.

This seems to be a very slow process. I have continued to pay my subscription fee with the expectation that last years debacle will be addressed and amended so that people who solely play clan games did not waste their money, and something will be done to stop carrobie and co completely farking up another year.

I feel that if this issue is not addressed more suitably in the near future there will be a case for people like myself to request refunds for the past 2 years. Patience is wearing thin with some people.......myself excepted of course

Please let us know what is happening as your silence at the moment is deafening !!


26 Aug 07
29 Mar 17
1 edit

Originally posted by moonbus
Maybe some test challenges with pre-arranged results could be played to see how Russ's clan rating reacts. Up-front benign collusion, if you will.
Indeed i would be happy to participate although I think I have already provided an example which contrasts how little is to be gained by winning large challenges against much lower rated clans. My only concern at present is that sandbagging has not been talked about much. An ELO system could potentially be exploitable by sandbaggers


26 Aug 07
29 Mar 17

Originally posted by radioactive69
Dear Russ,

Can we get an update on the next steps to fix the clan system.

The last one seems to be a bomb so I expect the more important ones such as getting rid of the colluding clans and rolling back points etc are still to come.

This seems to be a very slow process. I have continued to pay my subscription fee with the expectation that last ...[text shortened]... of course

Please let us know what is happening as your silence at the moment is deafening !!
yawn same old drivel, no solutions to anything.


26 Aug 07
29 Mar 17

Originally posted by roma45
It's not personal just want to see integrity returned to chess
A good start would be punishing those involved that would send a message to everyone else
Points removal
Clan suspensions it's happening before just make future threats more severe that will stop it if not boot anyone who continues
The old system was unfair but just needs a few changes to the ...[text shortened]... t posts the smoke and mirror champion he wants the Elo so he can continue to cheat

No amnesty
nothing worth seeing here folks, same old drivel.


26 Aug 07
29 Mar 17

Originally posted by moonbus
The clan system was flawed before collusion got going; some people just did not want to see that (and some still don't). Collusion made it so obvious it could no longer be ignored.

Stop making it personal. It's not about McT or Robbie or anyone in particular. It's about identifying and correcting flaws in the system.
Thankyou the voice of reason. One gets the feeling that you are casting fine pearls before swine.

17 Jun 08
29 Mar 17

This thread is disintegrating a bit, but there were some very good suggestions

- every game in a challenge counts

- no negative points, you get a point for each game you win, no point in resigning

Regarding ELO

- it's a good system, but perhaps it's being applied at the wrong level

- each player should have clan rating, uncoupled from their site rating, based on ELO

- we all start at 1200, so we have a clean slate

- this would effectively nullify any prior rating management or manipulation

- do away with the 'within 200 points' pairing rule, it's not needed with ELO

- this may help to address the possibility of stagnation